Aquaponic Expermint Test 1


Well-Known Member
aqua1.jpgaqua2.jpgaqua3.jpg I wanted to give it a go at aquaponics.
Iam using a 10 gal fishtank, with 5 med tiger barbs 6 ghost shrimp 1 of the poly somethings sucker fish.
The plant is in a small pot drill with holes filled with growstones that sits in a foldgers coffee container. I have a pump thats always on moving the aquarium water to the coffer container that has a drain about halfway up the container with slashes back into the aquarium. The aquarium has a normal fish carbon filter in it. I am going to change the coffee container to a home depot bucket to finish to plant off in, and change the drain to a homemade bell siphon. I know that plant has some issues, was topping tank off with ro water, had high ph and no minerals thats norm in the tap so I dropped the ph added some bacteria and tap bubbled out.
But its working, I want to move on up to talapia and shrimp, and vermicompost teas in a multi plant bed maybe after this is done. Or more expermenting first. Anyone else currently got a aquaponic system going to give some pointers?
Been researching aquaponics for a friend. He wants to do pure organic hydro. I found the fish poop and uria don't produce enough minerals for flowering plants. Thought maybe having larger net pots filled with a soil mix. Let the tank do the rest. If you use vermicompost that should cover the minerals..

I'm subbed for this one for sure. I hope you have good results.

happy growing.
Keep in mind that your carbon filter is taking out the stuff you want your plant to get. In true aquaponics, the veggie garden IS the filter; it removes nutrients (fish crap) from the water to make it once again safe for fish. The fish then crap in it and make it once again healthy for plants.

I think your plant will be happier if you ditch the carbon filter. For the sake of your fish, DON'T do this until you have thoroughly researched the topic.
hey just so you know you can but organic fish tank plant food its organic too. im def looking into this and gonna set up a fish tank again just for it(got sick of cleaning the last one after ten years. and as far as the fishtank plant food im sure youd be fine in veg without it but in flower you could very well use it. and you can tweek your fish' feed to adjust there byproducts too your plants needs. exp feeding higher protien diet will increase nitrates. and feeding earthworms will increase minreals and nutes ect ect. theres a few sites online ive been reading seems too be legit.
Looking good sir, I have been researching into aquaponics myself. I have a large piece of property and I am trying to set up my greenhouse to run off a moat style system. a large plastic container would work too especially if using tilapia you'll need a larger tank.
I run a hydro shop with a 275 gal IBC, I have like 20ish small catfish and about 40 goldfish, I need more or bigger fish. It has 4x4 grow bed thats on a bell siphon that is constantly flood and draining and then it has 4x8 120 site floating raft system. I have the whole system loaded with red romaine lettuce. My first attempt resulted in stunted plants. Then I got the catfish and put a super large air stone 3foot round oxyshield air stone on a commercial air 3 air pump, and now have two large air pumps in the 275 gal ibc with the fish seems to be working really good this round.
This is an awesome topic. Check out this link for a company near me that does aquaponics. They build set ups. It might give you guys some ideas.

Sent from Northern Colorado.

this is not my photo or garden, next i want something more like this.the last pic is using 3 different types of aquaponic systems. For those of you interested theres a place on FB thats is doing free webinars on learning how to grow aquaponicly. Im really surprised there are more people in here with full grows aquaponicly. Seems like great potential.
catfish, talapia, bass, trout, bluegill, koi, goldies, shrimp, crawdads. some fish are going to be way easier than others.
Interesting thread. Subbed for sure . I gotta spare 10 gallon tank setup I might give this a go. Keep it coming.
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Has bigger roots than i expected. There is no airstone in the system, air is just from the places water falls. Coming across a few issues, its been real hot here lately 90+ that with the evap of the system(not sealed very well). I have been having to add water too often. at least i feel that way.
Its into flower now, about 2 weeks in. seems to be doing fine, stacking nodes and plenty of pistils. will post some pics later.
Its into flower now, about 2 weeks in. seems to be doing fine, stacking nodes and plenty of pistils. will post some pics later.

I just found this thread, I'm looking into aquaponics myself. I want to start with veg and see if I can keep everybody alive before I get fancy.

Really like that root pic, it goes on for days!