Pre-flower or just new growth?


Well-Known Member
Haha i couldnt do that to my girls even if i needed to. Im wanting a couchlock chillax kind of high so im aiming for abit more than onlt cloudy maybe 50 percent amber

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Well-Known Member
Felt like adding more pics of them and my other wee grow op if youd call it that. What happened was i germinated more seeds than i needed lol so i was like meh myt aswell see what happens and so far theres only 1 male out of the 4 plants in the polystyrefoam box and the small ones in the cube trays are clones my first crack at it and infact out of 6 there are 4 good o es and the other 2 ive sort of just given up on and left outside bcoz theyve gone all yellow and shit looking. Ps as soon as the clones rooted i chucked em under my led setup under 1212 as an experiment to see how small i could get a plant to flower wvwn if it only produces .2 grams of bud

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Well-Known Member
Sorry forgot to add pics lol

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In the 5th pic you myt be thinking wtf ia that mad ass locking bud well thats what happened when i topped a week i to flowering lol a huge build up of bud. Im so suprised at how much of the lower buds have grown and gotten fatter and frostier. Seems luke everyday that passes these bitches have more snow on em

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Finaly got a close up of the trichs. Its hard to take a steady pic. My hand moving makes them look cloudy but after checking again they are all clear with a few slightly cloudy

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Well-Known Member
What do you guys think of the trichs? Cloudy or clear.

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So check this wee nug out, ti y as fuck i know but should get me high i think. I found it hiding under all the top leaves not getting much if any light and checked the trichs and notice that specific nug had most milky and maybe 20% clear so i chopped it off. As the scale shows its about .40 of a gram and pritty frosty for such a wee nuggy. I put it in an open pill container and into the hot water cylinder cupboard to dry out and ill re weigh it tonight and then if it feels dry enuf ill pop it in my small and clean baby food jar for curing if its even needed lol. Hope it works bcoz im sooo keen to try these 2 plabts. Its funny actualy, they are both from the same plant/bag seed abd were planted at the exact same time yet the one seems to be farther along that the other. Ones still packed with whitey yellowish hairs and the others almost completely full of red hairs. Good for me bcoz i wanna harvest one when its milky and the other when its mostly amber for that sweet couch lock i cant be fuckd doing shit high

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Well-Known Member
Quik question to those of you who may be browsing. If i were to make tea from this bud would it have to be dried and cure or can i make the tea with the nug straight from the plant/wet

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Well-Known Member
I would smoke a fatty and relax. Give it a few more days. No reason not too.
I concur I just did. I don't even switch till she's around 4ft tall then we go to work. LOL I just let mine sit change water out once a week to maintain temps. lil organic food and bam oh yeah lil 230watts too. This is day 12 From a stripped dead Clone i savedIMG_3544.jpg IMG_3505.jpg IMG_3544.jpg



Well-Known Member
Quik question to those of you who may be browsing. If i were to make tea from this bud would it have to be dried and cure or can i make the tea with the nug straight from the plant/wet

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Well-Known Member
Damn son who needs some hermie pollen haha. Found this in my other grow today so decided to chop before this shit spreads.

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