So check this wee nug out, ti y as fuck i know but should get me high i think. I found it hiding under all the top leaves not getting much if any light and checked the trichs and notice that specific nug had most milky and maybe 20% clear so i chopped it off. As the scale shows its about .40 of a gram and pritty frosty for such a wee nuggy. I put it in an open pill container and into the hot water cylinder cupboard to dry out and ill re weigh it tonight and then if it feels dry enuf ill pop it in my small and clean baby food jar for curing if its even needed lol. Hope it works bcoz im sooo keen to try these 2 plabts. Its funny actualy, they are both from the same plant/bag seed abd were planted at the exact same time yet the one seems to be farther along that the other. Ones still packed with whitey yellowish hairs and the others almost completely full of red hairs. Good for me bcoz i wanna harvest one when its milky and the other when its mostly amber for that sweet couch lock i cant be fuckd doing shit high
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