Guerilla Bust ! California, USA


Well-Known Member
how the hell do they get 7thousand plus plants in there ?? thats alot of damn work, digging and maintaining... lol


Well-Known Member
DAMN ..another one goes down...I guess they didnt catch anyone tho...Thats the only good news....


Active Member
:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock: thats a lot of plants

even though i hope this "[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Ralph W. Partridge" dies of AIDS while having cancer in his balls, i do gotta admit that they cut down a lot of forest to put up this grow op. o well, u gotta burn grown trees to grow trees to burn i guess...


Well-Known Member
i love how they are alway finding these massive grows and the are never catching the people that are working on them. shows how much the dea actually cares, they just want there funding so they can sit on there ass all day when they should be out catching all the meth heads


Well-Known Member
I know a simple way to keep people from destroying national forests, let people grow on all the vacant farmland that seems to be all over this country.


Well-Known Member
those bastards. why must they bust our ops? do they not understand we will not be stopped? stopping one big grow is just like chopping the head off a hydra or topping a plant for that matter. we will just GROW MORE. the DEA can eat the DICK!!!!


Well-Known Member
but if we used that land then the government could pay farmers to NOT grow things.
Damn, you are right, they got a sweet thing going. Imagine all the money they could get if they could lease it out to growers. Then as a nation we could spend it on the war! Or use it to set up more time lapse cameras to watch the glaciers melt instead of building a huge ass deep freeze and just leave the door open on it.