not happy with the decision, but america is america.
just feel bad for the poor women (literally, they are often poor) who will have to endure these blathering shitbots when they're not even going to get abortions or anything, just medical care.
I genuinely feel for those women. I have accompanied females many times to women's clinics. I was an ER nurse for some time. I was certified for post rape care and assistance with the forensic medical examination.
The last time I went to a clinic was with one of my best friends. It must have been her lucky day, there was a group of ten protesters waiting about ten feet outside my car door for us. They yelled, shouted, then threw a filled drink cup at her, it fell short luckily. She was already very emotionally savaged, these protestors did not help any. Their signs had distasteful slogans and statements.
I understand those feels very well.
Unfortunately the way that states have been going about it is wrong.
I dislike people being able to be outside women's clinics and protest, unfortunately it is their right.
Some people dislike it when others burn the American flag. I actually find it very distasteful.
They get to do that.
I support their right but dislike their message.
I believe fiercely in personal liberties, we cannot allow them to be chipped away . . . be it for good or bad.
A ruling in the other direction would have made a precedent that could have very negative repercussions. The supreme court's own 'buffer zone' could be an exceptional example.
Government creep is real. Not because the government itself is 'evil' but because it has been abused and twisted by power hungry politicians and the corporations who own/operate them.
Politicians and parties will use every little imperfection to eventually rid us of our rights in their pursuit of the almighty dollar.
The Great American Experiment.
I am a bit of an idealist really.