Use of the word "nigger"


Well-Known Member
So, I have a feeling im opening up a can with this one, but it is a really interesting topic i think should be discussed.

What is your opinion of the use of this word? When starting this thread I hesitated to even post the actual word in the title and star it out, but this is for discussion purposes.

Lets hear your opinions, is it right for non-blacks to use this word?

is it hypocritical for blacks to use the word and expect other races not too? Im not going to begin with input, im hoping this'll be an intelligent discussion/debate. Debate on friends:blsmoke:
i think the word is just our culture today weather people like it or not. people throw it around like any other word. doesnt make it right but it happens.
So, I have a feeling im opening up a can with this one, but it is a really interesting topic i think should be discussed.

What is your opinion of the use of this word? When starting this thread I hesitated to even post the actual word in the title and star it out, but this is for discussion purposes.

Lets hear your opinions, is it right for non-blacks to use this word?

is it hypocritical for blacks to use the word and expect other races not too? Im not going to begin with input, im hoping this'll be an intelligent discussion/debate. Debate on friends:blsmoke:
It's an ugly and hateful word.

I understand why the brothers use the term, but I disagree with its use in any context.

Why is it that certain words are okay for some people to employ, but racist for others?
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I use the word for white,black what ever. I use it instead of saying dumn ass or fuck nuts or stupid.
This is a topic better left untouched, but I'll put in my 2 cents anyway. Being white as the driven snow, I'll never know the hatred and bigotry associated with that word being directed at me. I'm sure I'd not like it and find it very disturbing if I were black. The Blacks calling each other that name has different significance to them than whitey calling them that. I think even most Blacks are beginning to see the detriment of using that name and we as a society should fold it up and put it to rest. As I've said before on this site, My wifes best friends daughter has a half black little girl and she is the sweetest thing you can imagine. Her skin is very dark for a white and very light for a black, it is a beautiful brown color and she is absolutely gorgeous. I think the best way for the races to get over their differences is to intermix and one day we'll all be a beautiful brown color. If you are a rascist, then I say you're an ignorant asshole. I've been mistakenly called that on this site before for being angered at the rich jewish owners of our society. They are white BTW and it has nothing to do with race other than the rich owners of our society happen to be mostly Jews and it is Jews that start most of the shit on the planet. If it were greeks then I'd be pissed at the rich greeks that rule the world, Pick any group that rules the world and I'd be pissed at them, they've fucked it up gloriously.
Im white and use to call my friends nigga all the time, it was very common for someone to be described as "my nigga" back then. Of coarse Ive grow up and dont listen to the rap music as much (yes, Im blamming the mass exploitation of the word nigga on rap music) I dont use the word anymore as I learned some people, black or white still find the word hatefull regardless of how often its heard in music and movies.
Originally Posted by ViRedd That word isn't in my vocabulary.

ViIt has to be. U cant deny its place in history. History classes in highschool who skip this are feeding into ignorance

I don't deny its place in history at all. In fact, in Mark Twain's book, Huckleberry Finn, the word is used throughout to describe the runaway slave "Jim." That's why America's politically correct police have banned the book from public view. Oddly enough, "Nigger Jim" was the most principled person in the book. Far more principled than most of the PC police ever thought of being.

And I still contend that the word isn't in my vocabulary. In other words, I acknowledge that the word exists, I just don't use it.

Its all about context

I have black friends who call me this frequently, im not black and it doesnt bother me (and yes im fully aware of the historical implications)


"what did he say in that song?"

"Dont mess with a Nigga"

Thats ok

"your a nigger"

not ok

i guess this debate is obvious in where its heading
1st Amendment. I find the word every bit as offensive as when I hear someone refer to a woman as a "cunt", but they have the right to use the term. As for me, I do not use such terms.
1st Amendment. I find the word every bit as offensive as when I hear someone refer to a woman as a "cunt", but they have the right to use the term. As for me, I do not use such terms.
That dagger cuts both ways. We have the right under the First Amendment to challenge offensive speech whenever we are presented with it.
That dagger cuts both ways. We have the right under the First Amendment to challenge offensive speech whenever we are presented with it.
Sure does, but regardless, everyone involved is protected by the 1st Amendment.

I was the founder of a former forum where I insisted upon free speech. One of the members used the term "nigger" quite" liberally. One of my moderators, a self avowed liberal, asked me to censor him and/or ban him. I refused to do either and cited his right to use the term. Said moderator ended up resigning his post and leaving the forum as was his right.

I grew up as the only white kid in my neighborhood. I was used to being called "oakie" as it was used to describe me and my family quite frequently. Our windows were busted out with rocks thrown through (once my sister was covered in glass while she slept) and our tires were slashed. I know racism quite intimately.
people can say whatever they want whenever they want, having been raised in nyc across the street from the projects I heard people saying nigger(a) my whole life, I have never in my life heard anyone use it negatively (in nyc) I see it used negativly in places where their are almost no blacks by people who havnt seen very many black people in their lives and probably never even had a black friend. So the blacks raised nowadays in big cities dont relate or understand the hatred and negativity many white people associate with the word, because the word simply isn't used by (adault) white people in the city, kids on the other hand you will see all races of kids saying nigga. racial slurs mean nothing here its pretty cool, we have asians calling people gooks and chinks blacks saying nigger, whites saying cracker polish people saying poll, and japanese people calling bottle rockets jap rockets! which I happen to find pretty funny

going off topic, their is no difference between the word nigger and nigga, the only reason people ever started saying nigga is because they were raised in cities like new yourk where people dont believe in putting er or ing at the end of words thats it, plain and simple.
and further more the word nigger didnt really have anything to do with black people, while it is likely the term originated from the country Niger, a nigger is nothing more than an ignorant person, regardless of race or cultural upbringing.
and yes the word cracker can be used without hard fealings its a pretty popular word here, and nobody gives a fuck!!! crazy crakas! see theirs that er thing again, next thing people will say saying cracka is respectfull but cracker is a terrible word :P

and lets not forget a word is only as powerful as we alow it to get, it gets its power and meaning from us, do I need to bring up the whole canadian thing? where suposedly people were using the word canadian inplace of nigger, nomatter what word they replace it with it still has the meaning of the oringinal word and thus we shouldnt give a fuck because somones always going to fuck it up for the rest of us and do somthing and shit will definetly happen, i'll be crazzy, you'll all see, trust me, its happning right now... behind you!

and for some reason new york dosnt feel the word nigger is protected by freedom of speach and you can be fined for saying it

If you have made it through my stoned as fuck babaln good for you! you a now that much stronga than the rest of them :P no seriously though, how did you do it?
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NIGGER IS ALLGUD! its just a fucking word if niggers have a problem with it they should go fuck themselves
people can say whatever they want whenever they want, having been raised in nyc across the street from the projects I heard people saying nigger(a) my whole life, I have never in my life heard anyone use it negatively (in nyc) I see it used negativly in places where their are almost no blacks by people who havnt seen very many black people in their lives and probably never even had a black friend. So the blacks raised nowadays in big cities dont relate or understand the hatred and negativity many white people associate with the word, because the word simply isn't used by (adault) white people in the city, kids on the other hand you will see all races of kids saying nigga. racial slurs mean nothing here its pretty cool, we have asians calling people gooks and chinks blacks saying nigger, whites saying cracker polish people saying poll, and japanese people calling bottle rockets jap rockets! which I happen to find pretty funny

going off topic, their is no difference between the word nigger and nigga, the only reason people ever started saying nigga is because they were raised in cities like new yourk where people dont believe in putting er or ing at the end of words thats it, plain and simple.
and further more the word nigger didnt really have anything to do with black people, while it is likely the term originated from the country Niger, a nigger is nothing more than an ignorant person, regardless of race or cultural upbringing.
and yes the word cracker can be used without hard fealings its a pretty popular word here, and nobody gives a fuck!!! crazy crakas! see theirs that er thing again, next thing people will say saying cracka is respectfull but cracker is a terrible word :P

and lets not forget a word is only as powerful as we alow it to get, it gets its power and meaning from us, do I need to bring up the whole canadian thing? where suposedly people were using the word canadian inplace of nigger, nomatter what word they replace it with it still has the meaning of the oringinal word and thus we shouldnt give a fuck because somones always going to fuck it up for the rest of us and do somthing and shit will definetly happen, i'll be crazzy, you'll all see, trust me, its happning right now... behind you!

and for some reason new york dosnt feel the word nigger is protected by freedom of speach and you can be fined for saying it

If you have made it through my stoned as fuck babaln good for you! you a now that much stronga than the rest of them :P no seriously though, how did you do it?

I dont think it could be put any better

NIGGER IS ALLGUD! its just a fucking word if niggers have a problem with it they should go fuck themselves

I think your the same one CFL per plant with glowsticks moron who posted hateful things in the chicks thread
