Use of the word "nigger"

After it is all said and done, one may still go to the public square and shout the n-word to the top of your lungs and not fear being hauled off by the thought police.

One must contend with the fallout stemming from that very public action. Anyone is free to use their voice to disagree. However, offer a rebuttal in the form of a fist smashing the mouth saying the n-word, and guess who goes to jail?

"fighting words" is still on the books in most places.
let me just say that i personally love the word "nigger". it can be a lot of fun to say as long your not using it around the wrong people.
the word as defined by Websters means: a person with low moral charecter, a charleton, a scammer, and carpetbagger if you will

I know many of them, but only a small number of them are of black decent. infact a few of the most useless ones i met were some trash ass white supremists. talk about a worthless human.

BUT with RAP Music so PROFOUNDLY ruled by the word, I honestly DONT THINK ANYONE has a right to say I CANT use the word as a whiteman. if black man can call another black man a nigger, it really shows their total lack of respect for their own humanity, and their ethnicity imo. Its a word like any other word, but is surrounded with the STIGMA of being a disrespectfull term used to describe Black People. much the same way Marijunana is surrounded with the STIGMA of being a Illicit DRUG Only a criminal would use.

two different words, but blatantly pulled out of context, but both used in great numbers.

Its a word. IF i where a black man, i would like to think anyone using the word was describing a human that is a piece of shit, with little to no morals, like say a Pedifile is. it doesnt matter what race a pedifile is, he/she is a piece of shit human, and being a piece of shit human is what the term Actually means.
It's just an ugly word..

Has anyone been to Alabama and walked in the neighbourhoods where black families live predominately?
Men stand watch all night even today.

So the use of that word still has an ugly implication that insights violence against people.

Then again the English language evolves and it is used by the very people who could have been beaten by those saying it and the attackers wouldn't face arrest but the beaten man would.

For those who do not know terror. The Terror of knowing that even if you call the police your wife still gets raped, your children are at risk even going to church and you could be executed at any moment just walking down the street then using that word against those of color is more than wrong it beyond redemption.
This is kind of an old issue...That being said one of my pet peeves is actually hearing the phrase "the N word". I mean it's no better than bleeps or writing Sh*t. Everytime someone says the "the n word" the actual word nigger just popped up in my head. If it has to be referenced, you might as well say nigger so the rest of us don't have to think it in our head to fill in the gap because you basically just did anyway. "You should never say the N word" "Nword?...Nigger...dammit!"
Let me tell you what happened with Nigga & Nigger, but before I do lets get something straight, The black man is the most imitated and copied creature on GOD's earth, from our walk, our talk, our look, our demeanor EVERYTHING!!!! Think about it this since the schools were integrated, how often do you see white kids giving each other 5's & wearing their pants off their ass, and turning their hats backwards and the list goes on and on and that shit is cool amongst y'all but the few nigga's you see that (dare I say it) "act white" they get rode into the ground in our community so lets not get it twisted white people as a whole have always and always will want to be black

wow Moe, you are SO FULL of yourself. maybe instead of doing stupid shit that got you put in prison, maybe you should of spent that time in lockup in the library reading.

just becaus some fuckhead in a business suit started MARKETING the black culture to the world for a PROFIT, DOESN MEAN every white guy wants to be black. all it means is MONEY IS KING< and the black experience is the latest sale at sears and target.

That is just totally wrong and a major profiling of all white people by what would appear to be an uneducated individual. THAT IS JUST AS RACIST as it would be for me to call any black person anything but black or african american. But i dont buy into the PC world, black is black, white is white, jew is jew, and catholic is a pedifile...

when i see young kids with their hats on sideways, and the waist line of their pants around their knees, i just want to go up, pull their pants the rest of the way down, so they ll fall and hit their head. and hopefully it will knock some fucking sence into their skullz. and i dont give two flying fucks what color they are. Red, Yellow, Green, Black, White Purple.... i see it as a bunch of fucking idiots that exhibit copious amounts of a LACK of self respect, and respect for any human.

when black people call each other nigga or nigger, they are being JUST as disrepectfull to their own humanity as well as their culture, as any piece of shit white supremist is.

and yes i am racist, I FULLY BELIEVE STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDNT BREED< and stupidity doesnt see skin color, it only sees brain matter, or lack there of.......
Ha i ran into a old friend once at the bar he african and huge
anyways hadnt seen in a while and out of the blu i said
holy crap I haven't seen you in a coons age
hahaha he looked at me a cracked up
I've been mistakenly called that on this site before for being angered at the rich jewish owners of our society. They are white BTW and it has nothing to do with race other than the rich owners of our society happen to be mostly Jews and it is Jews that start most of the shit on the planet.


All I can say is WOW. Stop by the headquarters in Mississippi and pick up your KKK membership card. Just because you've got a few conspiracy theories banging around in that empty noggin of yours, doesn't actually justify your obvious prejudice against Jews. You should really seek help.
Yup, same thing with panhead, zipperhead, slant-eye, etc. lol but I laugh when I hear those. I don't take nonsense like that seriously.