bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
Your the one all butthurt my man, I was just pointing out that looks can be deceiving and you call me butt-hurt...lmfao


Well-Known Member
I didn't say my weed was better, just more trichome coverage.
You have to smoke it to know how good it truly is.

Just like some1 new to RIU...polluting the genepool
Your in every thread talking shit, great way to make friends.


Well-Known Member
Meh, nothing I'd be braggin about.
I only dislike your bad attitude...Genuity loves it, you'd fit right in over @ GGG
HA! Let's see what YOUD brag about? OH WAIT?! you can't because of some BS excuse. It's cool. There will always be wannabes :)

AND the funny thing is GGG has some bomb looking pics.... I probably would fit in......

You say your herb is so great but you're so mad still! Might wanna reconsider.


Well-Known Member
The question is, can you roll up + smoke those pics?
You keep saying I'm mad, but you seem to be the angry 1.
Do I seem defensive or eager to prove myself? You do...


Well-Known Member
I didn't say my weed was better, just more trichome coverage.
You have to smoke it to know how good it truly is.

Just like some1 new to RIU...polluting the genepool
Your in every thread talking shit, great way to make friends.
I have REAL friends. Not on the internet. I'm good thanks. I'm in here and Loompa ONLY......Called it like I saw it. You got bootyhurt. It's cool man. I got shit in real life to go do.

Keep dreaming about your "weed so good you gotta try it". Sure buddy. SURE.


Well-Known Member
The question is, can you roll up + smoke those pics?
You keep saying I'm mad, but you seem to be the angry 1.
Hey... At least I posted pics. More than can be said for you..... :(

Honestly, no one else got offended in the first place but you. Like I said It was really cute you defended that guy. I see your kind all the time..... Big tough talker who can't back their shit up. Typical.


Well-Known Member
Check my posts from previous years, I've always had the same "excuse"...
Do you think I'm going to compromise my friends or harvest just to provide you proof?


Well-Known Member
+ I agreed that they look better than that SSDD, but I'm still not going to compromise others just to prove myself. I'm not mad, just find it funny that you care so much.

Anything else?


Well-Known Member
Always had the same excuse = Always been a liar.

Whatever. I've got a hot piece of trim coming over. Catch ya later HomeBWOIIII!


Well-Known Member
From looking @ your pics, I have higher standards.
They do look better than that SSDD, but if you have to turn them into concentrates they must not be as potent as they look.

My fan leaves have more trich. coverage than those pics.
Those buds are small, but nice. what strain?
And we all know that different strains and phenotypes are different... You yourself even said chem lines tend to not be frosty as some others,

Camera quality doesn't always show Trics or the best of Trics or pictures either in general..

Seriously chill fuck out and take it down few notches dude.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, acting like 16 @ 43(I think he is the liar)
I've seen those pictures before posted by some1 else, lemme look around.


Well-Known Member
That sounds easy, I will start with using the smallest drill bit I have.

realy appreciate it TY, and I'm honored & happy to be a friend of a fine gentelman like you.
I try my friend, I can be a dick sometimes too, but I'm working on that :) I usually try to use a decent hole maker, you don't have to worry about stuff falling Out as the soil will settle and growth is easily as good as the fabric pots I bought.


Well-Known Member
And we all know that different strains and phenotypes are different... You yourself even said chem lines tend to not be frosty as some others,

Camera quality doesn't always show Trics or the best of Trics or pictures either in general..

Seriously chill fuck out and take it down few notches dude.
Quoted kindnug but are talking to me? I think?

No beef with anyone in here..... Look back... I made a simple observation that didn't even offend the guy whos PIC it was and kindnug had to puff his chest out and come all aggro on me. I'm simply responding to his attitude and posted pics when questioned. Which he can't do. That's all...

Back to your regularly scheduled smoke sesh. :)