MMPR documenatation not recognized by law enforcement as "legitimate"

Hi everyone,

I'm writing this today to let you know that law enforcement does not recognize MMPR documentation. Anyone is at risk of being arrested and going through what I am currently being forced to undergo.
This is also a detailed account of my experience with Canada's Wonderland Security, York Regional Police, and the York Region Court System.

It all started June 14th, 2014 when my friend and I decided to go to Canada's Wonderland. We arrived at the park, bought our seasons passes and proceeded to walk into the park. The day was going fine and I decided I was going to find somewhere to medicate as my back had started acting up. I proceeded to walk into the smoking section as to my understanding we have a right to medicate/smoke wherever smoking is allowed. Security approached me and had asked me to put out my joint. I informed them I was a medical patient and proceeded to show my prescription bottle, and documents. Security looked at them, and being a little confused by them the two of them called in to speak with their supervisor to seek their next step. After about five minutes of waiting and security watching me finish my joint they had received clearance from their supervisor and told me something to the effect of "ok, you are good to go".

a couple rides and hours later....

We walked outside the park to look for something to eat. I wanted to sit down and relax a bit before leaving to eat. Upon finding a spot on the hill I was medicating and security drove up to the road beneath us, got out and said the same thing the previous security officer was telling me. Same conversation was had except this time when I produced my bottle and documents he handed them back to me and said that was not what was required to show. He described a plastic, green card issued by Health Canada which would have my photo on it. I explained I had no idea what he was talking about and mentioned he might be confusing the card with the pink legal-sized document that was commonly issued under the MMAR. I explained I was under the MMPR and that under the regulations it only requires me to produce the bottle and/or the purchase receipt (I had more than this but still didn't suffice). This is when they had placed me under arrest and brought me to the buildings where they detained me for a couple of hours.

- York Region Police Show Up -
I'm issued a notice from Security that I'm banned from Wonderland for life for committing an illegal activity on private property, and I'm told my seasons pass is no more.
My rights are read by YRP and I am placed under arrest.

- Transferred to YRP Station-
Booked, briefly interviewed, and detained for another 6 hours.
I was transferred to a holding cell in one of York Regions police stations. From there I'm really unsure what took so long but I essentially sat in a cell for the remainder with them checking up on me only a couple times and I never got to finish my conversation with duty council. Part way through they spoke to me about how I obtained my prescription. I explained the process as is to my knowledge. Get your doctor to sign; send signed medical document to the company; company verifies; receive call allowing me to order; receive welcome package which I had everything from on me.
Continuously told that the documents I had are not legit, and anyone could print them off of a computer.

-First Court Date-

Speak with Duty Council. He explains that given my documentation this whole thing should get dropped and I get scheduled next day in hopes for early resolution.

- Second Court Date Next Day-
go speak with Duty Council (different guy today). I explain what the guy yesterday said so he asks to see what documents I would be showing the courts. His immediate response upon seeing the documents is "oh, so I see you've brought me something printed from the internet?". Apparently even the guy who is supposed to be helping me is in disbelief of the documents.
He rescheduled me for later date for me to get further documentation. "What further documentation can I get?" I asked.
the response was not reassuring as he said the prosecutor made mention of a Health Canada certificate and said if I could produce that everything would be dropped.... My only problem is I have never received any documentation. No one is aware of documentation given out through the MMPR LPs and all they are asking for is documentation I cannot get.

As far as I'm concerned ignorance is not an excuse of being above the law, so why is it that those who enforce it can seem to be ignorant of such?

No call was ever made to the emergency number from anyone involved except me to see if such had been done.
In speaking with the representative on the emergency line I asked what they could do to which they sent me a document stating what day my authorization with them was valid from, and till. The only problem with this is the signature is a photocopied one and is not an original so it looks like "something printed from the internet"
You need to forward this story to Conroy. That is completely fucked up.
I am crushed. I used to love Wonderland. Fuck them!

Precedent that shit. Get a lawyer. Sue their pants off. Own Wonderland - and make it weed friendly, all the time.

In all seriousness - that's blowing my mind. I am new to the MMJ, brand new - and that makes my skin crawl.

Why is all this such a secret that no one knows ANYTHING about it, unless they actually need a prescription and look for it themselves?

You could make up some SWEET names for the rides. And re-name the place:

@THCninja, Fuck the Po-Lice.

Or something like that - hahahaha.
simple solution....don't smoke in public...goto your vehicle...don't flaunt your authorization...common sense
NO!!! Are people smoking cigarettes flaunting their right to do so? Is the guy taking a pain pill for his back in the park flaunting his right to possess a narcotic? Why should mmj users be treated as outcasts? It boils down to a stigma surrounding the smell. People need to get over it, the smell is no more dangerous than the perfume grandma's wearing and a whole lot less offensive! I have had this argument with staff on BC Ferries. Smoking in a vehicle in the parking lot puts you at risk for an impaired charge...don't go there!
simple solution....don't smoke in public...goto your vehicle...don't flaunt your authorization...common sense
Ciggerettes are legal and worse, but you don't see those smokers scurrying to hide and smoke, regardless of the proven health affects of secondhand smoke. They get accommodations such as smoking areas...

I'm sorry for the attitude but no it is not common sense to hide something you went through lengths to make sure was legally do as if we should have to hide. We are not ashamed, and we should not feel like we have to hide or feel as such...
NO!!! Are people smoking cigarettes flaunting their right to do so? Is the guy taking a pain pill for his back in the park flaunting his right to possess a narcotic? Why should mmj users be treated as outcasts? It boils down to a stigma surrounding the smell. People need to get over it, the smell is no more dangerous than the perfume grandma's wearing and a whole lot less offensive! I have had this argument with staff on BC Ferries. Smoking in a vehicle in the parking lot puts you at risk for an impaired charge...don't go there!
Hah! I replied to his comment with similar statements, then posted it and continued reading to find your reply.

Right on!
I spoke with Lewin and unfortunately do not have the funds to retain him. Ideally I would like to find a lawyer who can take on the criminal aspect of this case and then maintain the lawyer for the civil case and pay him a % or however it works after.
The Lawyer I'm speaking to for advice at this time is basically telling me get what I can from anyone - doctor, LP, HC. He has also said to go ahead with the Turmel return document and said the other two I asked him about shouldn't be necessary as he sees the charges being dropped without a need for me to file the request.

I will be getting MMPRregulations from HC - highlighting parts that apply to my case,
a Dr note from my Doctor explaining the date he signed the forms - already have notes explaining conditions
From Peace Naturals I will be trying to obtain a copy with an original signature(not digitially inputted) stating the days I am a verified member <-- Only problem is getting through to someone

thats all I can honestly think of to do besides show them what I already have - a bottle, purchase receipt, medical document, and the letter from PN (with digital inputted signature)
Don't sweat it THCninja,i have been through this twice before and i have never had an exemption with MMAR or MMPR,just don't plead guilty and things will work out as soon as you get in front of a judge,i would use John's kit's and file a contempt application against crown and return of pot for starters,they are in the kit.Last August i threatened the crown with contempt and the charges were dropped in a day and a half
I am crushed. I used to love Wonderland. Fuck them!

Precedent that shit. Get a lawyer. Sue their pants off. Own Wonderland - and make it weed friendly, all the time.

In all seriousness - that's blowing my mind. I am new to the MMJ, brand new - and that makes my skin crawl.

Why is all this such a secret that no one knows ANYTHING about it, unless they actually need a prescription and look for it themselves?

You could make up some SWEET names for the rides. And re-name the place:

@THCninja, Fuck the Po-Lice.

Or something like that - hahahaha.

really????....maybe time to look at your crusade...then look at your needs...then get your shit together, grow a few plants...then make a noise...sorry....but your approach to MMJ is a tad suspicious...guess 45 years of smoking makes me a non-truster....good luck tho
Ciggerettes are legal and worse, but you don't see those smokers scurrying to hide and smoke, regardless of the proven health affects of secondhand smoke. They get accommodations such as smoking areas...

I'm sorry for the attitude but no it is not common sense to hide something you went through lengths to make sure was legally do as if we should have to hide. We are not ashamed, and we should not feel like we have to hide or feel as such...

great...we take steps to move want to not hide...I don't either...and believe me...folk in my area know the bud I grow...but I also don't drink beer on a public beach/venue...common sense has left the building....chaos reigns!!!!
NO!!! Are people smoking cigarettes flaunting their right to do so? Is the guy taking a pain pill for his back in the park flaunting his right to possess a narcotic? Why should mmj users be treated as outcasts? It boils down to a stigma surrounding the smell. People need to get over it, the smell is no more dangerous than the perfume grandma's wearing and a whole lot less offensive! I have had this argument with staff on BC Ferries. Smoking in a vehicle in the parking lot puts you at risk for an impaired charge...don't go there!

baby steps Vin...simple...educate folk...don't force your perceived rights...educate...fuck...I'm really starting to think this forum is dysfunctional simply because of "entitlement" kin smoke at my house anytime my grandkids aren't here...if they are, put on your big-boy pants and be discrete (we'll goto the beach )...same as out in public....get it????
Don't sweat it THCninja,i have been through this twice before and i have never had an exemption with MMAR or MMPR,just don't plead guilty and things will work out as soon as you get in front of a judge,i would use John's kit's and file a contempt application against crown and return of pot for starters,they are in the kit.Last August i threatened the crown with contempt and the charges were dropped in a day and a half
When you get your day in court,the first question i would ask the court is"How is the public good being served,by prosecuting me"and if the crown can't come up with a good reason,their fucked
baby steps Vin...simple...educate folk...don't force your perceived rights...educate...fuck...I'm really starting to think this forum is dysfunctional simply because of "entitlement" kin smoke at my house anytime my grandkids aren't here...if they are, put on your big-boy pants and be discrete (we'll goto the beach )...same as out in public....get it????
No, I don't get it. Like you, I have 35+ years of smoking behind me and I've done my share of hiding. The eighties were a bitch! 'Folk" have had enough time to get educated, I am not 'forcing' anything and my right to medicate isn't 'perceived'. I use discretion when needed...I caretake a kids camp!....but the incident we were discussing took place in a smoking area, well away from children. The OP has had his rights violated by Wonderland and the police while engaging in an activity he is legally permitted to do, and you are putting the blame squarely on him? Would you say the same thing if a diabetic needing an insulin injection was accosted under suspicion of using other drugs? If we are ever going to end the stigma of 'reefer madness' and wake the world up to the farce that is prohibition, we need to show that we are not hiding in doorways like junkies.
I h
No, I don't get it. Like you, I have 35+ years of smoking behind me and I've done my share of hiding. The eighties were a bitch! 'Folk" have had enough time to get educated, I am not 'forcing' anything and my right to medicate isn't 'perceived'. I use discretion when needed...I caretake a kids camp!....but the incident we were discussing took place in a smoking area, well away from children. The OP has had his rights violated by Wonderland and the police while engaging in an activity he is legally permitted to do, and you are putting the blame squarely on him? Would you say the same thing if a diabetic needing an insulin injection was accosted under suspicion of using other drugs? If we are ever going to end the stigma of 'reefer madness' and wake the world up to the farce that is prohibition, we need to show that we are not hiding in doorways like junkies.
i honestly don't think I could have possibly said it any better than that.
really????....maybe time to look at your crusade...then look at your needs...then get your shit together, grow a few plants...then make a noise...sorry....but your approach to MMJ is a tad suspicious...guess 45 years of smoking makes me a non-truster....good luck tho

great...we take steps to move want to not hide...I don't either...and believe me...folk in my area know the bud I grow...but I also don't drink beer on a public beach/venue...common sense has left the building....chaos reigns!!!!

Beer is NOT medicine. I don't know if you were talking to me here. I understand the mistrust. It feels like everyone mistrusts someone, especially in the MMJ world.

But HERE? Cant we just trust each-other, just enough, to maybe get something DONE? Maybe figure out - how WE can make a system, that works. Rather than just tearing down this new broken one, without coming up with a solution.

I hate atrocities, and all that fucking bullshit too. But I hate it, with every intention to do WHATEVER I can to change it. Or however much one little sicko Canadian can.

I may be little - but I can be FUCKING LOUD when I wanna be!

Anywho - I am not hiding my "prescription" or "recommendation" or anything.

I think I may call the police in my town actually. And just ask them, what are their policies? I don't care about following bullshit arbitrary rules for a year. I just don't want to go to prison for doing the only thing that has ever helped me be better.

Weed saved my life. It did. And I plan on telling every single person I can. Twice if I have to.
doesn't CBC have "go public" ..... I think so, where ya send in your story and they use it mainstream media .... it broke the foreign workers thing. That's what I would use if I got dicked while playing by the rules.
No fucking way I would stand that injustice if ya had the med bottles with your script on it and the other docs ya got. hell yeah I would sue all parties involved ... maybe even HC for not putting out enough information to police. Although I don't know if ppl can sue in this personal situation, I'm no lawyer.... no fucking doubt Americans could sue hahaha stupid Americans
well...I suppose discretion has left the building...carry on carrying on folks...I'll fight my own battles in my own fashion.....sorry to have disturbed some folk...I'll let this topic rest on my offense meant nor taken....we all have our own opinions...;))
well...I suppose discretion has left the building...carry on carrying on folks...I'll fight my own battles in my own fashion.....sorry to have disturbed some folk...I'll let this topic rest on my offense meant nor taken....we all have our own opinions...;))
Opinions - are needed, especially here. Saying your opinion on something, even if it's different than other people's - is not a bad thing.

Not listening and telling people they are wrong, for having a different opinion than you - is. (I'm not saying that you did this, but people do - often, in life).

I don't know how you feel about this - I didn't read that far back. But it's your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

That being said - if someone starts talking about how "the gays are ruining the world" or something about such and such rainbow coloured-folk are something something...waaaa. Well, I do think they're wrong. Because that's their belief, and they're sticking to it NO MATTER WHAT.

Kevin Smith wrote it best in Dogma (replace "idea" with "opinion", tomato potato)

"Rufus: He still digs humanity, but it bothers Him to see the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism. But especially the factioning of all the religions. He said humanity took a good idea and, like always, built a belief structure on it.

Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good?

Rufus: I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier..."

Well said Mr. Smith, well said....

I welcome opinions, keep 'em comin'!

well...I suppose discretion has left the building...carry on carrying on folks...I'll fight my own battles in my own fashion.....sorry to have disturbed some folk...I'll let this topic rest on my offense meant nor taken....we all have our own opinions...;))
While I wholeheartedly agree that discretion should be the exercised as with any other activity. The point at the core of the case is that the OP has been criminaly charged for something that falls within legal and sanctioned activity.