Use of the word "nigger"

I would like to say it is as easy as that, walking away. Being Black, i've had a guy call me that to my face, and yes i will admit i beat his ass down (but we were literally throwing blows over another topic and he screamed the epithet at me so i slugged him) When the word is used as a term of endearment amongst "us" it's okay, but if the MAN uses it its wrong. While hypercritical, it is exactly that way. I believe that the word was and is a part of American history, just as all the other words used to describe different races are derrigitory. Its a hateful word to use, but African Americans have adopted the very word that Civil Rights' leaders fought against. Its become the fashionable thing to say, until the word slips from the lips of someone who is white then all hell breaks loose. Yeah i would like to see the word slip out of existence before i bring another life into the world, but i doubt it. Its a word that is woven into the fabric of America, but not necessarily tied down to only hurtful things, but to men and women that fought against racial inequality and close-mindedness. Lets just get past all this stupid arguing over color and see this world for what it really is.
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Some speech is not protected.

One cannot yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theater.

One cannot possess child pornography.

If you call someone a provocative epithet with such an ugly history, such as the topic of this thread, you are yelling 'Fire' in the crowded theater. Chaos ensues.

The word is radioactive and should be treated as such.
I disagree vehemently, this is NOTHING like yelling "Fire" in the theater. Would one then say that "fire" should be removed from the linguistic pool because in that context it can bring about harm? You realize that such a thing requires legislation, and once we're going down that slippery slope there's almost no getting back up or stopping the slide.
My badd... Seemed like you were taking a shot... by the way how the rubix cube coming... (Ok I couldn't resist but I'm just messin)
Well.. it's not a cube, that much I can tell you. :lol: I was asking in earnest, I thought it was fascinating that you did time yet might also be an adjudicator. I'm sure you can understand how it piqued my interest.
judge: you are being charged with first degree assault. what is your defense?

you: he called me a bad name.
I think I brought that issue up a few pages back.
Well i am glad its so simple for you hun..... I dont think you could ever really understand were i am comming from though.....
Some of us can, yet still disagree with taking action from a word that derived from "Negro". That's really what it is, an adulteration of negro. Just like barbeque is an adulteration of the word 'barabacoa'. Yes, there is all the other, ALL the other that's associated with it. This woman knows what it's like to be denied entry to a gasoline station bathroom due to the color of her skin, too.

But I still stand firm in my assertion, removing it from the lexicon will undo nothing, will change absolutely NOTHING, and will ultimately bring about harm because it WILL bring about forgetfulness, yet do nothing to curb racism. Your family told you those stories so they wouldn't be forgotten as much as for any other reason.

I bet most folks don't know that when you have horses in herds, living free, that are of a single primary color (Camargue of France) and you add a horse literally of a different color it has been observed that the new, differently colored horse is shunned and sometimes even attacked by the others. Did you know that? Racism in the animal world, it exists.
I know that racism exist, never questioned the fact, still doenst make it right, just cause horses do My point is i dont like the word, i dont embrace it and if someone said it to me we would be fighting...... But i do believe in free speech, just be ready to face consequences...
fdd to blk, you are one of the smartest ppl in here, but ur white right? the reason the black men and women in here always talk about fighting (like i did) and gettin crazy on someone for letting that word slip (like i do) is because being a different skin color causes you grief from uneducated people for no damn reason. I went to a private school in the VERY SOUTHERN part of the united states and dealt with open bigotry and rascism for years. Im not a thug by any means, straight B student (weed makes study time a lil harder lol) respected my mom, ate my vegtables, said my prayers at bedtime. Why was i harassed and persecuted for something out of my control? I was born this color and I will most likely die this color, so why bother me about something i cannot change, becuase your an idiot who just wants to stir up trouble. But on the other side, we hear the word and see the person that is saying the word and all of the sudden you realize that the person that just said that word was saying it in a manner that conveys hatred, and violence. We spring to action before the word can gain momentum among others present and to extenguish any thought of anybody else getting "brave" and saying it too.
I know that racism exist, never questioned the fact, still doenst make it right, just cause horses do My point is i dont like the word, i dont embrace it and if someone said it to me we would be fighting...... But i do believe in free speech, just be ready to face consequences...
Nowhere did I say it's right. I'm saying that it's actually a more natural, basic tendency than people seem to realize. I'm also saying that it is not sufficient reason to move from words to violence.

Did you skip over the bit where I mentioned one of my experiences?
You know, i am really not so sure i would fight, i havent been called that word since i was 15 or so, and i think it was just a war of words at that time too after it was said.... I would want to fight but i dont do jail/prison so i am not so sure.... and i better never ever hear either of my sons use that word in my household to refer to a family member, friend or otherwise or hubby and i will be tag teaming them....
I disagree vehemently, this is NOTHING like yelling "Fire" in the theater. Would one then say that "fire" should be removed from the linguistic pool because in that context it can bring about harm? You realize that such a thing requires legislation, and once we're going down that slippery slope there's almost no getting back up or stopping the slide.
I never advocated eliminating the word 'fire' from everyday use. I said yelling 'Fire!' in a crowded theater is not protected speech: Huge difference.
fdd to blk, you are one of the smartest ppl in here, but ur white right? the reason the black men and women in here always talk about fighting (like i did) and gettin crazy on someone for letting that word slip (like i do) is because being a different skin color causes you grief from uneducated people for no damn reason. I went to a private school in the VERY SOUTHERN part of the united states and dealt with open bigotry and rascism for years. Im not a thug by any means, straight B student (weed makes study time a lil harder lol) respected my mom, ate my vegtables, said my prayers at bedtime. Why was i harassed and persecuted for something out of my control? I was born this color and I will most likely die this color, so why bother me about something i cannot change, becuase your an idiot who just wants to stir up trouble. But on the other side, we hear the word and see the person that is saying the word and all of the sudden you realize that the person that just said that word was saying it in a manner that conveys hatred, and violence. We spring to action before the word can gain momentum among others present and to extenguish any thought of anybody else getting "brave" and saying it too.

I dont buy your logic,the use of the word has not been more prevelant since the 1950's in this country,it's on tv,our kids say it 10,000 times a day,it's in the music kids listen to,if any human can get upset to the point of violence over a word thats one hella unstable adult who needs to do some serious growing up.

The thing is that the word "nigger" used to mean only one thing,now supposedly it means many differnt things which i dont buy one bit,kids see & hear that word all day log,along with all kinds of other racial slurs like whitey,white boy,cracker,honkey,border jumper ect,dont go getting all upset unless your one of the rare people who never uses any of these words cause their all the same.
since were being soo god damned honest, I'm going to take it to a new level, I admit, I at times am very racist, I really dislike hasidic jews, and I'm not such a big fan of real white-bread people, even though I am white and some of my best friends are white :P
now, just because I am racist agains one small sect of a religion and my own race I dont use racial slirs like honky or cracker or anything like that... so where am I going with this? I'm not really sure, lets just see where my high takes me.
now the reason I dislike white people (as a whire person) is because their fucking NUTS!!!!! I mean the white youth is becoming a junkboc generation, its all about how many and how much drugs you can do in one shot, and then drink beer. and possibly go hunting wabbits or some ridiculouse shit!
and I'm not a big fan of hasids because they too are white, and take being a screwy white guy to a whole new level with the odd clothing and curls, and the not tuching money or electrisity on saterdays so they ask me to turn on their ac and buy them a soda!!! not to mention they dont like people that arent hasids (unless its the sabath and you can do things, like buy stuff and tuch light swithches.) and I dont like how whenever they have fundraisers (which is all the time) its always for other hasids, I mean come on were all people, why only help out such a small number of people? thats what really annoys me the most,

now that thats out of the way, sorry white people :P

soo, lets start throwing stones :)
since were being soo god damned honest, I'm going to take it to a new level, I admit, I at times am very racist, I really dislike hasidic jews, and I'm not such a big fan of real white-bread people, even though I am white and some of my best friends are white :P
now, just because I am racist agains one small sect of a religion and my own race I dont use racial slirs like honky or cracker or anything like that... so where am I going with this? I'm not really sure, lets just see where my high takes me.
now the reason I dislike white people (as a whire person) is because their fucking NUTS!!!!! I mean the white youth is becoming a junkboc generation, its all about how many and how much drugs you can do in one shot, and then drink beer. and possibly go hunting wabbits or some ridiculouse shit!
and I'm not a big fan of hasids because they too are white, and take being a screwy white guy to a whole new level with the odd clothing and curls, and the not tuching money or electrisity on saterdays so they ask me to turn on their ac and buy them a soda!!! not to mention they dont like people that arent hasids (unless its the sabath and you can do things, like buy stuff and tuch light swithches.) and I dont like how whenever they have fundraisers (which is all the time) its always for other hasids, I mean come on were all people, why only help out such a small number of people? thats what really annoys me the most,

now that thats out of the way, sorry white people :P

soo, lets start throwing stones :)

*whispers - "i'd like to cut that guys nuts off."* lololololol :mrgreen::peace:
ok im not racist but heres a couple facts

black people have

black history month
mlk day
united negro college fund
call white people crackas

but if white ppl did this OMG there would be riots again and look at floods black people stole tvs and everything in new orleans where were the white ppl in the mid west when there was floods deff not stealing gee wat a suprise lmao
ok im not racist but heres a couple facts

black people have

black history month
mlk day
united negro college fund
call white people crackas

but if white ppl did this OMG there would be riots again and look at floods black people stole tvs and everything in new orleans where were the white ppl in the mid west when there was floods deff not stealing gee wat a suprise lmao
Are you 18 this time?