rend pawl would ban all abortions, birth control.


Well-Known Member
according to Planned Parenthood, and it's founder Margaret Sanger, what we need is fewer NEGROES, and a Planned Parenthood clinic is the first step on the road to a Negro-Free America.

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." ~M Sanger in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, December 19, 1939

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race. ~M Sanger
(Protip: she means white race...)

so by all means, continue to claim the "Moral High Ground" and keep blathering about the "Women's Right to Choose" when in fact your entire argument is really just thinly veiled eugenics, and a scheme by a madwoman to exterminate american blackness.
"The basic freedom of the world is woman's freedom. A free race cannot be born of slave mothers." ~Margaret Sanger


Well-Known Member
more reductio ad retardum from bucklefuckle the champion of stupidity.
then tell me which part i got wrong.

because here i what i am seeing:

logical premise #1: rend pawl put forth a bill attempting to codify into law that life, and all the rights that come with it, begins at the moment of fertilization.

logical premise #2: it is well known that one of the ways in which birth control works is to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting.

do tell me where i am going wrong here.

thanks again, "dr" kkkynes.


Well-Known Member
So....Uncle Buck, when you play with yourself and all that "seed" goes down the drain, you're murdering thousands? Right?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I love that pic in your sig. lol

She's built for speed, not comfort... lol
"she" is not a She, "She is actually a He, in the Super-Modified division of the human race.

that broad has a cock.

"She" doesnt even claim to be a female, "She" self identifies as a gay man, and
"A Huge Butt Slut"
~Bailey Jay (AKA LineTrap) .

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So, 'the pill' stops ovulation.... there cannot be fertilization if there's no egg present. How is it 'murdering a child', if the egg never gets fertilized?
are you really gonna try arguing science with bucklefuckle?

he is well aware that "The Pill" prevents the ovum from adhering to the uterine wall, thus preventing fertilization in the first place, by tricking the body into thinking it is already knocked up.

Bucklefuckle's argument is as specious as the rest of his claims, relying on the incredibly rare, and not at all intended occasions when an ovum gets fertilized by pure chance, on it's way down the drain.

Bucklefuckle wants to transform the argument from "Abortion as Birth Control" to "Birth Control IS Abortion" since his stance is built on a shaky foundation of eugenics, racism, bullshit non-science and dumbasses who cant figure out how to use a rubber.

most Pro Life people (like myself) are mainly opposed to abortion as a quick fix, last minute, "i changed my mind in the third trimester" solution to unwanted pregnancy.

if abortion and abortifacients were strictly limited to early pregnancies, or real, NOT MADE UP diagnoses regarding the "health of the mother" and rape/incest issues, the Pro Life movement would dwindle down to a few fuck knuckles who think the bible gives them the right to dictate laws.

unfortunately, the lefties have adopted the position of "Free Abortion On Demand" anbd naturally refuse toi discuss any "common sense measures" to keep abortions out of the hands of clowns like this:

(seriously, dont read this unless you have a strong stomach)

every iota of the crazy bucklefuckle and the left claim that the right unleashes on the gun control issue, is present in spades when the lefties start screaming about abortion.
they will not bend, the will not accept anything but absolute victory, and they will do anything to ensure that there is no compromise on this one manufactured "right" found nowhere in the constitution, which was prohibited by every civilized nation on earth at the time of the continental congress, and in fact has been banned by every advanced civilization since recorded history began, some 7000 years ago.


Well-Known Member
So, 'the pill' stops ovulation.... there cannot be fertilization if there's no egg present. How is it 'murdering a child', if the egg never gets fertilized?
i suggest you look into all the different ways that birth control may prevent pregnancy.

stopping a fertilized egg from implanting is among them.


Well-Known Member
cant come up with an argument?
trapped by the facts?
confused by logic?

just post pictures of penises!
how am i trapped by the facts?

fact: rend pawl put forth a bill to make any fertilized egg a life, with all the rights that come with life.

fact: hormonal birth control pills will sometimes prevent a fertilized egg (life) from implanting.

thus under rend pawl's own worldview, hormonal birth control pills are an agent of murder.

care to dispute any of those facts, "dr" kkkynes?


Well-Known Member

if life begins at the moment of fertilization, then every single form of birth control is murder, since they all run the chance of preventing a fertilized egg from implanting.

and that's the how to start a blackmarket, ,,GET YOUR ABORTIONS HERE, 3 FOR THE PRICE OF 2,,,,HOMEMADE BIRTHDAY BALLON CONDOMS GAURRENTEED TO WORK 85% ,,,$1•99


Well-Known Member
"she" is not a She, "She is actually a He, in the Super-Modified division of the human race.

that broad has a cock.

"She" doesnt even claim to be a female, "She" self identifies as a gay man, and
"A Huge Butt Slut"~Bailey Jay (AKA LineTrap) .
No fucking way. lol

Still hot. DNGAF.


Well-Known Member
i am talking about "the pill", aka hormonal birth control. look it up, i encourage you.
Already did long before I posted.

Birth control pills prevent pregnancy through several mechanisms, mainly by stopping ovulation. If no egg is released, there is nothing to be fertilized by sperm, and the woman cannot get pregnant. Most birth control pills contain synthetic forms of two female hormones: estrogen and progestin. These synthetic hormones stabilize a woman's natural hormone levels, and prevent estrogen from peaking mid-cycle. Without the estrogen bump, the pituitary gland does not release other hormones that normally cause the ovaries to release mature eggs.

Specifically, synthetic estrogen in the pill works to:

  • Stop the pituitary gland from producing follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) in order to prevent ovulation.
  • Support the uterine lining (endometrium) to prevent breakthrough bleeding mid-cycle.
Meanwhile, synthetic progestin works to:

  • Stop the pituitary gland from producing LH in order to prevent egg release.
  • Make the uterine lining inhospitable to a fertilized egg.
  • Partially limit the sperm's ability to fertilize the egg.
  • Thicken the cervical mucus to hinder sperm movement (although this effect may not be key to preventing pregnancy).