Today's tip,PH testing.
PH testing is a must for good growth.Many plant health problems stem from high PH.Today's tip will show you how to test,and what you need.Bear in mind,this kit will test soil and hydro.I am growing in soil,so I try to keep my PH at 6.5.Hydro growers,your numbers will be much lower,Like 5.5....Maybe one of our experienced hydro growers will chip in.
This is one way of doing it,and it is the method I use...This kit cost me 12.00,at the hydro shop.
fill the vial half full,add four drops of test indicator(the small bottle),cap it,and shake
My water from the tap checks at just over 7....a little high...but,when I add my nutes,it is dead on 6.5.
If your PH is off,the large bottles contain ph up,and ph down,used to adjust it accordingly...use small amounts,and retest after.I have had this test kit since april...It will carry you through a lot of grows.