Thanks again gk skunky, I am not sure if my pipette tips have the filter, I guess I could soak the pipette tip in alcohol every once in a while, I do use a new tip for each sampling. I will definitely stop re-using my developing solution.
I saw your new thread gaius and it's great, maybe at some point I ll post in there I just feel like I would have to double post every time I upload pics coze it's often dank
Not always i know haha
Alright everyone, I fixed my light! hiyaahha I am so stoked and so proud haha. It took me a long time ... but for the most part it was 1 burned diode per cluster, there is 2 clusters per driver and if either one of the clusters are faulty, then none of them 2 are working. Anyway let me know if you have any questions, for now I am not sure what Ill do with the light haha...
My first connection looks very ugly I know it was my first time using a solderer!