The Universe

Skunkushybrid do you believe that Jesus existed?
And do you have any opinions on whether he did actually heal people with cannabis oil?

I personally believe that Jesus did exist and that he was enlightened and anointed and that they killed him for saying things that they did not agree with and for giving the sacred oils to the poor.
I believe that cannabis oil does have many healing properties and combined with an individual who is very clever and enlightened cannabis is also very powerful.

I would also like to say that i respect your right to atheism and i would never try to shove my beliefs down your throat.
I am thinking that this is what has been done to you and you seem to be sick of it.

To many fake Christians/Muslims/Hindus,the list of faiths could be long so i wont bother,have tried to force their beliefs onto people which is very wrong and has angered many and the true message has been lost.

I like to think that the the real bible should have read:
God created man and gave him free will and then he buggered of somewhere else being so busy and all and let man get on with it because he had given us free will.
A few thousand years went by and God popped back in to see whats up and he saw a right bloody mess so he sent Jesus in to try to sort it out and they killed him.

The only few passages actually written by Jesus in Aramaic have been removed from the bible and declared as basically bullshit by the Vatican,i wonder why that is then.:evil:

Anyway i know that you choose to believe in nothingness and i will respect that but i do wonder if you have been blinded to the simplicity of what may have really been by others trying to force religion down your throat:blsmoke:
Of course Jesus existed, it was a very popular name back then... still is today in certain parts of the world.

I also believed that the man spoken of in the bible also existed... although nobody knows what he got up to till the age of 30, it is documented that his preferred company was thieves and whores.

Jesus liked to preach... he preached a lot and people listened, they liked him, soon began to fall in love with his charasmatic charm.

The romans were not as against christianity during this period of history as all the old films would have us believe. In fact there were actually romans practising this new religion themselves.

So they used him, the romans and jewish elders used Jesus to keep the populace under control. Jesus started getting too big for his boots, maybe started drinking too much... hitting the old honey oil etc etc... Then he starts opening his mouth just a little too much, he gets word that the romans are going to kill him, and he does one... gets on his toes. Judas grasses him up, and the rest is bullshit history.

That whole book is a load of crap.

What makes you think that because i know your god, or any gods don't exist that i believe in nothingness? Typical really of all you creationists.
Of course Jesus existed, it was a very popular name back then... still is today in certain parts of the world.

I also believed that the man spoken of in the bible also existed... although nobody knows what he got up to till the age of 30, it is documented that his preferred company was thieves and whores.

Jesus liked to preach... he preached a lot and people listened, they liked him, soon began to fall in love with his charasmatic charm.

The romans were not as against christianity during this period of history as all the old films would have us believe. In fact there were actually romans practising this new religion themselves.

So they used him, the romans and jewish elders used Jesus to keep the populace under control. Jesus started getting too big for his boots, maybe started drinking too much... hitting the old honey oil etc etc... Then he starts opening his mouth just a little too much, he gets word that the romans are going to kill him, and he does one... gets on his toes. Judas grasses him up, and the rest is bullshit history.

That whole book is a load of crap.

What makes you think that because i know your god, or any gods don't exist that i believe in nothingness? Typical really of all you creationists.

Dude you once again profess to know things that you cannot know for sure,i can sense your fury from here,i know that you are angry with religion.
I guess that i cannot deny being someone who believes that the universe was created by something.
Your depiction of Jesus being a pissed up fool is amusing to me:mrgreen:
It would seem to me that most of your knowledge comes from others writings and what you have chosen to believe.
What is it exactly that you think that you have worked out for yourself?
And can you please enlighten me as to when and how you worked out all of the secrets of the universe:smile:
let me toss in the curve ball

Lets say religion hasnt been established yet, and you live in the world you do today minus religious beliefs. Now what would you say if a man named jesus was walking around telling everyone that a man parted seas, and that someone created a big boat that housed every single creature on earth inside. OH and what if he told you that you couldnt go to heaven if you had sex? yeah OKKK, i might go for that. By todays standards, he woulda been tossed in a mental home... well they didnt have those, so he got crucified... and honestly, why the hell would anyone want the cross that they died on to symbolize and represent everything that they stand for??

now what about the other religions who believe in gods.. how many gods are there?! i thought there was only one?!?! and if so, which is the one true god? cmon now.

I think im gonna start taking heavy doses of LSD and come up with my own god and relgious beliefs
let me toss in the curve ball

Lets say religion hasnt been established yet, and you live in the world you do today minus religious beliefs. Now what would you say if a man named jesus was walking around telling everyone that a man parted seas, and that someone created a big boat that housed every single creature on earth inside. OH and what if he told you that you couldnt go to heaven if you had sex? yeah OKKK, i might go for that. By todays standards, he woulda been tossed in a mental home... well they didnt have those, so he got crucified... and honestly, why the hell would anyone want the cross that they died on to symbolize and represent everything that they stand for??

now what about the other religions who believe in gods.. how many gods are there?! i thought there was only one?!?! and if so, which is the one true god? cmon now.

I think im gonna start taking heavy doses of LSD and come up with my own god and relgious beliefs

Any man that thinks that a God would be able to verbalize his commands to us is as dumb as a man that thinks he can talk to atoms.
Who knows what Jesus really said and what they said he said,they may well be 2 different things:mrgreen:
when reading the bible you may notice jesus never claimed to be the son of god. most of the christian dogma isn't even based on the holy bible
is anybody else watching it?, i toke astronomy in high school, it was way cool.

this show is trapping me out talking about galaxies, each galaxy has has 100billion stars and each star is a sun. the milky way is in a super massive blackhole!

Not only that... But there are billions of other galaxies besides our own. Some deep shit to fathom, eh? The Universe is a good show, but I loved watching Carl Sagan's Cosmos when it used to be on. Even though it's old as hell...
love that show, if anyone is really interested in that sort of thing look up The Teaching Company they have dvd's and cd's from the nations best professors on all kinds of topics, my favorites are physics and astronomy :D
The milky way supposedly has a supermassive black hole at its's not IN one.
is anybody else watching it?, i toke astronomy in high school, it was way cool.

this show is trapping me out talking about galaxies, each galaxy has has 100billion stars and each star is a sun. the milky way is in a super massive blackhole!
love that show, if anyone is really interested in that sort of thing look up The Teaching Company they have dvd's and cd's from the nations best professors on all kinds of topics, my favorites are physics and astronomy :D

Have to take alook at that, thanks

