
Well-Known Member
Its because you aint treatin the pussy right ,, you play with it , you lick it and suck it till they cum a few times . then fuck them a few different ways . let them cum a few more times ,, and there will be no fighting , cause you would "BE THE MAN "
its hard to when you harbor so much bitterness towards that person

If you keep a woman happy in the bedroom she will forget about what she was bitching about ... women LOVE attention . GIVE IT TO THEM.. take a solid 3 hrs and make them feel like melted butter when your done ..... They wont bitch as much... try it ....
i know man, thanks for the advice:joint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Three hours? I got shit to DO.
If you keep a woman happy in the bedroom she will forget about what she was bitching about ... women LOVE attention . GIVE IT TO THEM.. take a solid 3 hrs and make them feel like melted butter when your done ..... They wont bitch as much... try it ....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The very last time I got drunk, a friend I hadnt seen in a long time kept buying me shots of tequila, jack, some beer...and then she went and got me three HUGE fucking glasses of Yaeger...I could only finish about one and a half....then, I don't remember this, but I came home, laid on the floor, puked in my hair, covered it with a towel and laid face down till morning.The cats were trying to eat my puke cuz I had roast beef the night before.Thank goodness I didnt shit myself, as some folks do.I will never get drunk again.
yes... very rarely do i go out also...
mostly just get drunk at home and smoke myself out LOL


Well-Known Member
I just randomly made a breakfast burrito with eggs and cheese. never before in my life have I been able to do this nor have I even thought of making one before. i just did it and it tasted remarkable

Tokey Tokey Bear

Active Member
ive started going out recently... especially being in a band now =] soon ill be playing and getting fucked up for 12 hours straight, including a keg after our practice session HA