Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....part 2

Howbout Sheldon Adelson spending 85% of the opposition to ensure medical marijuana doesn't pass in Florida?

Are you aware he's one of the most influential people within the republican party?

Voting doesn't exist within capitalism. I already mentioned Edward Bernays essay, Manufacturing Consent. Pop quiz, how is consent manufactured? Hint it's in your post.
Voting doesn't exist within capitalism. I already mentioned Edward Bernays essay, Manufacturing Consent. Pop quiz, how is consent manufactured? Hint it's in your post.

Just because you must manufacture consent is not an indication of "no voting in capitalism."

Have you never been in a single negotiation in your life?

327 Days left until National Boot in the ass Day...

I don't know why my other thread got locked down.. Anyway the clock is ticking and it will be a historical moment when Harry Reid throws a tamper tantrum in the sand box again..I hope he is told to sit down and shut the fuck up...


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In what way does voting not exist in a capitalistic system?

Socrates was able to vote his method of execution. Just because you're given a ballot with different bubbles to fill in, doesn't mean you have a choice.

How is it voting when what you accuse that Republican of doing, which is the truth. I guess you don't realize that's not the only method of taking away your vote.

Your votes are bought and when you vote it's no different than the survey you answer by calling the number on your Taco Bell receipt for a FREE burrito.
Socrates was able to vote his method of execution. Just because you're given a ballot with different bubbles to fill in, doesn't mean you have a choice.

How is it voting when what you accuse that Republican of doing, which is the truth. I guess you don't realize that's not the only method of taking away your vote.

Your votes are bought and when you vote it's no different than the survey you answer by calling the number on your Taco Bell receipt for a FREE burrito.
In the US you can get free burritos for just calling a number?

And you's call Europe a welfare haven?
Socrates was able to vote his method of execution. Just because you're given a ballot with different bubbles to fill in, doesn't mean you have a choice.

How is it voting when what you accuse that Republican of doing, which is the truth. I guess you don't realize that's not the only method of taking away your vote.

Your votes are bought and when you vote it's no different than the survey you answer by calling the number on your Taco Bell receipt for a FREE burrito.
You're preaching to the choir

I've supported campaign finance reform for years
In the US you can get free burritos for just calling a number?

And you's call Europe a welfare haven?

If you call pressing buttons for 15 minutes for a $1 burrito, free. That's about half minimum wage.

I had a thought about how you must do tasks which the company needs,.like that SETI@Home. Where your iPhone runs a program figuring out their company's corporate strategy. You then get a discount, for the already over priced goods and they get a time share of your phone's cpu.
If you call pressing buttons for 15 minutes for a $1 burrito, free. That's about half minimum wage.

I had a thought about how you must do tasks which the company needs,.like that SETI@Home. Where your iPhone runs a program figuring out their company's corporate strategy. You then get a discount, for the already over priced goods and they get a time share of your phone's cpu.
I want a free burrito...
You're preaching to the choir

I've supported campaign finance reform for years

But how do you stop what you can't see? Most of an iceberg is below the water. Only a tiny tip is above water. Just like with global warming, when you melt the tip, what's below wate rises. But eventually the ice is gone. While you were worrying about one iceburg, the was one just beyond the horizon they now play the same game with.
But how do you stop what you can't see? Most of an iceberg is below the water. Only a tiny tip is above water. Just like with global warming, when you melt the tip, what's below wate rises. But eventually the ice is gone. While you were worrying about one iceburg, the was one just beyond the horizon they now play the same game with.
The solution?

When they are caught, fuck them from a height.
But how do you stop what you can't see? Most of an iceberg is below the water. Only a tiny tip is above water. Just like with global warming, when you melt the tip, what's below wate rises. But eventually the ice is gone. While you were worrying about one iceburg, the was one just beyond the horizon they now play the same game with.

Bribes are legal in American politics which means anyone can see who the money is coming from, so when an energy company for example donates to a certain political campaign, then that politician falls directly in line with said energy companies interest, it's a little suspicious.. Especially considering they dismiss the scientific consensus

Don't conflate that with thinking I mean all campaign donations are bribes, but the political process and the American people would both benefit from removing the financial interest available to politicians today
Bribes are legal in American politics which means anyone can see who the money is coming from, so when an energy company for example donates to a certain political campaign, then that politician falls directly in line with said energy companies interest, it's a little suspicious.. Especially considering they dismiss the scientific consensus

Don't conflate that with thinking I mean all campaign donations are bribes, but the political process and the American people would both benefit from removing the financial interest available to politicians today

If made illegal you think it magically stops?

"After WWI, Bernays was hired by the American Tobacco Company to encourage women to start smoking. While men smoked cigarettes, it was not publicly acceptable for women to smoke. Bernays staged a dramatic public display of women smoking during the Easter Day Parade in New York City. He then told the press to expect that women suffragists would light up “torches of freedom” during the parade to show they were equal to men. Like the “You’ve come a long way, baby” ads, this campaign commodified women’s progress and desire to be considered equal to men."
If made illegal you think it magically stops?

Restructuring campaign finance will ensure more free and fair elections and shift the power back to the American voter instead of multinational corporations and a handful of oligarchs, and it would be much easier to prosecute individuals who broke the law. As it stands right now, there's no law to break

96% of Americans support this, why do you seem to be in opposition of it?
Restructuring campaign finance will ensure more free and fair elections and shift the power back to the American voter instead of multinational corporations and a handful of oligarchs, and it would be much easier to prosecute individuals who broke the law. As it stands right now, there's no law to break

96% of Americans support this, why do you seem to be in opposition of it?

The people that are getting the money are the same people who would be the ones to make this happen. Why would they cut their own throats?
The people that are getting the money are the same people who would be the ones to make this happen. Why would they cut their own throats?

State legislatures call for a national convention, not the career politicians in DC, 2 states have already called for it, 32 to go