this is some crazy cooling !
If I could 'stich' 2 together, I'd have 50x120cm.
The plan was to get 2 outer bars (each 14x120cm and 4 cobs) and pull air through from ceiling closet (in and out each side)
so to have a closed system and to use also ceiling-compartment for dehumidifier & heater from which i pull air down to the middle bar (5000K cobs ; vents in between, holes cut out of heatsink) over the heatsinks on the plants. This way I don't loose room for extra ventilation and i get my air constantly mixed, also less watts. All bars would be connected to each other so I have 1 piece to hang up.
1 plate would be great but placement of cobs is also important (light-distribution) so have to be larger than SK621 (42,5x100cm) (closet 58Dx136Wx229H)
But cutting holes through a 15mm plate, i don't know if i'm up for a challenge like that, and the weight...
But those look really nice !
What do you experienced DIY guys think ? also when a heatsink gets anodised, is it easy to drill holes/ cut through plate ? I have big equipment and smaller equipment (dremel for finishing)
i'm a bit stoned, so i hope it's clearly enough explaind