

Well-Known Member
ok if all these people,groups, etc.. all just happen to predict that something would happen in 2012 then dont ya think its going to happen? I think im going to start digging now and by 2011 i'll have a nice little underground set-up..lol


Well-Known Member
ok if all these people,groups, etc.. all just happen to predict that something would happen in 2012 then dont ya think its going to happen? I think im going to start digging now and by 2011 i'll have a nice little underground set-up..lol
thats the best idea i've heard so far. have enough food to last you months if not years...


Well-Known Member
They say the world is supposed to end on December, 23th, 2012. If I wake up on Christmas Eve, I will run in the middle of a busy intersection and say "HAHA FUCK YOU ALL, YOU WERE ALL FUCKING WRONG".

Then I will make my way home and go back to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Pole will shift......

This means that there will be huge tsunami's.... Wind gusses ..... ( extreme )

Fire's...... Floods... Earthquake's... Tornados & Landslide's... Avalanches that clear the mountains of there snow...


check my documentary thread... for the maye calander... and what will happen after this callander ends..

My Opinion is that its allready begonn... the next 4 years will be the years the change the earth..... A new Start ......... Will beginn in 2012... wether good or bad....

We dont know.... All we know is that each 28'000 years there has been pole Shifts...

So north will be south...


Well-Known Member
ok if all these people,groups, etc.. all just happen to predict that something would happen in 2012 then dont ya think its going to happen? I think im going to start digging now and by 2011 i'll have a nice little underground set-up..lol
I think that the earth wobble and the alignment effects will take place 2012. However, I don't believe the magnitude of this will be as devastating as some
Time will tell....
In the meantime, do as I do. Live everyday like it is your last.


Well-Known Member
My prediction: in 2013, a bunch of people who thought the world would end or change dramatically are going to be looking like idiots.

Now I shall kick back, bide my time, and observe, to see if I am indeed the Nostradamus of the 21st century. ;)


Active Member
they did'nt..... its bs .... why could'nt we stop it if we knew about it for a thousand years?
haha tooshay, there are a whole buch of acid and crack heads on this site talking bout the world will end and 2012 and that they aree psychics hahafucking kooks..


Well-Known Member
2012....? Could something happen? Will something happen? Who knows? Obviously you don't fucking know what will happen... I don't know... I will not say something will or will not happen because if something "does happen" I wont feel like a total prick.. Besides if something "does happen" and we all die.. I will just shrug and say "well my fun had to end sometime" then lmao.. Its not like we can really prepare for anything since we have no idea what will happen anyways. :confused::peace::blsmoke: Atleast we have like 4 more years to grow and get stoned.


Well-Known Member
when this happens and plates shift all areas will become opposites you could say because if you didnt know egypt when that sphynx was built was tropical believe me or not i dont care. when these plates shift many secrets benieth the sphnx'z left paw will be uncovered and also atlantis may show with these major changes... many states will be flooded to no return untill the next clenzing or w-e you wanna call it.
There is a otmb under the paw with valuble information
as of now egyptions want no one under there and you will be shot/killed for pursuing... great mysteries????


Well-Known Member
under the left paw of great sphnx of egypt lies i deep chamber full of tombs. when the change happens this opens many secrets lie within.... Oh yea and the pyramids are closer architecturaly than any americans or anyone could build it today almost 99.9% is less than one inch off on all sides impossible with so much weight.


Well-Known Member
I dont get the 'secrets' part..n why they are revealed when the change happens...i think i get the second part saying they were 32945x more accurate,smarter, etc...correct me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
They say the world is supposed to end on December, 23th, 2012. If I wake up on Christmas Eve, I will run in the middle of a busy intersection and say "HAHA FUCK YOU ALL, YOU WERE ALL FUCKING WRONG".
haha, do it naked..

the pyramids are closer architecturaly than any americans or anyone could build it today almost 99.9% is less than one inch off on all sides impossible with so much weight.
they must have realyl enjoyed their work. made something to be proud of, and made it perfect. either that, or they were really strict slaves.

no matter what does happen, it's nothing I have control over, so I'll continue to live my life as if nothing will change. if I die, it was my time, and I enjoyed the life I had. if I live, hah to all you dumbasses!


New Member
I saw this documentary a couple weeks ago on the history channel about 2012.

It wasn't just the Mayan's, there is some ancient Chinese calendar that also predicts the end to be Dec 21, 2012.

The Hopi Indians believe that the world will be created and destroyed 4 times and that our time now is time number 4. They also believe the end to come Dec 21 2012.

There were some other tribes, but I can't name their names right now.

They also got into this polar shift thing too. If a polar shift occurs it's going to be a wild ride. According to the scientists before the last polar shift Alaska sat on the equator. That would mean that the earth will actually spin. I imagine somewhat in the same way my grandpa's old dashboard compass used to spin when making a turn.

Pretty scary thought, but we've had a good run. We've way over populated, killed off many species, and pretty much polluted the earth into a toxic ball of crap. It's our time to go.


Well-Known Member
if this shit realy does happen, earthquakes, tsunamis, all that shit. no 1s gonna give a fuck about whats under the Spinx because every one is gonna be fucked. and on top of that if this shit happens, every thing will be destroyed anyway. including the spinx and its "secrets"

at least thats what i think


Active Member
I remember hearing some rumor that people were off by four years of the birth of christ and that it is now 2012. But man I just learned how to do a pen trick and now everything is going to end :( Sad day...