

Well-Known Member
I think that's a little deceiving. the poles shifting doesn't mean the earth's spinning axis will change. magnetic north pole is actually someplace in canada (only good thing canada has :-P ) the magnetic pole could move to someplace like russia, putting alaska at the magnetic equator, but still at the cold north.

I think, if the pole does shift, one thing that could happen is set off the super volcano of yellowstone national park. I think we're due for an eruption from that, and it could block out the sun for a year or 2. maybe nasa can team up with some pot growers to build some huge food hydroponics in space to feed the planet while we wait for the sun. lol


Well-Known Member
if this shit realy does happen, earthquakes, tsunamis, all that shit. no 1s gonna give a fuck about whats under the Spinx because every one is gonna be fucked. and on top of that if this shit happens, every thing will be destroyed anyway. including the spinx and its "secrets"

at least thats what i think

HAHAHA thanks and anyone that isn't ignorant the sphnx is very deep and under that paw after all this chaos the secretd of the world are recoreded or are in some format that will explain many questions about aliens n building through natural elements n such things...


Well-Known Member
I read this today:

During the year 2012, a war between falcons and eagles will take place. a construction worker will clone himself and the world will end in fire and brimstone.


Well-Known Member
2012 is real...its coming...people are gonna go thru a shift in consciousness. an awakening so to speak. expect the world as u know it now to change forever...and for the better. if ur into the whole 2012 thing u might also wanna take a look into "indigo kids". indigos are gonna be the ones to help with the change and fix our poor world.
Rubbish, every era there has been talk of the end of the world but when I looked last it was stil here!


Well-Known Member
Let me put it like this :

The world's landscape as we know it will be transform'd...

------- No super humans, no fucking new baby jesus.... No children that will help us.. comon dude... what kind of drugs are u taking ? ... to make them help we have to help them.. otherwise they will be nothing.. anyway...... -------

1/3 OF ALL PEOPLE WILL DIE...... <--- baby's & older people..... & people that got trap'd.. crush'd... squash'd..... burnt..... drownd.... got hit with a knife while the floor was rumbling .... so... but most that will die will be older people and the younger generation so i am sorry... but those indigo kids wont make it far :( .......


Well-Known Member
Theres a beginning and end to everything,whether it be in 2012 or or in 2050,its bound to happen and we cant stop it,just live your life to the fullest and enjoy yourself.How many times have we predicted rain,and it does not,or say it wont rain and it does?? I just don't get the part of them telling the future,so far its not possible,things always change.If the world ends,most likely it will be because we kill our selfs off with wars of mass destruction.Ive heard this planet x thing ,and its very possible as earth is littered with huge craters from unknown locations,just like the moon.i remember my science teacher telling me about a meteor coming close to the earth on Halloween,it was millions miles away but realistic thats very close,this was in 96-98 some time.natural disasters happen all the time with out this magnetic polarity im hearing about,does everyone forget New Orleans,or volcanic eruptions that have taken out cities for the last thousands of years,i dont think it was caused my magnetic forces but the earth changing form.The earth has endured many disasters,i mean it had to,some how the prehistoric reptilians died off and some how they lived to evolve into a new species,that is still around today so that right there tells you earth has endured some kind of major disasters and is still here to tell about it.The earth changes all the time, and will keep changing,take a look at the grand canyon,thats a perfect example of earth changing dramatically over periods of time,by erosion and natural change.The point is earth is changing always has been always will,we cant stop it we can only adjust.If this 2012 thing was as true as people say it is ,then people would be talking about for years and years,and our government would be preparing years in advanced,what have we planned for 2012,other then chaos??i think this whole 2012 crap is a gimmick that was set forth to get people to see the movie 2012 and push the ratings up,and it worked into peoples minds and now its a big thing,shit u.s.a and soviet were ready to launch nuclear bombs at each other?? we thought the world was gonna war into oblivion??we are still here,and that had nothing to do with 2012,so tell me im crazy,but it just seems like a bunch of BS hype that made its away around,just like global warming,its been happening for years and years and now its all of the sudden a issue?


New Member
I read this today:

During the year 2012, a war between falcons and eagles will take place. a construction worker will clone himself and the world will end in fire and brimstone.

A construction worker will clone himself. That's a new one. I always thought it would be Michael Jackson cloning himself then molesting himself. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
see....since "these ppl" "predicted" the end of days, the calender has changed!! so what they said was the year 2012 is NOT our year 2012.
and that's if u believe all the nutters!!lol
nostromdamus, for example, is the biggest fraud in history.
and if ppl say they predicted 11/9(sorry, im a brit.day/month/year) and these same ppl knew, i say put em on trial for assisting terrorism cos no one opened their mouths before the fact.


New Member
see....since "these ppl" "predicted" the end of days, the calender has changed!! so what they said was the year 2012 is NOT our year 2012.
and that's if u believe all the nutters!!lol
nostromdamus, for example, is the biggest fraud in history.
and if ppl say they predicted 11/9(sorry, im a brit.day/month/year) and these same ppl knew, i say put em on trial for assisting terrorism cos no one opened their mouths before the fact.

You have to remember that Nostrodamus was predicting things that hadn't been invented yet. How can you put into words that planes will hit skyscrapers when there is nothing even close to that in your time?

He also had to code his predictions so not to be burnt as a witch, that shit was very real back then.


Well-Known Member
point taken misshestermoffit. but i studied the guy for several years and did my uni thesis on him and depending on how u translate his quatrains and centuries, u can "fudge" them to be relevant to almost anything. plus, his "prose" is 16 century french and VERY different to 20th/21st century french.
u can be fluent in modern french but unless u have a clear grasp of 16thC french...it won't translate correctly.
take the old hitler prediction for example. nostradamus mentioned the rise of "hister" and everyone goes "oh he meant hitler." most ppl ignore the fact that the river danube was known as the hister in his time and flooded with clockwork regularity. plus,"scholars" use the argument of anagrams in his work :noir=black. anagram,fudge and miss a letter and u get roi=king.
an anagram of only 6 letters can have upto 720 different meanings depending on how u "mess" with the letter arrangments.
LONOLE is variously translated as OLIVER CROMWELL by 1 scholar and as LONDON by another when they are interpretatng the same stanza!!!
personally, i find his writings nothing more than the ramblings of a drunken,paranoid man with mental health issues.
but we all have our opinions..but ppl should study "soothesayers" prophecies before they claim they could see the future.


Well-Known Member
2012 is gonna change the world alright,new world order will take place,and we will loose what freedom we still have,but im just crazy so don't listen to me:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
here's a prediction for u....
considering that the day after it was anounced london would host the olypics we had a terrorist attack...bet there's 1 during the games then!!!!!!!
london gets blown to bits.......and it does several billion £s worth of IMPROVEMENT lmao