what the fuck


Well-Known Member
hello every one
so ive been out of town working, and ive had a my business partner taking care of the plant
(bad idea)

so when he waterd he left the girls in the trays full of water..
he also said when he watered them he gave them any were from half to a full solo cup of water
...there in solo cups... and are still young maybe just hit 3 weeks

little bit of details..
in a 50/50 perlite vermiculite mix
giving them advance nutes( barly any.. 1 ml to 5gal mix) micro grow bloom and b52 . and a bit of calmag

i swear i think this is root rot... i really hope not


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wouldnt that potentially harm the plant . theres like 14 so i guess i could sacrafice one if need be.... there deffinintly lacking something.... the ph is arount 5.7-6.0(so im told)

i was thinking they look defect cuz the roots maybe so damaged they cant get any food ..
maybe its just a lock out
idk.... ive never had probablems like this and this early in a grow.... or at all in a grow period...

my partner isnt the most motivated.. and dosent tend to the small thingsthat are crutial... nor is he to honest with what hes done... idk its fucked
No it won't hurt. Just squeeze the cup a little bit around the outside. I put my hand over the top with the stem between my fingers. Turn it over and it should slide right as long as it's not too wet. Then examine and put back in. Take a pic and post it so we can see. They probably just need to dry out really good.
wouldnt that potentially harm the plant . theres like 14 so i guess i could sacrafice one if need be.... there deffinintly lacking something.... the ph is arount 5.7-6.0(so im told)

i was thinking they look defect cuz the roots maybe so damaged they cant get any food ..
maybe its just a lock out
idk.... ive never had probablems like this and this early in a grow.... or at all in a grow period...

my partner isnt the most motivated.. and dosent tend to the small thingsthat are crutial... nor is he to honest with what hes done... idk its fucked
it wont harm the plant if your carefull.....its just like repoting

check your "so im told" ph...lol

are these for hydro or hempy?
No it won't hurt. Just squeeze the cup a little bit around the outside. I put my hand over the top with the stem between my fingers. Turn it over and it should slide right as long as it's not too wet. Then examine and put back in. Take a pic and post it so we can see. They probably just need to dry out really good.
oh okay so just treat it like im transplanting in , for the check... he said he wattered three days ago but there still pretty freakin wet to believe that...

a was hopping to feed them yesterday, cuz we have been doing a super diluted nute mix(like a 62nd of reccomended dossage)
and at first i was just thinking they were hungry.. now i just dont know...
imma let them dry out for maybe another two or three days.
then try to up the feed if the roots aint been murderd...
it wont harm the plant if your carefull.....its just like repoting

check your "so im told" ph...lol

are these for hydro or hempy?
it wont harm the plant if your carefull.....its just like repoting

check your "so im told" ph...lol

are these for hydro or hempy?

right , that so im told thing shouldnt even be an issue... youd think someone would try to make things good to have a good out come...

and also i guess its kind of a hemppy grow
ive got about 6 grows under my belt , 4-5 of them have been in perlite vemiculite... ususally runs super smooth

i just do a 50/50 mix then transplant in to a 5 gallon fabric pot.. and just do an over the top feed... i treat it kinda like soil, except i dont use vary much water to water them
and i also dont have to water alot... its usually a once a week watering .. maybe twice a week when there suber big
right , that so im told thing shouldnt even be an issue... youd think someone would try to make things good to have a good out come...

and also i guess its kind of a hemppy grow
ive got about 6 grows under my belt , 4-5 of them have been in perlite vemiculite... ususally runs super smooth

i just do a 50/50 mix then transplant in to a 5 gallon fabric pot.. and just do an over the top feed... i treat it kinda like soil, except i dont use vary much water to water them
and i also dont have to water alot... its usually a once a week watering .. maybe twice a week when there suber big
I'm getting high!
id be one step closer to being where your at... if my plants didnt get brutalized....
not that theyd be ready soon or anything... still.

i just finished the burn on my last crop. ohhhhhh momma, good shit..

come on rockwell .. pass that shit
id be one step closer to being where your at... if my plants didnt get brutalized....
not that theyd be ready soon or anything... still.

i just finished the burn on my last crop. ohhhhhh momma, good shit..

come on rockwell .. pass that shit
I'd git you high bro!
its been a good couple of years me ... ether i got what i grew or someone dropped a bit of weight on me...im not lucky enough to have that right meow though... i cant even tell ya the last time i bought any green
Dude, I'd try and look at the root ball of at least one of your plants. You got a lot going, so you need to know if you got a big problem. 3 days should be long enough for them to be dry enough to slide out.
yeah imma check em today.. the vermiculite slides easy when wet.. and i hear you about the alot going part thats why im kinda trippin on this if it just two or three i woulda just started over.. i went out and got some auqa sheild and this enzyme shit... ganna check the shit out. and if its rot. ganna start the auqashild.. then do a flush on the next water.. then do the enzyme to break down what evers left
I'll go ahead and jump in. From my experience with red cup growing, both cannabis and tomatoes/peppers fruits and vegetable starts etc, root rot is not an issue. I've had tomatoes reach fruiting while in red cups and have no signs of root rot or related issues. As long as your medium can respectively dry out all is well, and being left in a bucket or dish/plate of water for a few days should not cause such immediate damage, it would need to be more than a few days.

That looks like over watered, and hungry plants.