Cop pulls up, kid attacks through window, reaches for cop gun, cop pulls trigger an graises kids thumb, kid realizes hes an idiot an going to get killed, runs away, cop realizes kid almost got his gun an cant let him get close again but obligated to chase him, kid then realizes he cannot out run but does not want to go to prison, kid turns back towards cop, cops gives warnings to stop moving, kid runs/walks towards cop anyways, cop protects himself because kid showed when he attacked in car that surrendering was not an option.
Any single person who is not scared of pulling trigger to protect themselfs would have done the same.
Now, because of douchebags who just cannot accept what our court system is about, you have a police force who is standing 100' from people burning cars and causing millions of dollars in damage. They are scared to enforce the law.
If this brown situation did not happen and these riots took place over a sports event or whatever, there would be dead bodys and hundreds of arrests made. Store owners would have justice and someone held accountable for destruction of there ability to feed there familya.
Any single person who is not scared of pulling trigger to protect themselfs would have done the same.
Now, because of douchebags who just cannot accept what our court system is about, you have a police force who is standing 100' from people burning cars and causing millions of dollars in damage. They are scared to enforce the law.
If this brown situation did not happen and these riots took place over a sports event or whatever, there would be dead bodys and hundreds of arrests made. Store owners would have justice and someone held accountable for destruction of there ability to feed there familya.