Bottom leaves yellowing W/ PICS


Well-Known Member
20141211_182636.jpg 20141211_182707.jpg

2)indoors using a 400 watt MH, temp: 70-75 (day), 60-68(night), 18/6 lighting schedule
3)watering about every other day
4)soil type: fox farm
5)stage: early veg
6) ph: clean water = 6.8 .... run off = 6.3

one more thing worth mentioning is that i just transplanted this plant about 4 days ago from a solo cup... into the 8" pot. not sure if that is the cause of its yellowing but i figured i'd tell you about it none the less

my question is the plant normal aka fine? or am in need of some ferts? or is it my ph making my nutes locked out?? this is the 2nd of two plants and the other looks fine.

thanks for any replies!!

i know this is a basic question but its been over a year+ since ive grown so im pretty rusty,but it sure is fun to be back doing the hobby tho!
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Well-Known Member
the plant just needs more liberty liberty freedom constitution.

but seriously, if you are watering 6.8 PH water, and it is coming out 6.3, then that means your soil PH might be too low for nitrogen uptake.

looking like she might be a tad over-watered too.

consult the bill of right for a proper fix.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Ocean Forest ph sucks (I'm assuming that's the fox farm soil you are using). Checked multiple bags. One read at 4.1 another at 5 and the highest i got was 5.5. Adding some oyster shell or crab shell meal will help fix ph, but the soil would have to be composted. Making buying a bagged soil pointless.

Also, do not let you night temps get below 68. Plants stop transpiring anything lower than that.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Try to get your day temps at 76 to 78. Night temps to 70 to 72. Humidity at 40 to 50%. Once the soil become alive, the microbes will allow the plants to get nutrients. Try using MYKOs original and nitrogen fixing bacteria during transplant, especially with OF.


Well-Known Member
General rule of thumb on temps, if you're comfortable in the room, so are your plants.
that's such a good point... i just checked the high/low of my grow room and tent and its dipping into the 50's at night... so ya... and it was very unconfortable to work in... i should have known... thank you for the heads up, idk why i didn't think of that


Well-Known Member
No worries man, glad I could help. I noticed in your op you said clean water, what do you mean by this. City water? Well water?
i was using bottled water which was 6.85 but now i checked my tap water and thats 7.01 so since my run off was a bit low (6.3) i thought it would help to use some tap water to raise the ph

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
If your tap water is feed from the city, it's actually bad to use on soil. It containes chlorine and chloramine which kill microbes(tiny micro organisms that break down organic matter into usable nutrients). Without microbes, your soil is worthless to your plant.


Well-Known Member
If your tap water is feed from the city, it's actually bad to use on soil. It containes chlorine and chloramine which kill microbes(tiny micro organisms that break down organic matter into usable nutrients). Without microbes, your soil is worthless to your plant.
true, but having a large amount of tap water sit overnight will have to due until my clogged sink is fixed... i can't use my RO system until i get a plumber over here

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
I can walk you through fixing your sink. PM if u want. Also, the dirty water the comes out a ro is horrible for your drains. It's like 1000 ppm of calcium. Use draino once a month or pipes wil clog and smell.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
What are you using to supplement calcium an magnesium when using ro water; Epsom salts?organic calmag?

Are your ph adjusters organic? When in soil, any chems you add will negatively effect the "life" of soil.


Well-Known Member
i have general hydroponic ph adjusters along with nutes... im doing bubble buckets once i get a mother'd female put aside.

does cal mag go bad? like is there an expiration date?


all my soil is fresh out of the bag, never been reused


Well-Known Member
I can walk you through fixing your sink. PM if u want. Also, the dirty water the comes out a ro is horrible for your drains. It's like 1000 ppm of calcium. Use draino once a month or pipes wil clog and smell.
its not something that can be done without ripping up the floor because the trap isn't accessible atm

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
i have general hydroponic ph adjusters along with nutes... im doing bubble buckets once i get a mother'd female put aside.

does cal mag go bad? like is there an expiration date?


all my soil is fresh out of the bag, never been reused
A year after purchase date is my rule on nutrients. Dwc is far superior to soil IMO. You'll love it, growth rates that make you question how old your plants really is :)


Well-Known Member
A year after purchase date is my rule on nutrients. Dwc is far superior to soil IMO. You'll love it, growth rates that make you question how old your plants really is :)
ya good idea... i'll have to get a new bottle of it then, cus the stuff i have is easily two years old


ya my first grow was a DWC back in the summer of 2012... grew like 15 ozs with two plants in a 3x3 space... i haven't grown since... so its bit like starting all over again... only this time i have confidence in my

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
ya good idea... i'll have to get a new bottle of it then, cus the stuff i have is easily two years old


ya my first grow was a DWC back in the summer of 2012... grew like 15 ozs with two plants in a 3x3 space... i haven't grown since... so its bit like starting all over again... only this time i have confidence in my
Hell yea, always wanted to grow some dwc trees lol. Been SOG since day one. You'll blow that 15 oz away in no time, in guessing that was with a 600?