Well-Known Member
I totally missed this post earlier, sorry about that and thank you for your input.
It's store bought drinking water in three gallon jugs. It says micron filtering and ozonation were performed on the water.
So maybe I should try tap water? Which I believe is around 7.7pH and a couple hundred ppms? Or half and half each water source?
@ everyone
I don't have any EWC right now but would composted horse manure work? I could dig into the pile where it's nice and warm...
So maybe topdress with a spoon or two of rock dusts and DE and compost? Then I think I'll give half of the plants the same water I have been and I'll give the other half tap water and see how that goes...
How does that sound? I know a guy who may have EWC for me, but its the holidays and I don't wanna bother him.
Thanks for the help everyone!
Yeah most likely a cal/mag def(s) with that source........tea/topdress will fix it(egg/shrimp/crab/oyster shell/gypsum/etc.)
If you can continue to afford buying water, do it. Unless you know for certain your municipality isn't using chloramines(ammonia reeks havoc on beni bacs; won't off-gas either) and your ppms are below 300, i wouldn't use it with LOS imo.
good luck and happy holidays
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