Need advice from experienced growers


Need advice from experienced growers
So i want to grow in a tent, in this house. My mom is getting a new house, so i can rent the upper floors. In the basement there are some people renting.

The room i want to place the tent, the floor is concrete, snd there is a storsge shef beneath the concrete. In the room there is a air pump hester, which pulle air into the rolm, and out. Theres 20-30 meters to each neighbours houses. I want to place a bookshelg infront of the door into the room.

And place a tent in the room it self. On the backside of the house is a huge open space with farm fields.

So im just worried about smell. Since no one will know about the grow.

Will it stink through the bookshelf? If i use a good carbon filter, and exhaust the air into the room, or straight outside?

Worried it will stink into the other parts of the house, or around the neighbourhood.

Going to grow 2-4 plants at once

kali kid greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Place a carbon filter with a fan no ducting in the room preferably by where the air is going out, that should filter any smell in the room . Also how are you cooling your light? remember if you cooling your light with ducting the smell can go out while the heat is being exhausted if no carbon filter is used. If the light heat is being exhausted into the room out of the tent then the stand alone carbon filter with fan will be fine. Hope this helps!!
tip: place the stand alone carbon filter on a extra 5 gallon bucket or anything that will raise it off the ground
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kali kid greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Place a carbon filter with a fan no ducting in the room preferably by where the air is going out, that should filter any smell in the room . Also how are you cooling your light? remember if you cooling your light with ducting the smell can go out while the heat is being exhausted if no carbon filter is used. If the light heat is being exhausted into the room out of the tent then the stand alone carbon filter with fan will be fine. Hope this helps!!
tip:place the stand alone carbon filter on a extra 5 gallon bucket or anything that will raise it off the ground
and honestly you don't have to really worry about smell until like week 2-3 flower and the most important thing of it all is controlling the smell once you HARVEST!!! ,think about your drying area.


image.jpg image.jpg Here are the pics im having at the moment. The unit on the wall is not what im using to ventilste the grow tent. It refreshes the air in the room and heats up the entire house. (powerfull) its a 3000$ unit with carbon filter

Will be using another carbon filter inside the top of the tent, with a matching 400mm fan that exhaust air outside of the tent.

But is it okay to pull fresh air from the room the tent is in, and inside the tent? So i dont have to mske holes in the walls.

I live in the northern hemmisphere. Really cold winters, and summer night. Maz 20 celcius. Also the police force is really tiny. Rarely see a police car.


and honestly you don't have to really worry about smell until like week 2-3 flower and the most important thing of it all is controlling the smell once you HARVEST!!! ,think about your drying area.

Im going to harvest inside the tent. Cutting and all. And then dry it inside the tent. I think its easier to controll humidity, temperature and lightning that way

kali kid greenthumb

Well-Known Member
If your NOT using co2 like a burner or tanks its mandatory you get some fresh air from the outside coming in otherwise they will grow so so slow, the plants don't like stagnate air like when all your windows are closed in your house you get that humid stale air. That wall unit looks like an AC split which is a plus for your temp control in that room. But yea its cool to pull fresh air from the same room as long as a window is open at all times really close to the intake. Plain and simple you need constant co2 enrichment(fresh air), its a must!


Well-Known Member
It will always be a pain in the ass to grow in any structure where there are others you hope will not notice. You'll get along fine until you get around 4 weeks of flowering until the end. A good carbon scrubber that will actually work takes up space, and most of them make a fair amount of noise.
I wish you good luck but that will be a headache for ya I'm bettin.


Well-Known Member
One filter should be fine. I have one that is hooked up to a cooltube, and I just open the vents at the bottom of the tent to suck fresh air in. No need for open windows. I don't think your neighbors will smell it, but anyone in your apartment will most likely be able to hear your fans. The only time I get a strong smell in my house is right after harvest when I am drying my plants, but I dry in a closet with no filters or anything. You may run into some temperature issues growing on a second floor in the summer unless you have good air conditioning.


Active Member
Yeah, I agree with last poster. Carbon filter best way to go. I have ni issue venting it outside. I do.


Well-Known Member
haha just realized my option 2 didn't go up....was probably too stoned and walked away before posting it LMAO

anyway getting it now


Well-Known Member
Growing in occupied spaces where all residents within the dwelling are not aware of the possible fire & legal hazards is poor judgement on your part .

In the case of a fire you would be held crimally neglient , in the case of a death resulting from a fire you'd be charged & convicted of manslaughter & rightly so .

Your live in neighbors dont know your grow ethics or fire saftey precautions , i personaly think its a selfish move to put up a grow where others have zero say so about electrical saftey in the home they live in .


Well-Known Member
If you have others living in the same house, you have two options..

1. DONT DO IT, that is the best option.
2. Only do it if the OTHERS APPROVE.

To do any other thing is completely ass selfish and you deserve all the bad things that end up happening to you when you get busted.