What does Chess have to do with Animals?

ive been playing since the early 70s. i pretty much play every day on line and play with 2 chess clubs..one on friday night and the other on sunday nights, i even get games in during the week at a coffee house.

i enjoy the game and am just a average club player, no way can i make my living from it.

its the cheapest hobby i got, and i never got in trouble over a chess board. here is a pic of a table i had with me in desert storm. 199.JPG
What are the most important squares on the board?
@SnapsProvolone is correct the 4 center squares are the most important because who ever controls those can control the board. When the game fist starts you want to control or target more squares on your opponents side of the board to gain control or a hand up on your opponent.
Is that the russian roulette version? Looks fun.
ive been playing since the early 70s. i pretty much play every day on line and play with 2 chess clubs..one on friday night and the other on sunday nights, i even get games in during the week at a coffee house.

i enjoy the game and am just a average club player, no way can i make my living from it.

its the cheapest hobby i got, and i never got in trouble over a chess board. here is a pic of a table i had with me in desert storm. View attachment 3335844
those surrounding the king?
That is a correct choice. I thought about that after I posted.

I was talking about the 4 squares in the middle. Entire theories are about various ways to take, hold, defend close by, defend from far, etc, just those 4 squares.

But, to the heart of checkmate and thus the game, you win by controlling, invading, sacrificing on, occupying and otherwise harassing the squares around the King. Bingo.
Shows how long it's been since i've played lol. I have tried and tried to get my 15 yr old son to play with me but he refuses.

Dude. Get an account on Chess.com. They have this tactic trainer, that adapts to your stupid blind spots and tries to solve them.

Owww Owww....watching stoners play chess. Good one, Heck.