NASA Scientists Say We Will Meet Aliens by 2034

I got an email from the other day, and I found some things written in it to be very surprising.

Let Me copy and paste the interesting parts.

"NOTICE:This message is intended for the use of the individual, entity or extraterrestrial to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law."

"Extraterrestrials please contact me directly.."

Do you believe MUFON already has contact with aliens? I am very puzzled by what this means. What do you guys think?

Wait... 2034...??

From some credible sources that I posted in this thread, you should see that we already have contact with the aliens.

I believe the reason why NASA is giving the date 2034, is because they want to prepare us for alien disclosure.

Do you guys believe I saw a real alien, or something else?

If I am not mistaken, by My calculations, the alien-like being that I saw was between 3 through 5 feet tall. My best guess is that the alien-like being that I saw was around 4 feet tall. I am basing this estimation off of the roof caps on My neighbors roof: if 2 roof caps equals one foot.

This being that I saw was translucent, but before I saw this alien-like being, it was totally invisible.

I guess its possible that the government has invisibility technology, so I guess its possible that I saw an "above top secret" military person. But why did this alien-like being decide to show Me its body? I would imagine if it was the government with invisibility technology, they would stay invisible.

So, what do you guys believe I saw?

From some credible sources that I posted in this thread, you should see that we already have contact with the aliens.

I believe the reason why NASA is giving the date 2034, is because they want to prepare us for alien disclosure.


If Greer is your source, he is not credible...
I got an email from the other day, and I found some things written in it to be very surprising.

Let Me copy and paste the interesting parts.

"NOTICE:This message is intended for the use of the individual, entity or extraterrestrial to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law."

"Extraterrestrials please contact me directly.."

Do you believe MUFON already has contact with aliens? I am very puzzled by what this means. What do you guys think?


We think that you are a doofus corresponding with an organization run by, and comprised of, doofuses...
GMO is aliens!

My initials are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira.

But, GMO also stands for Genetically Modified Organism.

So, I am not sure if you are referring to Me or Genetically Modified Organisms.

But, if you are talking about Me: how am I an alien?

It is rather obvious you are some form of extra terrestrial.

Please explain what you mean?

What is it that you want from us here on Earth?

I want all of the nations to get along, and end all of the wars.

I want everyone to consider My novel Spirituality.

I want the whole world to use clean energy and fuel, to end all pollution.

I want all countries to be prosperous, so there are no starving children (or adults).

I want every government in the world to legalize hemp and marijuana, for the healing of the nations.

I want to end poverty, so people can live a normal life.

I want to dismantle the IRS and the Federal Reserve, because these two monopolies are stealing from nearly everyone.

I want the people to put an end to all of the cental banks owned by the Rothschilds, and I want the people of earth to make a trust fund for everyone from the Rothschilds money.

I want a world of peace, full of felicity.

I want everyone to consider My Word.

I want the people of the world to get off of dependence to fossil fuels.

I want everyone to have access to quality education, and also free public college.

I want people to help themself, and try to make the best future for posterity.

I want everyone that wants to work, to have a good paying job.

I could go on and on, but this should suffice for now.

Why are you here?

I am here for many reasons.

But to keep My reasons curtailed, I want people to have the best of everything good, clean, organic, benificial, benevolent, worthy, fulfilling, efficient, etc..

When are you leaving?

I will never ever leave, because I am with you always...

But, after I die, I will rest until I am reincarnated some time near the next AGE.

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Why do you believe I am an extraterrestrial?

Does anyone else believe I am an extraterrestrial?


George you rather remind of the form the aliens from the movie They Live took.

Nobody probably recognizes you are in fact an extraterrestrial, but you can not fool me.