So Cal cup. who's going ?

Here's some "evidence" to debunk your "unique" terpene profile that lab testing would "prove"...

I found a sample of GG#4 that tested above 30%, and the terpene analysis is nowhere near your "ratio"...

Again, quite a ways off from your "determining ratio"...

I didn't even have to dig to find those...

A360 is pretty much known as the worst lab in the united states. The people running it have absolutely no experience what so ever. You do need qualified people to run a HPLC.

I'm not really sure what your point is. Are you trying to claim that strains don't smell like the terpenes they have? The same strain can have completely different terpene profiles and still be the same? If so, perhaps you need a better understanding of what terpenes do.
We're upset about this because we have been running the Glue for a couple years, and our cuts are easily traced back to the original source. You act like the "real #4 cut" (lol) is some rare, mystical entity that only a few hold. Meanwhile, the dude that originally accidentally bred, found, and named GG#4 freely passed it to a number of people, who then passed it to a number of people, etc etc.

That's entirely possible that he passed it to other people. No problem with that. But denying that most cuts of glue going around are fake is a joke. Of course they are. Go look at what people are selling as glue and you'll see.
Dan's comment on this thread about Monsanto only suing people who "sell their seeds" is also B.S. Vernon Bowman wasn't selling his seeds to farmers who wanted to avoid paying Monsanto. Bowman just wanted "Roundup Ready" plants for his own second crop of the season so he sowed his field with soybeans purchased from a grain elevator, the commodity produce farming equivalent of using bag seed. Then he applied glyphosphate to the fields to kill off any plants that didn't have Monsantos patented gene and used the resulting crop to continue planting his fields for the next eight years or so.

Monsanto spent years and millions on lawyers to recover $84,000 (eight fields worth of seed) from a poor farmer in Indiana. Now that Monsanto has paved the way by acquiring the precedent, any troll will be able to shake down growers and retailers without having to splash out so lavishly. We've seen patent and copyright trolls in other industries, we'll see them soon enough in Cannabis. Growers and retailers wont be able to risk using/selling any genetics that aren't 100% vetted as noninfringing. We're living in a golden age of strain production that will be over soon.

So he bought copyrighted products from a source other than the copyright holder and got sued. It's the farming equivilant of downloading from the pirate bay.

That is a pretty far leap from Monsanto/the Illuminati/whoever taking over cannabis and forcing everyone to only buy their product.
So he bought copyrighted products from a source other than the copyright holder and got sued.
Copyright? You clearly don't have a clue about this topic. What are you going to do when you get a certified letter from someone you've never heard of saying they tested your product and found their patented genes in it? You're going to pay whatever they are asking for because it will be less than trying to fight it.
at the cup. I asked boomes farm guys if they have gg#4 at their dispensary. They said no. They have to go to norcal to get a legit cut. They also said somebody came by pushing gg#4 seeds. they turned it down.

if the seeds going around are legit. They would be fems. You dont want fems. No traits from a father plant, recessive, stress recovery, etc....
So what you really should be telling people is be careful of clones from unverified sources, that would be way more accurate than telling everyone that every socal clone but 3 are
Thats the ridiculas statement that got you in the thick of it.
Then you got people who have the real deal as verified as one can really get an they tell youve theve passed it to more than 3 and you call us liars or we dont know what we are growing.
Those statements are whats at issue I think.
And monsanto does sue farmers bud, there are farmers who try to use heirloom seeds like they have for all human history, then the monsanto crops planted next to them fertilize the heirloom corn, now next season those seeds inherit the monsanto genetics and become monsanto property a farmer can no longer even grow his own heirloom seeds. Farmers have been sued over this. To say monsanto is the devil qould be putting it lightly so some reaseach theyve been banned feom wntire countries because of thier horrific policies
Copyright? You clearly don't have a clue about this topic. What are you going to do when you get a certified letter from someone you've never heard of saying they tested your product and found their patented genes in it? You're going to pay whatever they are asking for because it will be less than trying to fight it.

You're right. Patent, my mistake.

Either way, I've yet to see any evidence that Monsanto is going to take over the weed game.
So what you really should be telling people is be careful of clones from unverified sources, that would be way more accurate than telling everyone that every socal clone but 3 are
Thats the ridiculas statement that got you in the thick of it.
Then you got people who have the real deal as verified as one can really get an they tell youve theve passed it to more than 3 and you call us liars or we dont know what we are growing.
Those statements are whats at issue I think.

I actually did say "I can't possibly know what cuts people have in their personal gardens" about 12 times in this thread. It really isn't my fault people are choosing to pretend I didn't say that.

You think what I said was ridiculous, I think it's pretty ridiculous that people are selectively ignoring parts of what I said, even after I repeated it a lot of times to the point where they couldn't have possibly not seen it.
And monsanto does sue farmers bud, there are farmers who try to use heirloom seeds like they have for all human history, then the monsanto crops planted next to them fertilize the heirloom corn, now next season those seeds inherit the monsanto genetics and become monsanto property a farmer can no longer even grow his own heirloom seeds. Farmers have been sued over this. To say monsanto is the devil qould be putting it lightly so some reaseach theyve been banned feom wntire countries because of thier horrific policies

Yes, Monsanto has sued two farmers. In both cases it was buying/selling Monsanto genetics. Two. As far as the rest of what you said, it's been debunked a million times. Monsanto does not sue people for accidental cross pollination. They even offer to pay for the cleanup of cross pollination.

If you believe Monsanto sues people for this, I'd love to see evidence. Not Natural News "evidence", hard evidence of a court case.
fortunately, since this was a thread to talk about the San Bernadino cup, it's pretty much a dead thread now, so very few people will be exposed to the ongoing misinformation being crapped out by a self designated GG4 expert.

if there still are other readers here who want to learn about and grow gg4, listen to members like hammerhead, who has not only gotten the clone in a direct line from the breeder but has actually grown it for over two years. And has grown it to the level of multiple National and International Cannabis Cup wins and placements. compare the information he offers to the words being offered by Dan Kone and make your own choice on who to listen to.

no one here is going to convince Dan Kone he is poorly informed or is a twit. lost cause there. but hopefully the first hand experience of the professional and private growers who have chimed in here to oppose what he is saying will give readers a fair chance to learn about the strain
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So how can you say all but 3 sources of cali glue are fake?
Like you say, you have no idea what people have. Thats kinda the whole point here you said it yourself.
Your whole argument assumes that to be verified glue it has to come from the sources you know? That doesnt sound ridiculas to you?
Thats all anyone is trying to say is that there are plenty of legit glue cuts out there and your telling us we are wrong an in fact we dont even know what we have in our own gardens that most of us have fake cuts.
Your arrogance is offending. Thats why youve gotten the reaction you have.
Who made you the gg4 authority over the guys who have been running her longer than anyone? Taking her to cups an winning?
no one here is going to convince Dan Kone he is poorly informed or is a twit. lost cause there. but hopefully the first hand experience of the professional and private growers who have chimed in here to oppose what he is saying will give readers a fair chance to learn about the strain

Well this is my profession. I am absolutely an expert, not just a guy who read an internet thread, but a real full time one. Even some of your own people, including HH at this point have admitted that hundreds or thousands of fake glue cuts were given out at last year's LA cup, exactly like I've been saying from the beginning. You may not like what I'm saying, but I'm not wrong.And if you think you're an "expert" because you've looked at pictures on the internet you really have no idea what you're doing. You can not tell bud quality from internet pictures, end of story.
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I never said that. Dont put words in my mouth. I siad there are hundreds or thousands of REAL!!!!!!!! cuts out not fake.... The cuts at the LA cup where not fake. They where sick or a virus or parasites... There where less than 50 at the most that had this issue. No one knows what it is. There calling them Duds. Not all had the same issue. some had other issues ....the Sour Dubb thats in the gg#4 has the same anomaly called duds.. These are plants that don't produce any tric's and the plants dont have any aroma. Get with the program... Stop winning about what you can and cant do. You are not any kind of Expert. If this is your profession I would fire you...Your a legend in your own mind a fool to the rest of us.

Using my special internet Jedi night powers these flowers are 40.6% LMAO...

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Lol. Now hes an expert. An expert that thinks that a cut cant vary from garden to garden and test at different percentages of thc. Dan, have you ever grown weed or is all your experience vending? Dans claim of 99% of the glue cuts being fake is bullshit. Where do you get those numbers Dan? From the top of your head? Theres no way you know enough people or see enough people coming to your shop to even begin to make an assumption that only 1% of the cuts are genuine. Lol more people have the glue than there are people that have heard of you or your dispensary. And you can NOT verify a cut with the test youre doing. If that was the case, there wouldn't be talks of dna testing to id og cuts. They'd just send all the samples to expert dumbass dan and be done with it.
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