science: multiculturalism and integration diminishes racism

still call it racist. just not institutionalized racism.
In some cases I would call it self determination. In yet others maybe I would call it defiance. I would not always call it racism. I think maybe there is indeed a more fitting word.

However, from a position of power or privilege, I would call it racist every time because it's institutional.
Good people come in all colors, so do bad people.

I try to judge people on their individual deeds. Coercive governments which are systemically divisive often do not and build support through abetting conflicts.
Good people come in all colors, so do bad people.

I try to judge people on their individual deeds. Coercive governments which are systemically divisive often do not and build support through abetting conflicts.
but ice creams best flavor is strawberry...with real strawberries
Interesting to see the types of posts some of you make. I knew you by your good work first, but then I come across crap threads like this. Disappointingly low quality thinking.
i don't think he's rooting for racism to be institutionalized, i think he is reiterating a view that in order for racism to be anything more than slurs and names, it has to be institutionalized.

in other words, since minority groups can not create the same oppression and discrimination that those in power (white people) can, they cannot be considered truly racist, even if they are bigoted.

that would be my guess based on the rest of what he wrote.

If you don't treat people as individuals and hold them responsible for their own actions and insist on placing people in "minority groups" based on race (as you mentioned) you just might be perpetuating racism.

Collective guilt or collective victim status based on race is a slippery slope.