What's the cut off point between "curvy" and….


Well-Known Member
Tub o' guts? I am curious for male perspective on this and I'll tell you why:

In current American culture we (women) are groomed out of the womb about 'body acceptance' and to 'love your shape.' Okay, so I've got that yadda yadda, (personally I think women spend a disproportionate amount of time fussing about it). But what do men actually think? (even though technically I'm not supposed to care about that)

The term "full figured" and "curvy" are getting thrown about so liberally now that anything goes in terms of the condition of one's body. And I also think that some women try to shame men with "A REAL woman has curves" BS. People have the right to be attracted to whatever physical attributes they like.

so what is it guys? Where's the cut off point between curvy, sturdy, strong, or full figured and just …."no."?
I want to see if I can narrow this body type down a bit.

I'd say tone rather than size is important. There are some big girls who are toned and firm and some skinny ones who can look hagged and saggy. The runners in the gym who never did any weights certainly didn't have the best figures.

Personally I like men with broad shoulders and tight stomachs. This is more of a gym body I think.

Each to their own though.
curvy is a term women use for fat. no one has to be a model by any means but the mom jeans with a squash pokin out in front of the zipper doesn't cut it either. back fat, rolls, rashes from thighs rubbin together....uh.....no.
men are visual and how they're wired.
who really cares imvho??
it's not the person you are on the outside that counts, but rather who you are on the inside.. someone can be smoking hot, and a, be a real bitch on the inside, and i'll not want anything to do with them, and b, good looks fade with time.. if you don't have anything more going for you than a nice ass a nice set off tits, well, once you hit a certain age, you're well and truely sol...
who really cares imvho??
it's not the person you are on the outside that counts, but rather who you are on the inside.. someone can be smoking hot, and a, be a real bitch on the inside, and i'll not want anything to do with them, and b, good looks fade with time.. if you don't have anything more going for you than a nice ass a nice set off tits, well, once you hit a certain age, you're well and truely sol...
AGREE 100%

But, and this might make me kind of a dick - I think fit chicks are way hotter than fatties.

Same with dudes.

Personality counts for so much - I agree. But if we are going on pictures alone - give me some ripped abs, sculpted shoulders, and ass for days.
AGREE 100%

But, and this might make me kind of a dick - I think fit chicks are way hotter than fatties.

Same with dudes.

Personality counts for so much - I agree. But if we are going on pictures alone - give me some ripped abs, sculpted shoulders, and ass for days.

well of course, if i'm going to jerk off, i definitely have a look i'm going for, but if i'm going to date someone, being a good, decent and loving person goes miles further than being a hottie..
It's just, if someone doesn't care enough about themselves to maintain their health, it makes it tough to repsect them. Excuse me while I go pour myself another stiff drink, lip a fat rail, and open a fresh pack of smokes.....
I'm so hot right now...

I love you Pinny. Haven't had any drinks at the same time as you in awhile.
who really cares imvho??
it's not the person you are on the outside that counts, but rather who you are on the inside.. someone can be smoking hot, and a, be a real bitch on the inside, and i'll not want anything to do with them, and b, good looks fade with time.. if you don't have anything more going for you than a nice ass a nice set off tits, well, once you hit a certain age, you're well and truely sol...

I'm not asking what type guys like rather what constitutes curvy vs. a slob? Is it a size or an attitude? And let's face it RB, you can't be instantly attracted to a personality. I'm talking about visual, very first eye full.
I agree 100% with RB too. Unless they are over size 10.

From left to right: Skinny. Hot. Fat.

Or from a different perspective:

Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. Ok-ish size-wise.


Different standards perhaps... It may seem shallow but I associate it directly with healthy. Not being fat that is. Too skinny is worse than a little fat... as long as it's gone by summer.


I'm not asking what type guys like rather what constitutes curvy vs. a slob? Is it a size or an attitude? And let's face it RB, you can't be instantly attracted to a personality. I'm talking about visual, very first eye full.

ok, sorry, went off on a tangent .... it all depends on the person imo.. what some might think of as fat, others will think of as thick, or what ever you'd like to use as an adjective..
me, you can be heavy so long as you dress appropriately..
I agree 100% with RB too. Unless they are over size 10.

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From left to right: Skinny. Hot. Fat.

Or from a different perspective:
View attachment 3393261

View attachment 3393252
Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. Ok-ish size-wise.

View attachment 3393256

Different standards perhaps... It may seem shallow but I associate it directly with healthy. Not being fat that is. Too skinny is worse than a little fat... as long as it's gone by summer.
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First pic: I'd consider woman on left curvy

Third pic (all in white) They are all over weight except the far right.

CGI pic: Second from left looks the healthiest. BMI is full of shit. Especially for men. It doesn't take into consideration body type (endomorph, ecto morph etc, muscle mass, fat percentage or bone density)
^^^ Agree.

It's all in your perspective.

I happen to have a weird personal view on body image/ weight. I am NOT a happy camper if I'm even a wee bit overweight.

I don't think this is for everyone, but it's the way I feel about myself.

FUCK - I'd be STOKED if I loved my body 100 lbs more than I am now. I'd be eating POUTINE for DAYS...