What's the cut off point between "curvy" and….

LOL! What are those? like what we call saddlebags? (not as nice a term but same area?)

Yes.. of course. I will always love Mr. Hooka for telling me he liked me better AFTER we had kids b/c I looked more like a woman cause I had rounder hips.
i was thinking hips?
Hey! You guys should know! Being 'Mericans and that! Because we don't have guns here! It's the outside of the top of the thighs. .

Hips are the widest part and usually measure around the biggest part of the bum.
Sophie Dahl (granddaughter of Ronald) is probably the most famous outsize curvyodel in history. Strangely enough she entered fame skinny but did better curvy. Size 16 UK

This is what I picture when I picture curvy: (Sohpie)

She carries it well but she is about 6'. I like the way her arms haven't got 'bingo wings'. Bit of a waist. Any bigger and she'd lose that. We should find a slim pic to compare!! She got bigger on purpose.
Totally. I was thinking same thing regarding her limbs. They are still shapely. Didn't know she was 6' tall. Was wondering about pics w/ her hub. He was so small I thought it was her kid!! What a nice bone structure she has. Wow!
I'm overweight, but I put effort into staying as healthy as I can within my physical limitations. At 50, I'm not tying to be 20 or 30....things get loose and soft for both sexes when you get older...fact. 10 or 15 lbs more than I should be ain't going to make me worry...I am mature...
Kelly Brooke

Our famous curvy girl next door. What a stunner! She has a long career in TV and is very popular.

Do you know her? Loads of girls would like to look like that.
I'm overweight, but I put effort into staying as healthy as I can within my physical limitations. At 50, I'm not tying to be 20 or 30....things get loose and soft for both sexes when you get older...fact. 10 or 15 lbs more than I should be ain't going to make me worry...I am mature...
Wait ! What? That wasn't you in that dick pic earlier with the flat toned stomach? :)

Age is no excuse. My mother had a great figure and went to the gym and I'm 38 this summer.
I'm overweight, but I put effort into staying as healthy as I can within my physical limitations. At 50, I'm not tying to be 20 or 30....things get loose and soft for both sexes when you get older...fact. 10 or 15 lbs more than I should be ain't going to make me worry...I am mature...
Amen to that!! LOL I weight only 5 pounds more than I did in HS but that shit SHIFTS!. Nuttin' you can do about it other than the usual.
Amen to that!! LOL I weight only 5 pounds more than I did in HS but that shit SHIFTS!. Nuttin' you can do about it other than the usual.
It's all the way you feel about yourself.

I've seen girls I think are fat as balls talk about their sexyness on daytime tv. I might not think they're hot, but they do and that's all that matters.

I wish I loved me bigger than now. I REALLY do.