What's the cut off point between "curvy" and….

I like curvy !! But definitely don't like lumpy ..
I agree it's more about personality than looks(except when your a teen,hot chicks rocked) but I need some looks to go along with the personality ..
First pic: I'd consider woman on left curvy

Third pic (all in white) They are all over weight except the far right.

CGI pic: Second from left looks the healthiest. BMI is full of shit. Especially for men. It doesn't take into consideration body type (endomorph, ecto morph etc, muscle mass, fat percentage or bone density)
Agreed on all points (the green bar does imo line up nicely acceptable as in healthy) except for the first. Skinny is curvy? The image in your first post is misleading, the fat one has many more curves in reality. More curves from multiple layers of fat. Bigger tits from fat. Bigger curved hips from fat. Fat rolls each with a curve lol.. The skinnier the flatter hence the less curvy. Fat doesn't look like the balloon in the less woman side.
I like curvy !! But definitely don't like lumpy ..
I agree it's more about personality than looks(except when your a teen,hot chicks rocked) but I need some looks to go along with the personality ..

i agree, it's more about age than anything else really.. when you're young and dumb and full of cum, there's tons of hot chicks to pick and choose from, but when you get a bit older, and you start to realize that the person you are dating might potentially be the mother to your child things like looks aren't as important any longer, and you realize it's the person they are on the inside and the values that they hold and will instill in your children that really matters, again, imvholl

But is there a point where it's just FAT. Where you can't use the term curvy? That's what I'm asking

*and you can rant in any one of my threads anytime you want RB :cuss::bigjoint:

sure, some people are definitely more on the fatter end of the skinny to fat scale where the term curvy no longer applies..
i agree, it's more about age than anything else really.. when you're young and dumb and full of cum, there's tons of hot chicks to pick and choose from, but when you get a bit older, and you start to realize that the person you are dating might potentially be the mother to your child things like looks aren't as important any longer, and you realize it's the person they are on the inside and the values that they hold and will instill in your children that really matters, again, imvholl
RB I believe is sincere when he writes that. :-)
ok, sorry, went off on a tangent .... it all depends on the person imo.. what some might think of as fat, others will think of as thick, or what ever you'd like to use as an adjective..
me, you can be heavy so long as you dress appropriately..
I agree. It's important to see the person within. I was really skinny and stressed when I got with my bf. My BMI was underweight and now normal. He fed and fed me (loads of chicken) and within a month I stop complaining about it as I'd gained weight. I looked better and felt better. Got my boobs back and ass and grew gun holsters.

At the time I questioned how he could've even found me attractive but he'd know me a few years beforehand, when I'd seen better days.

I don't think you should rule someone out if they aren't currently in prime condition. You can always go to the gym together. Their bodies will change, their personalities won't.
. Got my boobs back and ass and grew gun holsters.

LOL! What are those? like what we call saddlebags? (not as nice a term but same area?)

I don't think you should rule someone out if they aren't currently in prime condition. You can always go to the gym together. Their bodies will change, their personalities won't.

Yes.. of course. I will always love Mr. Hooka for telling me he liked me better AFTER we had kids b/c I looked more like a woman cause I had rounder hips.
Sophie Dahl (granddaughter of Ronald) is probably the most famous outsize curvyodel in history. Strangely enough she entered fame skinny but did better curvy. Size 16 UK