I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member
I disagree. While I agree on the "ethnicity", I disagree on the "intelligence" portion. Mane has now proven that he can engage, and post, in a cohesive manner. In fact, him and I are now engaged in some civil dialog via PM. We're getting to know one another.
It's "he and I", dear (or, we are). :)

Hey, just sayin'.

Ok, ok! (assumes the position) :hump:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I don't disagree. cc is being a bit of a dick,


yeah.. just a weeee bit...

Mane.... that dude terrorizes this forum and is just a fooking giant black hole for hate.. so until you can manage your hate and transform it into LOVE.. that CAT is just gonna keep begging for more.. he/she lives off that shit...

by the way.. i like reading your posts... good stuff

you should consider writing some screenplays or theater.... serious



Well-Known Member

yeah.. just a weeee bit...

Mane.... that dude terrorizes this forum and is just a fooking giant black hole for hate.. so until you can manage your hate and transform it into LOVE.. that CAT is just gonna keep begging for more.. he/she lives off that shit...

by the way.. i like reading your posts... good stuff

you should consider writing some screenplays or theater.... serious

You left out his counterpart, medicineman. Whether or not I agree with a person's viewpoints doesn't mean I can't distinguish bad behavior from good. :)


Active Member
Obama is nothing more than a celebrity that the black man is using to try to gain power in the white house. we are all fucked no matter who we vote for, i personally have never voted don't give a shit and i don't think anything will change as far as every president fuckin up royally to the point of the whole country is sick of him. everyone would be mad at kerry if he was ellected. just face it america is a whore. and no matter who the american ppl put in the WH we will be hated by most of the world. regardless of oil, war, or $$$ Armageddon is coming and it's only a matter of time before we drop another huge bomb on humanity.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
You left out his counterpart, medicineman. Whether or not I agree with a person's viewpoints doesn't mean I can't distinguish bad behavior from good. :)

slight difference...

I always felt that med gave you ample warning before he fooked you in your arse... and uses lube...

cc..., well, he/she is pretty much a rapist... and a pedophile, and enjoys it...

(metaphorically speaking of course)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Obama is nothing more than a celebrity that the black man is using to try to gain power in the white house. we are all fucked no matter who we vote for, i personally have never voted don't give a shit and i don't think anything will change as far as every president fuckin up royally to the point of the whole country is sick of him. everyone would be mad at kerry if he was ellected. just face it america is a whore. and no matter who the american ppl put in the WH we will be hated by most of the world. regardless of oil, war, or $$$ Armageddon is coming and it's only a matter of time before we drop another huge bomb on humanity.

you;'ll get along just fine in this forum....

Obama is nothing more than a celebrity that the black man -

this type of emotionally compelling and complete lack of intellectual substance is what this place thrives on... no common sense, all emotion... like 6 year olds with no coping skills.. only the ability to manipulate others through temper tantrums and emaotional appeal...

it is how McCaine round his campaign.. just playing the emotional charged subjects... he doesn't even have "rhetoric"...

who gives a fook if he is black or a celebrity..... or celibate... just tools in the quiver to get people who HAVE personal issues with celebrities and blacks to get emotionally drawn in to GARBAGE...

Here is the classic bullshit emotionally charged line..

"If we don't (BLANK BLANK BLAH BLAH) those soldiers will have died in vain"

this is 100% manipulation... drawing people IN by their emotions...



Well-Known Member
slight difference...

I always felt that med gave you ample warning before he fooked you in your arse... and uses lube...

cc..., well, he/she is pretty much a rapist... and a pedophile, and enjoys it...

(metaphorically speaking of course)
I'm sorry, but how so? He gives absolutely no warning. All a person needs to do is have the "wrong" viewpoint for him and he goes on the attack. His are the definition of ad hominem. I think you have it backwards after reading plenty from both, and being on the receiving end of med's vitriol for no good reason other than being able to stand up to his hatred. Don't believe me? Search the posts where he goes at me, on a very personal and offensive level.

If we're gonna love, let's spread the love, GK. Can't call out one and not call out the other.

I think that the only reason why you accept med's behavior and not cc's may be because med's politics are more closely aligned with yours. That is not a good reason to accept hateful, atrocious behavior. Including rabid bigotry.


New Member
People really don't like it much, to be pegged as the stereotype they themselves put out there, by their own choice, no less. Too bad.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I'm sorry, but how so? He gives absolutely no warning. All a person needs to do is have the "wrong" viewpoint for him and he goes on the attack. His are the definition of ad hominem. I think you have it backwards after reading plenty from both, and being on the receiving end of med's vitriol for no good reason other than being able to stand up to his hatred. Don't believe me? Search the posts where he goes at me, on a very personal and offensive level.

If we're gonna love, let's spread the love, GK. Can't call out one and not call out the other.

I think that the only reason why you accept med's behavior and not cc's may be because med's politics are more closely aligned with yours. That is not a good reason to accept hateful, atrocious behavior. Including rabid bigotry.
alright then...


good night