Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

oddball, your thinking is primitive. I would normally guess that you were very old, but your juvenile rants simply prove you're quite young and were taught all of this BS and hate from your parents, whom you likely still live with, downstairs, next to the furnace.

Seriously, your thinking is so fucking narrow-minded.
Yep, there is no total equality in our tax code, but progressives and a lot of conservatives for the most part prefer it this way. I don't think it's fair that you pay a much higher rate than a person with 3 kids pay when they are the ones who enjoy things like school that you without children get to enjoy. You actually subsidize more of their children's education through taxes than they do, that doesn't seem fair to me either.

At some point, gay marriage will be universally recognized, it's inevitable and I'm with you that it needs to hurry up and get here. I agree with Obama though that it's a state's issue as the states are the ones that issue marriage licenses. The hospital right you used is a potential problem that to my knowledge doesn't happen any more to gay couples than hetero non-married couples. Just pointing that out. The nurse that wouldn't allow that needs to find another job.
Apply the 14th Amendment to gay marriages.


EDIT: For all the homophobes that claim to support the Constitution, here's the 14th Amendment Section 1:

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Can you answer why you believe two people should have to have sex to enjoy benefits?

I can't comprehend why you use having sex as a basis for equality. That's just as dumb as using eye color or skin color as a basis for equality.

If you want to know what I really think, I think you simply don't like gay people or find their lifestyle to be inappropriate, so you came up with an arbitrary reason to deny equal rights, even if it means some straight people go down with it. It has nothing to do with being able to create a child.


First, I don`t use having sex as a basis for equality, but you use it for making demands and claiming inequality.

Second and why people are having sex to enjoy benefits, because you can`t have a baby until you have sex Naturally. Although medical reasons can get in the way of procreation, they are the only reason to make exception to the rule, and like I already stated, will have to share that with a new culture of the Gay trying to become the same exception to the rule. I do find Gay lifestyle inappropriate, so shoot me for my opinion. I don`t like the gays that parade around with tied on slaves shouting Gay Power or the one`s that go around teaching it to kids before they can understand what being Gay is. Shoot me again.
oddball, your thinking is primitive. I would normally guess that you were very old, but your juvenile rants simply prove you're quite young and were taught all of this BS and hate from your parents, whom you likely still live with, downstairs, next to the furnace.

Seriously, your thinking is so fucking narrow-minded.

Ya ah...Roger that, it`s all wrong but I think I know what you said. You want to psychoanalyze my thinking, you will make the same mistake all make when trying to turn a ball sideways......over.

First, I don`t use having sex as a basis for equality, but you use it for making demands and claiming inequality.

Second and why people are having sex to enjoy benefits, because you can`t have a baby until you have sex Naturally. Although medical reasons can get in the way of procreation, they are the only reason to make exception to the rule, and like I already stated, will have to share that with a new culture of the Gay trying to become the same exception to the rule. I do find Gay lifestyle inappropriate, so shoot me for my opinion. I don`t like the gays that parade around with tied on slaves shouting Gay Power or the one`s that go around teaching it to kids before they can understand what being Gay is. Shoot me again.
"New culture of the Gay"

Fuck me sideways you are a seriously backwards mofo.
"New culture of the Gay"

Fuck me sideways you are a seriously backwards mofo.

It's stifling the ignorance taught to kids. "Honey, let's raise our kids to see themselves as better than the following groups... and more- these other groups are evil degenerates."
When you use flawed deductions, you would be expected to reply to one with ridicules that leave out the subject being ridiculed, and you end up with Rrog and Harriken talking stupid.
It's stifling the ignorance taught to kids. "Honey, let's raise our kids to see themselves as better than the following groups... and more- these other groups are evil degenerates."

Why is that stifling ? Because not all agree with your teachings or something ?? I taught my kids that being civil is better than violent or wild. Are those two groups the same as my kid ? I know my kid so I say no, my kid is better than that. , but since you got all kinds of talent and foresight, what say you and why ?

Why would I not teach them what you say I shouldn`t ?? I say to them, stay away from Gangs and klans, but you know something I don`t, that right ? I shouldn`t teach them that ?, Is labeling groups by profiling dead wrong to teach a kid,...Right ?

You got kids ? Do you remember 1966 ?
^^^ Given your mental orientation, I an totally relieved to know you don't agree with me. ^^^^

Don`t forget to wipe then, .... you gotta teach a kid that too.

That`s all you got ?

Now that you look stupid let`s hear from Harrekin.

When you have a child, one of your goals is to bring up that kid to be ..."better than that" ... not, succumb to that......
You have taught your children that they are better than others. I have successful children that sure as shit don't have narrow minds.
So is it safe to say that today you just discovered diversity after all those years ?

My girl is hot, happy, licensed employed, in love, moving on and there`s not much else I can do for her without being intrusive. My boy is a kid, and I`ll do just fine with him,...I hope.
Tell me why they should be like yours ?
I'm glad your kids are happy. Inevitably, your bigoted teaching will cause your kids to display this fine teaching, and hurt someone else in the process. That's how teaching hate works.