my first grow how do they look and a few ?s


Well-Known Member
well as of last night my plants seem to be doing great. I gave them their first round of blooming nutes and molasses on wed. they seemed to have loved it since then they seem to have almost shown signs of sex.. i think im getting pretty close.. today is day 4 of flowering lights are out but when the come on imma go down see if any parts showed yet and snap some pics for you all. cmon guys havent seen ya in a few days! :joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ok so i think its a lil to early but im pretty sure i found parts on 3 of my plants its looking like first 2 are girls (pistol with a hair comming out ) and 3 is boy (lil ball) the 4th is my topped plant see pistol but no ball or hair yet.. last is all of them let me know what you think! especially of the 3 im trying to sex its harder than it looks lol! HELP ME!! no signs on the other 5 yet :X



Well-Known Member
you do have girls on the first two i can see but the rest cant tell. I see the white hair in the first a little


Well-Known Member
Yeah...still a little early, but def. looks like you got some girlys. Just give em some more time...then you'll know for sure...once they start there's no mistaking male/female


Well-Known Member
well heres the 3rd pic just a bit closer, i really dont have a clue what im looking for so yeah ill wait till more noticeable for more pics thxs for the help lemme know!



Well-Known Member
plants look verry good but its just a little to early to tell sex.usually between 10 -15 days most strains start to next sat. you will know for sure..Good to see ya again.


Well-Known Member
well high friends! plants are doing great. getting bigger and bushier. no buds yet :X lol i know way to early! the good news is i have 2 definite females very definable pistols with 2 white hairs coming out. they pretty much look the same just a lil bigger so no group shots yet. but i have spotted 2 plants i believe to be males heres the pic hope you can tell lemme know what you think im pretty sure but as soon as a few of you tell me their boys im tossin them out so please a lil help if you can if not its cool. keepin an eye on them. ill take some more pics in a few days. miss ya all lookin forward to hearin from ya! peace out tricks ;)



Well-Known Member
yep will do trust me im comming here b4 i do anything lol ill keep ya updated keepin an eye on their parts cant wait to get rid of males so i got more lights for the ladies :) night all! pics soon promise lols :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well high friends! plants are doing great. getting bigger and bushier. no buds yet :X lol i know way to early! the good news is i have 2 definite females very definable pistols with 2 white hairs coming out. they pretty much look the same just a lil bigger so no group shots yet. but i have spotted 2 plants i believe to be males heres the pic hope you can tell lemme know what you think im pretty sure but as soon as a few of you tell me their boys im tossin them out so please a lil help if you can if not its cool. keepin an eye on them. ill take some more pics in a few days. miss ya all lookin forward to hearin from ya! peace out tricks ;)
Allright!! at least you have 2 fems for sure...see told ya it'd hapen any day. What is that day 6 or 7? I almost always get pistols in the first week of flower. Yeah...its looking like ball sack on the other 2.


Well-Known Member
AAAAAAHHHHHHH! GDG....We sarted at about the same time....I just started my plants(first grow masta kush)... june 9th they sprouted threw the dirt....and now (two months later 2 weeks into floer)i have two survivors(two females like you) out of 5....mine are probably about 3 to 4 weeks (im guessing) older than i can help guide you....... as far as those two last pics, there definately kill em... the mails show sex early....and the female grows hairs no like me and take some clones from the two survivors....i have one successful clone right now....looking forward to seeing new pics....
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Well-Known Member
hey there cheezy! thx for the reply ;) my plants are about 6 weeks old and 6 days into flowering -_- i had to flower a lil early cuz my bitches were big lol. kush should be nice ;) im just growing some plain ol bag seed but i think most of my plants are indica and i think i may have a few sativa but i dunno shit lol
yeah im like 90% those are boys lol gonna give them till tomorrow then the boot! need the light so i have 2 girls 2 boys and 4 undetermined so as soon as they show something...anything...i will put pics up. but yeah more updates soon will be taking some pics tomorrow will post! gl with your grow cheezy getting close now ;) peace :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeahhh....i know its hard to kill em....I killed mine.... it was a sad day...but those cocky bastards were useless... it kind of worked out for the best... cause i was runnig out of space....


Well-Known Member
hey girl looking great so far, i can almost say for sure that those last two pics you posted were boys,
but the ones before it looked alot like you have some girlies!!!!
good job :):)


Well-Known Member
Just did a quick read through of journal! You have a nice grow going girl!! Congrads on that! Im looking forward to watching this go along!! scribed +rep
