• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Monsanto Cannabis!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
What do you expect? Everyone pushes for legalization then expects big business to stay out once its legalized. Don't buy their seeds, if they ever do develop them.
WHO Is going to turn down 50% THC and a flowering time of 3 weeks at 2gms per watt?

And what makes you think you will be able to legally grow without expensive licensing and registration?


Well-Known Member
WHO Is going to turn down 50% THC and a flowering time of 3 weeks at 2gms per watt?

And what makes you think you will be able to legally grow without expensive licensing and registration?
This is foolish such would Not Ever happen. Just because they can Add Death to their seeds and products does NOT mean they are GOD and can Completely Create New Plants and Cycles, this is just a part of Nature. Some things are Uneeasonable and Merely Fictitious Theories.

Looks like I Am going to have to pull out the Statistics.!

But you are Right, whatever Lies Monsanto can put on their packaging will make the General Public think OH Thats that "good stuff" hey don't they make Round Up, i love that stuff...


Well-Known Member
that's disgusting i hate those who use animals to test.
Why? Would you rather them test Wicked Products on Human beings first? Yeah because that would be "humane"... Yeah it may suck for the animals, but i Would rather have Them tested and get sick and die Rather than me or any other Human Being. The life span of a Rat is tiny, as well their Generations are not far apart, wouldN't it be better to test on something that we can Discover results with in only a couple years, or Wait Decades to see the results in Humans? Arent' you the one calling for Monsanto to do their thing.?! You like all their Products of Death but you doN't like when Scientist Demonstrate Death--from the Products That HUMANS ARE CONSUMING--through Animals. Animals that are Nothing but a Nuisance in All Major Cities.


Well-Known Member
i don't know any stoners who have a stash of corn, do you?
Yep. I do, try to do. We All should. What if shit went down and All seed was Bought up and you couldN't grow your own corn and it became Extremely Expensive like in germany with Wheel Barrows of Cash JUST to buy ONE Loaf of bread, we should All Grow Everything we desire to eat and Some, And Save the Seed from it. You never Know what could happen, and all the International Conglemorates ONLY have Free Reign in the United States because they have Been Banned from Most every other Developed Nation in the world and even the Third World Nations like Haiti have Burned their seed and cast their seeds of Death out of their land.!
Fuck Monsanto. They should be banned from doing business in the United States.
Exactly.!. We are banned from growing and selling Cannabis, Yet Monsanto and the Other Companies like DuPont, Syngenta, etc lobby Congress and Enact Legislation which protects them from Prosecution! While they pass More Strict regulations on Hogs and i technically could be Arrested and Imprisoned for Transporting a Hog from one farm to another withOut the "proper" veterinarian licensing & tagging, as well if i want to Keep a True Heritage Hog breed and let them roam free in the woods That is Illegal because I Am keeping "feral" hogs because they have hair and tusks. Let's Not even Begin to talk about Cooking and Selling those hogs for my fellow Citizenry and Friends.! That is a Huge No No, Unless i do this and that and that and this.!

This is Why we as Citizens must Run for Office and change legislation in your Own State. Now.!. Most Representatives and Senators Especially in the States are Never run Against, all you would have to do is go Talk to some people, knock on some doors, and you could More than likely Win the election.!


Well-Known Member
You progs are scientists, that's for sure.
I love Monsanto! That company has done more to benefit mankind than any Democrat I can think of. Just their ability to make progressives sputter is enough to make them valuable.
Ha I Am deeply offended you would call Me a Progressive.!. If anything you Are a Neo-Conservative, you are No true conservative. Hahaha GOD man you think we are all Progressives here! Haha you are probably the most "progressive" one of us all. All we want to do is Go Back to doing things ourselves, you know like our Fore Fathers did when they Stopped trading with The East India Company--these "great" Conglomarates which you love today--they wanted to be Able to Produce and Trade on their Own Land and do their Own things without Being Forced to Buy it from EIC.

I Can Assure you my friend that I Am one of the Most Devote Patriots and Servants of This GOD Blessed Nation of The United States of America and The Declaration of Independence and Constitution thereof More than most people that spit and holler they are. George Washington warned us in his Farewell Address to Guard Against the Party system, and sir that is Exactly what you are doing. Their are Plenty of "republicans" that are More "liberal" and Progressive than some "democrats".

To say that Monsanto has done More for mankind is quite a Blatant Lie. Every Single Thing they produce is Death. From Agent Orange, to Round Up, to their Glyphosphate and Neonicatinoid Transgenic Seeds.

Once you turn back to The People and Their Liberties instead of the Corporations' "rights"--oh wait i guess the "supreme" court ruled Corporations are a "person", so i Guess you Are for "the people"--Then you can tell me you are Not a Progressive. For you are trying to "progress" into a Better World with all these Conglomerates and their Tyrannical Grip on the Public, while that will Never Happen, just Let us Go Back to True Freedom and Liberty free from Domicilary Vexation as happens daily Now.

Read Thomas Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address. Not a Single Person paid an Internal Tax. Every single Office was upheld by Import Tariffs and Duties. Oh wait now that wouldN't jive with today's multi-national conglomerates, because then they would be Taxed Exceedingly for moving their Labor to other Nations and especially for using Slave labor. Thomas Jefferson's view was if you wanted to do business with America you had to pay.!. And that's how it Should Be, and my friend that is Not Progressive but Old Historical Fact.


Well-Known Member
everyone here calling for full legalization
this is the future.

When it becomes fully legalized. The market will close on home growers and they will genetically modify weed that is 10x more potent and cheaper than anything you could grow. While at the same time buying politicians to so tightly regulate cultivation that is going to be impossible for you to legally grow. Unless you got millions
You Are correct, we must De-Illegalize Cannabis and All the things that are "illegal" because of Arbitrary Secondary law which is merely code. For if we "Legalize" something then we restrict with legal code, while what we want as a People is to Remove and Abolish Impeding code.

But the Black Market shall Always thrive, just as our Fore Fathers skirted the Tyrannical Laws of the king, and Shit! Just as their Corporations Do Today! They skirt the law like Mother Fuckers and don't pay fucking taxes, Get Free Subsidies and Grants!!! FUCK THE TYRANNICAL STATE!


Well-Known Member
how can the market ever close on something you can propagate? and what do you mean by market closing?

i'll believe it when i see it..10x more potent and cheaper.

how would they know what's in my house?
hahaha Exactly! The Fourth Amendment Brother!!!

The sad thing today though is we can't Grow Outside and do things On our land freely like we Need to. Thank GOD for Electricity and all these Grow Lights and ACs!


Well-Known Member

those are the effects of exposure to agent orange, a product of the monsanto company, who states that "reliable scientific evidence indicates that Agent Orange is not the cause of serious long-term health effects."

yeah, sure looks that way to me.

this is what happens when companies like monsanto conduct their own studies, same as they are now doing with GMO products.
Exactly! Just because they say they're scientist, does Not mean they are telling the Truth.!. @desert dude you remember the "climategate" emails don't you?! what's to say Monsanto wouldn't do the same thing?
why did you join a white supremacy group?
oh shit that makes sense.!. That sucks man, let us say a Prayer for Desert Dude the Neo Nazi. He is lost. You know Desert Dude just because Hitler used the Bible to deceive the masses does Not mean he was a Good Servant of JESUS CHRIST.
for some odd reason, monsanto does not allow independent research on their products.


because that's what we should do with something as important as the food supply, right?
yeah well they know best, theyre scientists... that's why i can't cook a pig over a pit all day and serve it my own Apple Cider Vinegar and Salt all of which I Produced because that would be "dangerous" for Public Consumption, when in All Reality it would be The Healthiest most Delicious Food around.!.

Pit Cooking Black Market!!!!

Here's an Idea... What about just having everyone "donate" money to you, that way you are Not "selling" anything... Hookers do it don't they? Could we do it with products/??!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
136 pages of laws on growing weed in Colorado.
Still demanding rfid chips on every plant?
Insane! When the Most Important Documents of All History The Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of The United States of America, are literally like 5% of those pages JUST for Code on growing "weed".!. Insane!!!!
I think what he means is that they will genetically modify them to grow, faster, stronger and possibly more potent. They did this with corn. They make the genetics so it can tolerate damn near drought like condtions and still grow good corn. It will be easier to grow and much more tolerant against environment, pests and disease. Stablizing genetics isn't always a bad thing. You could get that certain pheno you've been chasing or get a pack of seeds that all have the same traits instead of having 3 or 4 phenotypes. It would be esier and faster to make stable strains and so on...
Yes Breeding is Good, and that is why Heirloom varieties are So important because So Many different people from different regions of the world are growing Different Tomatoes, Corn, Beans, etc... and Each One has different Flavor Profiles, Disease & Pest Resistance, Tall or Short, Bush or Vine, Indica or Sativa, etc... These are Just Naturally found in Nature and through NATURAL Breeding and Seed Saving.

NOT from companies Altering Genes and infusing them with Completely different Compounds from plants or animals or synthesized petroleum which Completely Alter the Genetics of the Organism. This has Not Ever been able to be done until the past half a century... And honestly it is fine for the companies to do this, but it is the Prohibition against the Simple Man Breeding his Own seed and saving that is the problem, that they are Able to Patent their seeds and so being the Farmers who's seeds become tainted with their GMO seeds have to Pay them Royalties or Face Prosecution. It is the fact that they Control the Regulations of Agriculture and This is what is Wrong with these Conglomerates that do so.

And actually you have to use More Petroleum Fertilizers and Pesticides with their Seeds, that if you do Not it is actually Much worse. And again i can Find you a Multitude of Heirloom Seeds that would Out Produce in Every Environment than their Seeds.

And they already make "stabilized" seeds like your saying, their called Feminized, and that is a result of Breeding, NOT Transgenics.


Well-Known Member
Sure as long as you
run double blind studies
note the efficacy of the treatment
describe and define what the urine is used for
label your product accurately
Open your production facility's to inspecting
if consumable USDA will have to get involved

All the bashing of Monsanto originated with organic quacks.
Well when Scienctific Studies and Research and the Government's Studies have Just come out Proving a Link of Glyphosphate and Nionicatinoids with Cancer, Autism, and other Diseases, especially those that live near fields. As well that almost Every Human in the US is Tainted with these poisons.!. This is just because of some quacks, and you know where "Quack" comes from it comes from back in the Day the "Science" at the time was to use Blood Letting and Mercury to cure sickness; well this goes all the way back to Grecian times with Hippocrates, who believed their was a CREATOR and to use HIS Creation to cure people, and Democritus who believed we are "gods" and to surgically cut into people to cure them.

For instance you know Today doctors No longer take the Hippocratic Oath which they did for 2,000 years.!

But back to the "Quacks" quacks were the name given to the "Modern" Doctors of our Colonial Days and during the Founding, because Mercury was Also called Quicksilver, and the people who called these doctors Quacks believed in a CREATOR specifically JESUS CHRIST and that HE Cured us Through HIS Creation. George Washington Died because a True Quack--one who is a True Progressive because they think they Progress Science beyond it's Limits even if it Hurts the Human, just like all you who think all this New Science will Save and Cure us all--, because the Quack blood let him And Gave him mercury.

So who is the True Quack.!?


Well-Known Member
skinhead rat dude, why do you suppose monsanto made it illegal for anyone to do independent studies on their products?

does that seem like a good and safe way to conduct scientific experiments on something as important as the food supply?

is agent orange safe as well?
YES! Wait... umm... No... i don't know!


Well-Known Member
let me cite the very same source you cited yesterday, skinhead rat snitch.


monsanto lobbied to make it illegal to perform independent research on their products.

also, is agent orange safe?

is it a good idea to trust liars like you, or monsanto?
DAMN!!! He got you their.!. UncleBuck be careful though he could get his neo brothers and even though your white your Not White enough so they are gonna come get ya.!. Be careful out there.
Again another monsanto cry tread wtf peeps geez governments are bad , nuclear plants are bad , what about lumber , coal , oil Bad , but we need to pick on monsanto
A company that made there money on a 1- 2 punch weed killer and seeds come to think about it there pretty fucking smart you want to grow corn with out weeds monsanto has everyone beat by a red mile
you know can not build a house with out corn , a car ?? you need corn , so next time you need new tires that is made from starch or i should say monsanto CORN think about it your supporting them and you do not even no it hahaha

with how many people starving to death in the world ... Hey you ever here about them mothers in Africa breast feeding all of town ?? yup its true . all new mothers that have children are literally feeding everyone with there milk sick huh ...... mother milk factories
Then we got people like uncle buck posting stupid pictures of some mexicans wonder they must of been born like that ???
If that is the case then wtf they should of never been allowed to live a day any deformed person born mental or other wise should be exterminated see people do not even know this
but you ever wonder why so many retarded , armless , mutants are alive today then there was 50 years ago ?? yeah typical blame it on monsanto or something else
i know why see back then any baby born with a malfunction :) was put near a open window to actually catch Pneumonia and die ..
todays mind set is to burden everyone with letting them live when in fact in nature any deformed animal dies this should be no different for us
Umm yeah i actually Can build a House without Corn.!. As well as a Car. Hemp produces a Multitude More cellulose than Corn. But oh i guess we cant grow Cannabis outside can, oh because companies like Monsanto specifically DuPont changed legislation through manipulation to Prohibit Hemp.!.

You can create your own Herbicide just by Growing Comfrey which actually grows wild some places... and you Concentrate that yourself by squeezing it... Boom Herbicide Just as Good but WAY Safer than Monsantos "1 2 punch" weed killer. Yeah i think i do it myself.

Damn dude you are one Dark mother fucker. Maybe you Should be exterminated because of your "mental illness"... Right?! That's pretty fucked up son, i don't think especially with technology today that we should let a deformed child be born IF YOU WANT but to Just willy nilly start "exterminating" Disabled People.!. What if something happens to you Today and you lose Both of your Arms, or Legs, or Whatever it may be. You just going to laugh it off and Say oh well just kill me off I'm disabled now.?! FUCKED UP DUDE.


Well-Known Member
how stupid of me to cite a senior scientist in a matter of scientific research.

or, in this case, the fact that monsanto will not allow independent scientific research on their products.

does that seem like a good idea to you?
Yeah just Shut Up UncleBuck just Shut up! LA LA LA LA ALA LA LA LA ALA LA AL! I'm NOT Listening!
those are some ugly white rats.

i'm guessing you're related. ya know, you being a white rat yourself and all.
ohhh damn!
Yea... I saw a commercial just yesterday for some COPD inhaler... 'first FDA approved drug for COPD with..." combo 2-1 drug.... but listen to the rest n it says not to take it if you have asthma, as it may increase the risk of death (hell of a side effect, but it gets worse, that is immediately followed by...) 'these effects have not been studied on patients with COPD"

Thats.... the one thing they should test... "Will this kill someone who has the disease its meant to treat?" "Who cares, sell it."
HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT! That's what I Am saying THE TRUTH Is right there for you to see! Just open your eyes and look.! Open your ears and Hear! "Those who have ears let him hear."
Monsanto won't allow research?
How do they manage that
exactly like forest said. It is because they spend Millions and Billions on Lobbying Legislation and they also put Their guys In the FDA and USDA and So they can Literally Write the Code however they want, Most Lobbyist Write Legislation for the Representatives anyways, very few Actually write the Bills. Which i Believe should be Prohibited as it once was, it is Extortion.


Well-Known Member
What do you expect? Everyone pushes for legalization then expects big business to stay out once its legalized. Don't buy their seeds, if they ever do develop them.
That's the problem "legalization." We Need to Abolish the Prohibitions
WHO Is going to turn down 50% THC and a flowering time of 3 weeks at 2gms per watt?

And what makes you think you will be able to legally grow without expensive licensing and registration?
haha and this is just Not Ever going to happen. i mean be reasonable here. hahaha 50% THC!? What about ALL The Other Cannabinoids?! You know there are some that have Not even been Discovered yet.!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
@cannakis, you have engulfed yourself in conspiracy theories, and you seem to think Unclebuck is a reliable source of information. UB is a pathological liar. Every word out of his mouth is in furtherance of some lie. Follow him at your own peril.