Again another monsanto cry tread wtf peeps geez governments are bad , nuclear plants are bad , what about lumber , coal , oil Bad , but we need to pick on monsanto
A company that made there money on a 1- 2 punch weed killer and seeds come to think about it there pretty fucking smart you want to grow corn with out weeds monsanto has everyone beat by a red mile
you know can not build a house with out corn , a car ?? you need corn , so next time you need new tires that is made from starch or i should say monsanto CORN think about it your supporting them and you do not even no it hahaha
with how many people starving to death in the world ... Hey you ever here about them mothers in Africa breast feeding all of town ?? yup its true . all new mothers that have children are literally feeding everyone with there milk sick huh ...... mother milk factories
Then we got people like uncle buck posting stupid pictures of some mexicans wonder they must of been born like that ???
If that is the case then wtf they should of never been allowed to live a day any deformed person born mental or other wise should be exterminated see people do not even know this
but you ever wonder why so many retarded , armless , mutants are alive today then there was 50 years ago ?? yeah typical blame it on monsanto or something else
i know why see back then any baby born with a malfunction

was put near a open window to actually catch Pneumonia and die ..
todays mind set is to burden everyone with letting them live when in fact in nature any deformed animal dies this should be no different for us