When will i see a fade


Some strains take a lot longer to yellow up. Like GG4 I've herd of guys dropping all nuits as early as week 6 to get her to fade. Just cause its not faded doesn't mean its not flushed enough.


IMG_20150620_064549.jpg I put my hand held micro scope right up against my phone camera eye.
I'm sorry didn't read the whole thread. What strain is it?


Well-Known Member
Yes you did see some amber if that was towards me that's why I was thinking she was done and yes I did look at that link that dirtyNerd posted.
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bud bootlegger
Pick'n to late not a huge deal. Picking to early is a sin!lol
i agree.. they look nice, but not ready yet imvho..
i like to look for a few things.. most of the hairs receded back into the buds is one good sign.. buds, mostly calyx's will be nicely swollen.. and lastly, the entire plant will simply scream finished, and there's no mistaking that look..
i've chopped early once, what a mistake, and will never do it again... after all the months of hard work, it's so not worth getting impatient at the end and chopping early..


Sorry didn't realize this was an outdoor grow or you have no clue what strain it is. Thinking its outdoors cuz you said it got rained on. In that case let the trichomes Amber right up.


Well-Known Member
sort of both because i bring it inside for the lights of cycal untill it gets dark outside then i put it outside again to wake up with the sun. alright i will most probablly pick her late and thanks for the replys every one


Well-Known Member
Not really because she is still getting 12-12 because she come in at 5:00pm and sunrise is 5:00 AM i could see why you would think that tho :)


Ya looks pretty ruff. Start over. There's a good size learning curve. Especially without somebody right there to help you straighten it. My philosophy about growing is. Its easy to do but easy to fuck up.lol very true even for a veteran grower. Take for instance the guy running one of my old rooms accidentally kicked the plug out of the AC as he was leaving for the weekend. Needless to say they burnt to a crisp. Lots of time and money gone just like that. At least the mother fucker didn't burn down the house.
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Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Ahh I see. Surprised it hasn't hermed on ya doing that. Very confused plant I would imagine.lol
many people will force flower like i did with over 18 hrs of day light presently what i did was place plant in garage for 48 hrs covered and in darkness then for first week it was out side for 12 hrs then back in garage end of second week she is full bloom cycle 3rd week from flipping she is out side non stop and recieving full day light .. and its smoking for week 3
With no glitches placing in garage every couple days to to get total 12 hrs of total darkness but she is stacking up nice
As for the op about fading you know contrary to popular belief MJ is a annual meaning it grows for one season there fore fading is not in its gene pool as its cousins the perennial.
Which will use up all the energy in the plants leafs, drop leafs to conserve energy for the winter months like tress do
the goal is to keep the plant healthy as possible Nitrogen is needed in all stages till the end ( CHOP )
we work so hard to keep plants healthy just to let it starve its self at the most crucial time ? Does this really make sense like flushing etc ..
this is what seperates the jedi growers to the novice growers
Everyone tends to listen to the urban myths like its the bible with out any true credited scientific data ,, do organic farms purposely flush there veggies n fruits ??? or any commercial scale farmers ??? not fucking chance
The goal is KEEPING plants healthy as long as you can end of story here 3rd week organic going into 4th week healthy only water added and top dress fresh grass clippings she will stay healthy up to chop day and wait till you see what she looks like compared to other plants they people purposely fade or starve plants

