Thoughts on my flushing method.


Active Member
never flush during organic grows. there is a huge difference between growing decent weed and that swamp gas . we grow reefer around here not HAAAAAAAY.


Active Member
never use fans when you dry unless you harvest like half a pound or better. half of these cats harvesting like a month early on these forums and then wondering why the results are shit . no smell no taste then that particular pheno needed to comepletely finish her life cycle no two cannabis plants are the same they are just like people .


Well-Known Member
Hey yall, check this out!

So I've been puffing on a bowl tonight of some fresh harvested bud. It's been drying s full 3 days now. I didn't flush at all, my last watering was 780ppm of nutes.

No cure.

No flush.

As huell howser would say, "that's amazing!"

It taste the same as organic or flushed bud as well. I mean, just look at that ash color! How the hell do people get black ash anyway, is it an organic thing or something?



Well-Known Member
Try curing some and seeing if there's a difference. 3 days is pretty short.
Good job.
For sure gonna cure :) just wanted to try a sample and was surprised the ash was white and it tasted great after 3 or 4 days drying (the bigger buds took a bit longer to dry though). It was surprisingly smooth !


And yeah, molasses isn't for flushing or whatever is going on there, it's only for the bennies, not the taste or end product being produced, it's for the soil only