Parents!!!!! Growing with younger children... Do you explain?

I just don't understand how parents go about this. I just know I need the medicine, and cannot afford what I need.. You know?

That is an honest comment.

1) How much do you need?
2) Do you have a single closet in your room to sacrifice?
3) Is there a single area in your home that is your own?
I work full time and only use my medicine after work and on weekends.. I buy around an 1.5 oz a month, and don't really limit myself, but would like to be more liberal. More than anything I want enough for trial and error to cook with. I expect I'd need a bit, as the first few batches might suck?

Definitely no area on my 70 acres that prying eyes wouldn't see.
Drinking and smoking are both restricted in public.

It isn't the social norm to smoke weed in public. Drinking and smoking are both restricted in public.

Yes they are, but its acceptable to have a drink around your kids in a responsible manner. That is the norm.

Why does it have to be "smoking" weed?.. If one consumes an edible and acted in a responsible and not obnoxious maner, why would I have a problem with public consumption?.
Wow.. Solid security.

The entire setup cost less than the single decent tent that I bought previously. I bought the door at lowes in the markdown section for like $30. A few pieces of drywall, some 2x4s, and a couple locks. The cost for the rest of the equpiment is the same. In 6 sq feet I can grow a lb easily with 600w every 3 months or so depending on the strain including veg. I generally screw around between grows and use the same room for veg and flowering. I simply take clones before flipping to 12/12 and then kind of hold them in stasis with cfl lighting and no to little nutes until they are ready to veg. On the right I have a small box(2' x 2') with a latch that holds the clones and sometimes small vegging plants if I am on my game.
I need to practice doing some clones... Haven't got that down yet. I may have overkill if you are pulling in that much from that much space. And to be honest, I'm finding that most of my savings is going to be eaten in electricity! Holy. I have a 600 watt in each tent, but veg turned down to 50%
Yes they are, but its acceptable to have a drink around your kids in a responsible manner. That is the norm.

Why does it have to be "smoking" weed?.. If one consumes an edible and acted in a responsible and not obnoxious maner, why would I have a problem with public consumption?.

There wouldn't be a problem. No reason why you would. No one would know what you are doing if you were eating a cookie. It isn't acceptable to smoke cigarettes around your kids and it isn't acceptable to get raging drunk around them. Drinking in moderation - sure. A drink doesn't make you drunk. Eating or smoking marijuana is to get high. If you can be high and control yourself then there is no problem. When I am high - nobody notices or knows.
I tend to disagree on drinking in front of kids... I feel like it's along the same lines as cigs, herb whatever. I reallY feel like it's worse. That's just me though. I understand it's socially acceptable. Our kids don't generally see my wife drink, usually by mistake if they ever did. She only does occasionally, I don't drink at all.
I need to practice doing some clones... Haven't got that down yet. I may have overkill if you are pulling in that much from that much space. And to be honest, I'm finding that most of my savings is going to be eaten in electricity! Holy. I have a 600 watt in each tent, but veg turned down to 50%

When I had separate veg and flow chambers, I used CFLs for veg. You can veg in a tent until you are ready, take clones, flip the lights, and then just run with it. The clones can just be put in rock wool that is moist but I usually use a rooting hormone too. Then just put them in a tote with a small cfl(like the $10 walmart 12" ones) and that is it. In a week or so they will have roots. You just ignore them with an occasional spritz for a until the ones in flower are done at this point. Having 2 rooms certainly cuts a lot of time between harvests but isn't really necessary for private usage.
Marijuana is illegal federally and since the federal law is preemptive - any state law that legalizes marijuana (just like NFA items) is trumped by federal law. I'm not sure why you don't understand this.

The federal government is offering a legal carveout even if federal law says that marijuana is illegal. They are allowing state and locals to regulate marijuana.. As long as there are not gross violations highlighted in the memo. They will allow such regulation. Additionally they mention a ban on INTERSTATE trade of.. INTRAstate commerce is allowed. Thats why the feds will allow such trade.

A small time grower in a couple of 4x4's will not bring the attention or will it merit attention of the federal government as long as they are compliance with local regulations. ..

So its.. Legal on a state level and tolerated by the feds. ... SO its legal.
I think it's a bit touchy. But you know, children see their parents, uncles, aunts and everybody else drink wine at parties, some parents smoke cigarette. So for them to know that you're growing medicinal plants is not a big deal. They just need to know that they are only for adults. It's like gardening, but with magic plants lol. I used to help my dad with the garden when I was a child. Heck I was a nerd for plants. So as long as the children don't consume the cannabis I see no harm.
Im not even gonna read all this b.s. the fact is he was concerned and the truth is about growing period food , tobacco , herb its all the same its not about what your growing but that your doing it Yourself period.

Now referring cannabis to a drug is Fucking retarded and you and your mind need to wake up , do you know the common human gets controlled by there mind instead of controlling there mind.
Think OP has caused some great debate and answered his question.

We live in an ever changing society and hard to know the best paths to take.

If i may say i do not support legalization "THATS OUR DRUG" and like sticking it to the police and goverment. I understand 99.9% of you dont agree but after they criminalized it we did just fine.

The federal government is offering a legal carveout even if federal law says that marijuana is illegal. They are allowing state and locals to regulate marijuana.. As long as there are not gross violations highlighted in the memo. They will allow such regulation. Additionally they mention a ban on INTERSTATE trade of.. INTRAstate commerce is allowed. Thats why the feds will allow such trade.

A small time grower in a couple of 4x4's will not bring the attention or will it merit attention of the federal government as long as they are compliance with local regulations. ..

So its.. Legal on a state level and tolerated by the feds. ... SO its legal.

You don't appear to understand that everything is interstate trade according to the SCOTUS and the federal government. A new president could/would throw all that out the window. Marijuana is illegal without a new law being passed. Marijuana is currently Illegal but ignored. I take it that you didn't read this:
Im not even gonna read all this b.s. the fact is he was concerned and the truth is about growing period food , tobacco , herb its all the same its not about what your growing but that your doing it Yourself period.

Now referring cannabis to a drug is Fucking retarded and you and your mind need to wake up , do you know the common human gets controlled by there mind instead of controlling there mind.

lol. Marijuana isn't a drug, gotcha. Neither is opium and cocaine.
Think OP has caused some great debate and answered his question.

We live in an ever changing society and hard to know the best paths to take.

If i may say i do not support legalization "THATS OUR DRUG" and like sticking it to the police and goverment. I understand 99.9% of you dont agree but after they criminalized it we did just fine.

I tend to disagree on drinking in front of kids... I feel like it's along the same lines as cigs, herb whatever. I reallY feel like it's worse. That's just me though. I understand it's socially acceptable. Our kids don't generally see my wife drink, usually by mistake if they ever did. She only does occasionally, I don't drink at all.

Second hand smoke is the difference for me. You can't smoke a cigarette beside someone without subjecting them to it.