Parents!!!!! Growing with younger children... Do you explain?

Not me, I recognize that its main use is an intoxicant.. Nor will I pretend to have medical conditions to get a card to consume marijuana... well unless its to get clones outta cali.. :) Yeah I'd totally fake it for that.

Yep people are fickle if it gets them what they want :-(
I just don't agree. I think arming them with information from both sides will serve them the best.

I will say - out of the kids I went to school with, just because they grew up around it doesn't mean they developed a problem with it, and quite the opposite with most. They were completely indifferent to it, rather than intrigued like most kids get when you tell them something is 'bad'

I think we have gained a deeper understanding of each others views. I appreciate your situation and at least you questioned your actions reguardless of the route you take.

My sentiments towards marijuana in society are down to how society has portrayed marijuana and i dont like it, fucking snoop dog with bitches and guns has become a mj idol! I miss peace love and harmony, blazing to bob marley, cheech and chong and people coming together to make love not war. It aint the weed thats the problem its the society that abuses it, one day our world wont even be healthy enough to grow it.
I dont think your school is the best one for my kids if your on here but i bet pta meetings are a right blaze lol

I'm a teacher .... I would rather I didn't know about the parents. Keep the teachers mind free about who your kids are. If you are not a stoner and use in a reasonable manner then no one will give a flying crap. I've taught all ages from 4 right up to 16 ... Kids aren't stupid. We all have this fear that they will blurt something out and some random ass time. While small children do sometimes say things out of context, normally it is a big issue for them. If you are involved in what is happening in school then you will know what the students are learning or what topic they are about to learn. So when you see a "growing" unit come up. Talk to your kids. If you think you can grow then you must also trust your kids as well. I would talk to them and remind them that this is not to be discussed.

I would be more worried about the older children. Right now they are trying to do the right this but soon at around 12 - 15 they start jocking for social position. This is when in a mindless thought they tell people about the family secret. This is the time to impress on them how important it is to remain quiet. Young teenagers are random. They are on that border between child and grown-up. This means they can act like 4 years olds one minute all the while a minute later be seriously discussing American history. Older kids work better with two-way communication. That means talking, answering questions and educating more than you did when they were younger. By the age of 12 the word cannabis is a commonly heard word in the classroom. They don't really know what it is but they do know you smoke it and it makes you feel funny.

So in my mind it is possible to grow with children. If you educated your children slowly and at the right time, trust everyone in the family to remain quiet then I believe you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Word of advice though, you're growing too big. If you have two 4x4 tents then you have more room than you need if you are just growing for yourself. I use a 2.5 x 2.5 and I can get 3 to 4 grows a year in if I wanted. I only need one grow normally as 120grams lasts me most of the year.
Yep people are fickle if it gets them what they want :-(

Well my problem with medical is it excludes those that have no real medical need for it. I want to smoke weed for pleasure, not cause I have some illness.

Kinda straying off topic here but humor me.

There is a place called Alaska Cannabis Club.. run by the infamous Charlo Green, shes trying to exploit every loophole there is to operate. At first its a social club, and she trashed the first location, then moved to a house and continued to operate as such.. Now she was raided after a cease and desist letter from the control board. and now she claims she provides MMJ therefore the social club model does not apply to her. ..

So.. say she only serves the medical community of only 1100+ patients in the whole state, and licences move forward, she will not be granted permission to sell to recreational users. Now she's stuck in a limited market.

So thats my gripe with MMJ. In my eyes it was used to alter the negative image of marijuana, and I'm sure that it has positively impacted the seriously ill.. but I could make the same case for psylosybin.. or opiates.. And dont get me started on the very different handling of MMJ and prescribed drugs. MMJ doesnt even need a licenced pharmacist to handle the product, instead you buy it at a wellness clinic that doesn't limit the ammount etc, no check on dosing schedule, no interactions.. it doesn't make sense to me.

But hey!.. we got legal weed now!..
My sentiments towards marijuana in society are down to how society has portrayed marijuana and i dont like it, fucking snoop dog with bitches and guns has become a mj idol!

Agreed.. High end bottles of wine and fancy cigars are enjoyed by the elite.. Look at all the snobbery in wine country sheesh.. If you spend say 200+ dollars on a bottle of opus1 you're sophisticated.

However, if you spend 200 bucks on an oz, youre a ditry stinking pothead.

What the fuck?.
Agreed.. High end bottles of wine and fancy cigars are enjoyed by the elite.. Look at all the snobbery in wine country sheesh.. If you spend say 200+ dollars on a bottle of opus1 you're sophisticated.

However, if you spend 200 bucks on an oz, youre a ditry stinking pothead.

What the fuck?.

Drug culture
Its called demographics, i dont have to know his kids to asses a danger!
What a crock of shit... "it's called demographics", oh is that what you do for a living? So anytime anyone mentions kids you can automatically pull details about their personalities out of your ass and judge people?

I have a vegetable garden, etc. and my friend has a 3 year old son who likes to water plants. He doesn't care what plants hes watering he just says "I wanna water flowers" and grabs a hose.
What a crock of shit... "it's called demographics", oh is that what you do for a living? So anytime anyone mentions kids you can automatically pull details about their personalities out of your ass and judge people?

I have a vegetable garden, etc. and my friend has a 3 year old son who likes to water plants. He doesn't care what plants hes watering he just says "I wanna water flowers" and grabs a hose.

Like i said i dont need to know his kids, demographics would look at a cross section of kids in this situation and assess the impact.

Your welcome you...

fucking douchebag asshole who deserves to die in a fire or some shit.

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I dont think your school is the best one for my kids if your on here but i bet pta meetings are a right blaze lol

I dont think your school is the best one for my kids if your on here but i bet pta meetings are a right blaze lol

Are you seriously saying that because I teach I shouldn't be allowed to use marijuana? Do you have a job list where you think only these types of people should use it?

You know, just like more addictive and harmful drugs/drinks people can choose when is the appropriate time to use said substances. you see it everyday where people finish work and go home for a beer or wine. Do you deem these people unfit for educating as well? I know many professionals who able to know the difference between work and play.

So is your prejudice about who should use marijuana brought about because you have listened to what the state has told you to believe or do you truly believe that teachers would really go to work stoned?
Are you seriously saying that because I teach I shouldn't be allowed to use marijuana? Do you have a job list where you think only these types of people should use it?

You know, just like more addictive and harmful drugs/drinks people can choose when is the appropriate time to use said substances. you see it everyday where people finish work and go home for a beer or wine. Do you deem these people unfit for educating as well? I know many professionals who able to know the difference between work and play.

So is your prejudice about who should use marijuana brought about because you have listened to what the state has told you to believe or do you truly believe that teachers would really go to work stoned?

Ive dated teachers (just the geeky slim ones that like a bit of roleplay) and they had to submit to random drug testing. I dont need to preach to teachers to do drugs as the school boards over here generally do that job for me.

I dont make these rules up but your welcome to write a letter of complaint telling them how immoral they are ;-)
Do you have a job list where you think only these types of people should use it?

No not personally but my goverment does, pretty sure the list is quite comprehensive and regulated by drug testing, it has jobs like

Police man/woman
Social Services
Offenders on Parole

Do you need the full list?!
Have a heart. Vote Libertarian
Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association and the primacy of individual judgment

guess you don't practice what you preach?

I guess you don't know how to read. Where did I every say that I felt anyone shouldn't have the freedom to do what they want? Approving/disapproving of something has nothing to do with liberty. I can disagree with listening to rap music but unless I try to stop people from listening to it then I am still adhering to libertarian principles.

Please, by all means, point out where I said that anyone should not be allowed to make their own choices on any of this. My personal beliefs don't change my commitment to libertarianism. There are plenty of libertarians who abhor abortion but who are still pro choice because they realize it isn't their place to make those decisions.

Thanks for playing though.
I did and it had little or no content related to marijuana its about wheat and prices. After skimming it over, its about federal power to extert power over crops. That decision has almost NOTHING to do with marijuana. The cole memo is explicit for the regulation of marijuana within a legalized state. Wickard v. Filburn is about WHEAT not weed. Its comparing apples to oranges. But the power to regulate commerce is already explained in the cole memo, so its redundant to mention Wickard v. Filburn... Total waste of my time to read it.

The info I mentioned is constantly referenced by several attorneys on the marijuana control board. I dont consider you an actual attorney, so in my mind they are the authority, not you and your wikipedia reference. I'm merely repeating how how _legal_ state run marijuana is and what directives they are working under. I attend the public hearings the board meetings so I have an actual reference to go by.

In my opinion, the legal states are somewhat in conflict with federal laws, but allowances and carveouts have been given. And the state understands there are strict guidelines they have to follow.

Anyways, you are speculating on _IF_ the president decides to change legalization, there should be enough checks and balances in congress to reverse his decision.

Wickard v Filburn is about the government's power to control crops. This is what their scheduling of marijuana was based upon. This was the ruling that essentially allowed the federal government to control what you grow in your yard including marijuana.
Wickard v Filburn is about the government's power to control crops. This is what their scheduling of marijuana was based upon. This was the ruling that essentially allowed the federal government to control what you grow in your yard including marijuana.

Dude after debating this with you i dont see any reason not to involve your kids if you want to. As a person you seem responsible enough but say your 18 year old son is spending all his time with dubious friends and getting in trouble and rebelling then i dont think he needs to be anywhere near your stash.

That said if anyone has a hot daughter approaching 18 with a really hot ass then you should totally teach her to grow weed, this is sooo sexy in a woman it needs to be law.
Wickard v Filburn is about the government's power to control crops. This is what their scheduling of marijuana was based upon. This was the ruling that essentially allowed the federal government to control what you grow in your yard including marijuana.

That's Wheat.. and its irrelevant. 1938 was the year for that ruling.

The government will allow it in the memo.. 2013..

The federal governments stance on this is that local enforcement take care of marijuana. As long as they follow the guidelines in the cole memo, they will not enforce. They could regulate if they see things are getting out of control, but right now its good to go.

I dont even think you're taking into account that was to control overproduction. Not so much as the government telling you what you can and cant grow, MJ isn't exactly a necessary crop like wheat. I could see them stepping in a situation like california and restricting MJ grows in favor of food crops. I have serious doubts that Alaska would be able to oversupply with our indoor gardens.
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The family is like the mafia. You don't talk about family matters with anyone, especially cops, teachers, DHS, pretty much anybody living off the gov't payroll.