Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

I have a theory on this subject. I myself have been suffering from chronic stomach pain for about 3 years now, and I have been smoking non stop pretty much for the past 14 years. Yeah, my IBS or whatever it is flares up immediately after smoking herb, but I do not think that pot caused this. My theory is that many pot heads also do other types of drugs (whether it be prescribed or otherwise) and it causes stomach problems that, sadly, pot does not help. I will share with you everything besides weed that I have consumed in the past 3 years... When I was living in Austin Texas with my girlfriend, there was a really big spice epidemic. This is when I first noticed the problem. We quit smoking that poison (it really is poison and if anything synthetic cannabis might mess with the receptors in your gut) and for a bit, I was ok. Then I found RC benzos online (etizolam, ect...) and started taking that for about a year to help with stress on top of my kolonapin script. Did you know that there are more gaba receptors in the gut than in the brain? That could be another culprit, for anyone even prescribed benzos for stress. Then, I learned how to make concentrated, pure lsa from Hawaiian baby Woodrow seeds... I have been tripping occasionally (like once a month or so) for the past year. Any who, about 8 or 9 weeks ago, I made a batch of super concentrated lsa, took rc benzos for the anxiety sometimes induced by psychedelics, and on top of everything was drinking with it. When I came out of my trippy little 2 week bender on rc benzos, lsa, and alcohol, I started getting the worst cramps in my sides I have ever experienced. Like hard core leg cramps but in the stomach that would last up to 15 min at a time. My stools were watery, and I could see undigested food. Constant, heavy pain in my intestinal region. Little stomach spasms all over, and constant back pain. Anyway, since then I have been to the doc, the er (because of the crazy amount of pain, i'm not joking), and a gi. I have had ct's, blood tests, urine tests, ect... they found high lipase at first which was a sign of pancreatitis, but since then my levels have normalized and IBS itself can cause elevated lipase. Most recently, I had an MRI of my abdomen, and they ruled out any damage to vital organs. I quit drinking and taking the rc benzos, no more lsa (20 hits of the shit is just sitting in my guitar case lol) and it has been 2 months. Major, major, major pain every time I smoke weed. The bloating is the worst part, its so bad that it hurts to do anything. But again, I do believe that if I only smoked pot and didn't do any other drug, I would be fine right now. I still smoke because it helps so much with my state of mind (i have bad ptsd and depression along with anger issues) that the mental relief still out weighs the physical pain, I just try to smoke less, like maybe one or two bowls per day. I did quit for about 4 days, and when I felt a ton better I started smoking again, and in less than a week I was in the same pain again. But I will acknowledge that it took days of chronic smoking after the 4 day break for me to get this bad again, so I think moderation is key. I wont smoke daily anymore, and that seems to be the best solution for me. I have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy scheduled in 2 1/2 weeks and I'll update if they find anything, but I'm betting they won't. Anyway, this post is for any pot head out there that is questioning, "Why the hell is pot hurting me?" and look at any other substance you have used in the past, even alcohol can cause ibs. Also I just wanted to add it that if you can force yourself to burp, that helps. I've been doing it since I was a little kid to be funny, but I just tried it and it seems to help lol.
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chillin in Washington state at the moment lol. had to get out of Texas cuz the pigs there were harassing me. Even in Austin they were fucking with me. Seems like sometimes they didn't have anything better to do. There was a pig living across the way from me in my apartments and was in charge of security there. One time I came home and all my weed, an entire half ounce of bud was just missing (and trust me, I don't just lose a half ounce of dank!). I think he came in and took it from me. He had no legal right to come in and bust me without REAL PROOF so I think he just snuck in and took the shit, probably with the apartments' permission. They hated me too... I was kinda a loud mouth lol. But I made it to a place where i can smoke pot freely without any trouble. I think the cops in Texas didn't like me because I was so public about my use of drugs but they could never bust me because I was hella careful. I love Austin and its music scene (I'm a musician myself) but they were making it too hard on me to focus. Here in Seattle a lot of people are complaining about how they're music scene basically sold out to condos, but maybe with less competition I might stand out a bit more. Everyone and they're mom wants to be a famous rock star in Austin, but the fact that it all stays local kinda made it special.
The problem here is that every tom dick and harry is growing weed and there is no regulating it. I know there a few of you out there that do their due diligence and use organics, dont spray anything during flower, but I would say the majority of weed growers are as ignorant as it comes and they are very ahem selective with their education. I have smoked weed almost everyday for 20 years. I live in colorado, ran two different 100k watt grows, my wife is the exec chef for one of the biggest edible companies in the world. I have been in colorado for 4 years and have grown over 2000 lbs of good bud since ive been here, and smoked about a half gram a day. I will tell you this, from my personal experience, there is a shit ton of tainted weed that gets people sick grown by noobs and kids that never went to school. This dude could be smoking avid or neem or any number of other things. All of the people on here bashing a guy for expressing his experiences are obviously over romanticizing the plant and the miracle idea associated with it. I have, first hand, had hash oil make me throw up and weed make me nauseous and start instant indigestion. A lot of times. Fuck I can even taste when something has been grown with gh salts. Not good. There is something there, legal weed is a miracle and an amazing plant, but it doesnt defy the laws of nature. Anything in excess is bad for you and the punkass people trying to get rich quick, raping my plant, have no fucking right to grow or touch anyones medicine.

marijuana morning sickness has been reported. my wife smokes the shit they grow at her work and she throws up from coughing so bad it really makes me wonder. I dont smoke that stuff anymore. organic soil grown weed has never had this effect on me, especially the sun grown from cali. There is something going on with the shitty bud everyone can seemingly produce these days in their basement.

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LOL You are probably right. I just bought an ounce of this stuff made by this company called Doc Croc. Its great sativa and gets me high as shit, but I get a little sick when I smoke it. When I first moved to Washington, it took me a month to find a bud that got me high. Not even joking. And when I found one and stuck to it, that's when I started to get sick. I think I am just used to unregulated street weed from Texas, which probably has chemicals all over it that, in theory, would fuck you up more, but might cause adverse side effects down the line. When I stayed in Georgia with my parents for a quick minute between moves, I would occasionally go down town and buy a quarter sack from some dude on the streets. He went be "Crack P" lol funny name. Anyways, one day I bought a sack from him and smoked only 2 bowls, and I started sweating hard. Tried to stand up but I fell and almost past out. My ears started ringing so bad that I thought I burst an ear drum and just kept repeating to myself "weed can't kill you... weed can't kill you" over and over again for about 15 minutes until it went away. Guess I learned my lesson about buying pot from a dude who has the word crack in his nick name lol. And because I was so new to town and didn't know anyone, the dude charged me like 150 bucks for a quarter! I was desperate. Long story short, don't buy weed from some random crack head on the street I suppose lol.
I just wanted to update on my status of weed making me sick... it was most definitely benzo withdraws with the combination of a sativa+ that was making me sick, the weed wasn't tainted or anything, just super powerful. I just got my new script of kolonipin today and took 3 mg, now I feel fine. I am very high and not feeling any side effects from the sativa I am smoking. If anyone in Washington state is listening, i give serious endorsement to the Doc Croc company. They're weed gets you fucking blitzed.
I wanted to update my status again (I know I have been posting a lot in this dead ass thread but bare with me cuz there are people all over google trying to figure this shit out). If you have read any of my other posts on here, you know that I was tripping on lsa and lsd and I have done it a lot in the past 10 years, and more in the past year than ever. I recently read that too much lsa and lsd can mimic acute ergotism. I don't have convulsions but the rest is spot on. Pin and needles, muscle spasms, nausea, upper stomach pain, horrible ibs, anger issues, ect... I didn't get this sick until 3 months ago when I last dosed, but for the past several years, I have been having these symptoms on and off. In fact, I can remember having these symptoms almost 10 years ago, just so minute that I barely noticed it. So like I stressed in my first post, if you have ever taken acid, then pot would most likely make some of these symptoms worse. It probably would fuck with your stomach muscles and increase the muscle spasms, bloating, ect... But for me, it helps calm the anger problems and nausea (i wake up every day so nauseous that I swear I want to put a bullet in my head). I take colonapin to help with the muscle spasms, so I can deal. The only thing that really irritates me is back pain and having a bloated stomach.
Alright last post. If you have this problem try sticking strictly to Indica. I have been smoking nothing but Indica for a week and this morning I ran out, took a few puffs off a Sativa and my stomach started bloating and feeling real sick all day. Last piece of advice. Peace!
I'm a long time smoker that in the last few years have developed severe intestinal and digestion problems. It took some serious changes in my lifestyle to get some positive results and even then I still needed some blood and stool tests to see what was going on. Turns out I had a long standing bacterial infection called "helicobacter pylori" or H.pylori. It can involve your gastro-mucosa and cause ulcers and eventually lymphomas and other cancers. The bacterial infection, unchecked, also leads to a loss of what's referred to as intrinsic factor, where you no longer are able to produce the enzymes that allow you to absorb vitamin b12, leading to malaise and other malabsorption issues. Diarrhea, gas, painful bloating, loose stools and many many other symptoms can accompany the infection. It's best to see a doctor.

As for the dietary changes that I HAD to make in order to gain relief from the symptoms they included the elimination of all dairy, wheat, grains, soy, and corn. I also eliminated any outside sources of sugar (only fruit and 100% fruit juices) I also stopped drinking coffee cold turkey. I've been on this diet for 8 months now and am finally coming around to being healthy again. It's a bitch. What I eat is very limited. Every morning, same thing. Just about every night, same thing. Breakfast is eggs, bacon, avocados and spinach. Then for Dinner, baked chicken, seasoned with garlic, butter, salt and pepper a spinach salad with raisins, strawberries and organic coconut oil (replaces the dressing, great source of easily digestible saturated fat) a side vegetable,usually asparagus (that shit gets expensive) I'll mix it up as much as I can with salmon or a pork roast but since my cooking skills are a bit limited, so is my diet. I usually just grab a couple bananas and some peanut butter for lunch.

The gastro problems all stopped or at least lessened a great deal when I changed my diet. It took antibiotics and a ppi to get rid of the infection. It's been 3 months since the antibiotics and it's been a process. I think GMO foods have a great deal to do with the intestinal damage as any GMO food really fucks me up, both my digestion and my attitude/thinking. It's absolutely nuts.
I smoke to ease my Crohns, I've taken breaks from smoking(2 weeks to a month at a time) and can say they were the worst times for me. Living in a non med state makes it interesting, but F'em my health comes first. My doc keeps pushing to get me on steroidal/anti-inflamatory drugs but I've refused. I am most likely going to start them soon to 1: appease him; 2: have ample reason to get a med card once it's legal( soon,fingers crossed).In the past before being diagnosed I always smoked when I felt nauseous, but like was said previously-everyone is different.
Yeah also if you are prescribed omeprozole or take prylosec (i know i spelled those wrong) for more than 3 months for acid reflux or gerd, you can have rebound gas problems that get worse when you smoke. I was prescribed omeprozole for a year and a half and went off it 4 months ago and it was the most painful and uncomfortable 4 months of my life. Now I take prylosec otc (same thing) and feel much better. Also, if you take any benzo like xanax or kpins they fuck with the gaba receptors in your stomach and pot slightly lowers the gaba production in the brain and gut, therefore rebound anxiety from coming off benzos could cause bad stomach problems.
When i smoke it kinda fucks with my stomach not as severe but i do feel like taking a shit! Also if i ate alot and smoke right after it kinda ruins my day but otherwise its ok i have gotten nausea in the past but is mild. Never puked or had diarrhea.
When i smoke it kinda fucks with my stomach not as severe but i do feel like taking a shit! Also if i ate alot and smoke right after it kinda ruins my day but otherwise its ok i have gotten nausea in the past but is mild. Never puked or had diarrhea.

Cannabis sativa relaxes the nerves in the intestines. In other words it makes you poop.
Cannabis sativa relaxes the nerves in the intestines. In other words it makes you poop.

From my understanding, people with celiac disease and other types of intestinal damage are found to have much greater levels of cb2 receptors located in the gut. (There are two main locations in the body for CB reception, the brain and the gut) This means that when you consume sativas in particular, and have intestinal damage you will have greater absorption or metabolization of the canniboids contained in them. In celiac patients the level of receptors is increased 10 fold where the cb1 (more found in indica strains) is increased 2-5 times the normal levels. CBD strains of course have high levels of both as I understand it.

So one would assume that the body is disposed to the absorption of the cb2 (I don't know if it's actually "absorbed") because of the need for it and its benefits. Not to mention that I think we're all pretty aware of a the ability of a good wake and bake to get things moving quick!

But smoking OG kush until you want to pass out is only half the battle. OP likely has an underlying condition causing his discomfort. The CBDs and THCs are likely only for symptomatic relief, and protection from cancer cell formation at this point. Diet, sleep, exercise and a good dr that will listen to him is what he needs now I think. JMHO
From my understanding, people with celiac disease and other types of intestinal damage are found to have much greater levels of cb2 receptors located in the gut. (There are two main locations in the body for CB reception, the brain and the gut) This means that when you consume sativas in particular, and have intestinal damage you will have greater absorption or metabolization of the canniboids contained in them. In celiac patients the level of receptors is increased 10 fold where the cb1 (more found in indica strains) is increased 2-5 times the normal levels. CBD strains of course have high levels of both as I understand it.

So one would assume that the body is disposed to the absorption of the cb2 (I don't know if it's actually "absorbed") because of the need for it and its benefits. Not to mention that I think we're all pretty aware of a the ability of a good wake and bake to get things moving quick!

But smoking OG kush until you want to pass out is only half the battle. OP likely has an underlying condition causing his discomfort. The CBDs and THCs are likely only for symptomatic relief, and protection from cancer cell formation at this point. Diet, sleep, exercise and a good dr that will listen to him is what he needs now I think. JMHO

What country did the testing on cannabis and celiac disease? Do you have a link?
I have Ulcerative Colitis, kind of like crohn's, and smoking is the only thing that helps with it. Without pot my problems get much much worse. I think people who have stomach problems when/after smoking have anxiety problems that are exacerbated by smoking. Nicotine does that to me, makes me uneasy and like have to poop sometimes. Some people get anxiety from smoking, others smoke to ease anxiety, just one of those weird things, I guess.
Chrons is nothing to fuck around with as I'm sure you are well aware of. I hope you get the help you need, and cannabis is most definitely helpful for it.
Wow..I wonder when i posted's old ( edit ya old......posted_ WeedFreak78, Aug 10, .. haven't been to a DR in 3+ years.. I'm done with our medical system. All about $$ and not one fuck given for the actual patients. I went through 3 different gastroenterologist, all of which wanted to only follow "standard" treatments, wouldn't even consider alternative medicines..and i wasn't to keen on going on 4 different meds for the rest of my life..3 of which were to counter side effects.

Only way I'll ever go back to the hospital/DR's is on a stretcher. Until then, I'll self medicate.
Why are you saying your problem is a reaction to pot? You smoked for years, recently started having stomach problems. Take the colonoscopy because it's not the pot, as you will find out when you quit smoking it. A good idea is to try a raw food detox diet. Detoxify your body and cleanse your GI with healthy organic foods. After the first week you will feel 10x better, at the end of the month when you are finished you will be a new man/woman.
I still dont see why you think the pot is hurting your stomach, was it because you read that article?? I can show you articles that prove pot will help your stomach pains... let me see what dr bob has related to GI disorders.

Crohns disease
There you go, read those and your problems wont be related to pot anymore. I really hope you try the detox cleanse, then the colonoscopy. It is FOOLISH to think smoking pot will do those things to your body. It's the pepsi and cheetos you ingest after smoking that is the problem, good luck.
Rite on !!!!!!!!