Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Does your sister carry a water gun full of moonshine? Tell her I said what's up.
No, she carries an assault rifle and spends her time volunteering to patrol our Southern border. She probably requires a lot of oversight and cannot shoot worth a fuck. She is pretty lame, but at least she loves 'Murica. I assume that she gives a mean blowjob but try not to think about it too much.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ya since my tatters are not huge I plan to pump like crazy...daddy needs to feed baby too lol but I guess baby decides if they want nipple or bottle. Does pumping /breastfeeding hurt? In regards to nipples..my guy can't even touch them as it is lol...
Everyone recommends pampers swaddlers. .is it the fit or absorbancy?
Did u have u placenta dried out and capsuled. .my sister in law said I should to get all the nutrients back to prevent post pardom depression. .
Did u get an epidural? ? Sorry so many questions just curious.
If it hurts it means you are doing it wrong. Any pain you DO experience will fade away a couple seconds after your milk starts expressing. Oxytocin release provides a nice warming, calming and soothing feeling to flow over you. Takes care of the pain too.

For both pumping and breastfeeding. I HIGHLY recommend you get lanolin for your nipples. The tube is kinda expensive, 8-10 dollars, but it makes your nipple just slide into the babies mouth and will prevent splitting. Look up what happens to your nipple when they eat. If she doesn't have the bulk of your areola in properly, it will hurt and could split your skin. Very VERY painful. Lanolin helps sooths that but everytime she latches again it will hurt.


My nipples were sensitive for a bit while pregnant. I would get annoyed cus I would tell the hubby it felt weird but every night he'd still reach for them. haha.

Pampers swaddlers has a high back which kept the poo from flying out their back most of the time. It fit really well too. I rarely had leaks and when I did they were only enough to cause a quick change of onesie. Meaning it stayed off me mostly.

I didn't keep the placenta. I couldn't afford to. I believe I donated it.

I got an epidural last minute due to complications and emergency c-section. It was like a sharp prick, a weird pressure that made me twitch once, and then an immediate spread of warmth and numbness.


Well-Known Member
Sent my brother a Skype message this morning for the first time in….oh months. My parents usually keep us both in the loop about the others life, and he lives in Thailand and travels a lot.

Then, I get a message from my mom this afternoon that HE IS HOME AT THEIR HOUSE!!! He surprised them!

I get to Skype with ALL of them this eve.

So happy!!!!!!!


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
No very serious....it's dried and powdered u take them in pill form. .apparently mid wives are the best to contact and swear by it..I guess the reason is to help decrease post pardom depression. All the nutrients stored in it are returned to ur body to help with healing and lactation production

Still doing some research but I'm thinking why not...animals eat their offsprings placenta after birth for a reason. .
Get yourself some naked fruit smoothies.

Lol. Animals do it to get a quick boost of food for fattening up their milk. Also to clean up the smell of the birth of their litter to keep predators away.

Fruit/veggie smoothies are the way to go. I had my fridge stocked with those and had 1 serving a day. Plus you will be taking prenatals.

Elwood Diggler

Well-Known Member
i have two twin 2year olds, and one 10months older almost 3 crawling on me like a jungle gym pretty much all day every day...
3 year old is kinda potty trained, had a blow out this morning. shit down both legs to his ankles right as i was about to leave the house. yea that greenish liquidy fucked off poop...that awkwardness goes away real quick. now they just some nasty fuckers. always sticky and slobbery
they oddly comforting though. i get told all the time, everyones surprised and says im a great dad. maybe one day ill actually have a kid thats MINE

those kind of shits are what the sprayer hose by the sink are made for

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No, she carries an assault rifle and spends her time volunteering to patrol our Southern border. She probably requires a lot of oversight and cannot shoot worth a fuck. She is pretty lame, but at least she loves 'Murica. I assume that she gives a mean blowjob but try not to think about it too much.
lol she sounds lovely.