Marijuana Causes Bad Stomach Problems, Etc.

you realize that article = lmao
20 something cases where the only common factor..we cannabis. thats not nearly enough people. also it ends with nobody knows.
if it took an extended period, possibly decades to form it wouldnt go away so quickly. theres no logical explanation, besides what ive sited in studies that have been cited hundreds of times. would this be a bioaccumulation of some compound found in low amounts? no... some sort of reverse tolerance to

that article only puts a few cases and attatches weed to it
"I believe that the clinical description of CHS remains incomplete. I have seen one patient with frequent small
bowel movements during his attacks, and another two with features of temporary gastroparesis. The polydipsia and
the diaphoresis can be quite impressive. There may be other symptoms and signs that we are missing. Finally, why does the chronic, heavy use of a drug noted for its antiemetic properties occasionally cause a cyclic vomiting syndrome? There has been much speculation but no definitive explanation. Suffice
to say, nobody knows"
A. A lot of pot heads have tried spice which screws up all your cannabinoid receptors.
B. The pancreas has cannabinoid receptors in it, and if you have a fucked up pancreas, pot may irritate it.
C. Many pot heads take things like xanax, kolonapin, ect... These work on the GABA receptors of your brain. Most people do not realize that there are more GABA receptors in the gut than in the brain. Pot slightly lowers your GABA receptors' ability to function, which will result in a very screwed up stomach (I know, that's actually what I have been going through for the past 6 months and I am still getting bad stomach aches from sativa, but not indica if I combine it with CBD dominate weed, which is only available out west). Also, alchohol affects the GABA receptors and there for any pot head that also drinks regularly could be having this flare up reaction after smoking.
Hope this helps some people analyze they're situation better!
Lol you guys still going on with this its not the same for everyone some people get seriously ill from it they have bad allergic reactions think of it like steroids one guy can get huge off the shit another guy his balls shrink and aquires bitch tits if your going to start quoting things make sure your a doctor the article above is not the only testing they have done its a well known problem if you ask my opinion id question who the fuck your getting your shit from grow your own shit then you know whats in it hands down and dont smoke so much dont abuse it and you should be fine its a so called thc over dose and its you idiots and your dumb as fuck comments that give pot users a bad name stupid asses talking shit online makes you sound like pussies
A. A lot of pot heads have tried spice which screws up all your cannabinoid receptors.
B. The pancreas has cannabinoid receptors in it, and if you have a fucked up pancreas, pot may irritate it.
C. Many pot heads take things like xanax, kolonapin, ect... These work on the GABA receptors of your brain. Most people do not realize that there are more GABA receptors in the gut than in the brain. Pot slightly lowers your GABA receptors' ability to function, which will result in a very screwed up stomach (I know, that's actually what I have been going through for the past 6 months and I am still getting bad stomach aches from sativa, but not indica if I combine it with CBD dominate weed, which is only available out west). Also, alchohol affects the GABA receptors and there for any pot head that also drinks regularly could be having this flare up reaction after smoking.
Hope this helps some people analyze they're situation better!
They just like hearing there own self talk
think of it like steroids one guy can get huge off the shit another guy his balls shrink and aquires bitch tits if your going to start quoting things make sure your a doctor.....and its you idiots and your dumb as fuck comments.. stupid asses talking shit online makes you sound like pussies

ok first off... one of my favorite quotes. "foul language is the feeble minds futile attept at expressing itself forcefully"

second.. what your saying is completely inaccurate...steroids make everyone big, the "bitch tits" as you called them, come later...

third.. yes my professional name is Dr. Qwizoking
hopefully im qualified to quote
Correction they dont come later they can but there caused from people that are prone to it not everyone gets big either those are what you call genetics your name should be dr dumbass and thats the only thing your qualified in
They just like hearing there own self talk
Pot inhibits GABA:
Alchohol acts on the GABA receptors :
There are more GABA receptors in the gut than in the brain:
Reference to pancreas: (this is rare but I couldn't smoke without pain in my abdomen until my pacreatitis got better.
I was just trying to help. Most pot heads do at least drink a little, so if one were to have a heavy drinking problem and problems smoking bud, then it might be because of the inhibition of the GABA receptors. Also, taggart, there are people on the net looking for answers (I was for months) so quit being an asshole if YOU don't know what you're talking about or even how to spell "their".
Pot inhibits GABA:
Alchohol acts on the GABA receptors :
There are more GABA receptors in the gut than in the brain:
Reference to pancreas: (this is rare but I couldn't smoke without pain in my abdomen until my pacreatitis got better.
I was just trying to help. Most pot heads do at least drink a little, so if one were to have a heavy drinking problem and problems smoking bud, then it might be because of the inhibition of the GABA receptors. Also, taggart, there are people on the net looking for answers (I was for months) so quit being an asshole if YOU don't know what you're talking about or even how to spell "their".
Your a fucking idiot i have the same issue you moron maybe instead of being so sensitive you should relized you posted this to a well known pot forum ive been in the er 3 times testing my luck maybe you should read earlier post by myself you fucking idiot
one of my favorite quotes

foul language is the feeble minds futile attempt at expressing itself forcefully

see top of page
I get a weird stomach for about a week when I stop smoking weed/take a break. It's like my stomach is heavy and any food just makes it heavier. I don't get hungry either. Goes away after about 4-5 days and my appetite comes back. No idea what it is. Probably useful if I ever wanted to go on a diet. Being 6' 4 and wirey I doubt that's gonna happen any time soon.

I eat a lot of fibre and whole grains which is meant to be good for the bowel. Always have eaten a decent high fibre low GI breakfast and I have a bit of an iron stomach. It can take much punishment, so I've found :bigjoint:
Sounds like your philosophical aproach when you relize your a fucking fool
First off as a retired medical person I believe you when you say it cause stomach problems for you. I really do. I also sense (call me intuitive) that are are a very angry person and can assure you that your attitude can affect your physical body in every way. You are not going to leave this world alive I promise you. White people especially keep living for tomorrow while moaning about yesterday. In the meantime we miss the day we actually are alive in. Just an old man talking here.
I suffered with gut problems for decades. I found that cigarettes triggered the problem more so than weed. This problem started when I was a kid and I didn't smoke or drink. By the time I was twenty I had to quit smoking and drinking because of it. I ate truckloads of tums and rolaids which was actually causing the problem to get worse.

When a person is always being agrivated by their own body can't help but be easily irritated.

By the time I was forty I was on my death bed. Everything the doctors had done with the pills had failed.

I took matters in my own hands and took to cleaning my mouth out with comet(avoid swallowing). This gave me better relief than the tum or the rolaids and longer lasting.

Now it's 15 years later and I still gargle(avoid swallowing) once a day with a cap ful of non-adulterated liquid bleach(the jug without the corrosive warning).
I'm sure a good amount of the people who claim marijuana cause them stomach issues have poor diets and lifestyles. I've had a stomach issue since 15, I'm almost 19 now and I've had my med card since 16; It has done nothing but wonders for me. It's really hard to pinpoint stomach ailments, you shouldn't just assume its the pot; I went under numerous tests and stomach scopes to figure out what is wrong. I feel a lot of people also psych themselves out, why wouldn't you want to believe it's the pot instead of an ailment or poor diet? I would much rather assume it's the pot too but you shouldn't discourage others from using it. Doctors would much rather see you using the pills, not all doctors are like this obviously but I currently suffer from tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements like shaking) after a doctor had me on reglan for too long, I was only 15 when I was prescribed so I had no idea about the black box warning, I didn't look into things back then and I just trusted my doctors which was a big mistake. For some, these pills really do work but I couldn't even keep the pills down half the time and the side effects are not worth it. I manage my ailment a million times better now just using holistic supplements and marijuana, RSO is amazing along with the capsules they have. Indica does wonders for me and I can now live a better life due to it. It's sad people will just believe articles and whatever else they think is credible. I've smoked every single day for years, I use NO prescription pills now and I don't even drink. I think the main thing I'm trying to get at is, try it for yourself and see. The amount of people who try to discourage others from using it medicinally is insane, it is known to have medicinal value. If you use alcohol yet you're against pot, you're fucking dumb. Btw, I smoked spice for a while before my stomach ailment and my cannabinoid receptors are just fine. I'm not discouraging the use of prescription meds either but be careful with the side effects and I do believe for some that pot could upset their stomach, everyone is different but I lean towards it being a mental thing/poor diet.
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Your a fucking idiot i have the same issue you moron maybe instead of being so sensitive you should relized you posted this to a well known pot forum ive been in the er 3 times testing my luck maybe you should read earlier post by myself you fucking idiot
Lol you the idiot if you been in the er 3 times for this shit and are completely ignorant to what you are doing to your body. Also most of the time pot isn't what causes these problems it's drinking and fast food usually but pot can make the symptoms worse. I'm the dumb ass for you ending up in the er lol. I been smoking every day for 16 years. There's my credentials. If you read my sources you may be able to comprehend what I am saying, but with your hair brain I doubt it taggart. Also the short form of "you are" is "you're" fyi.
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And just to be even more of a smart ass I found a cure for what alcohol and benzos do to your belly. If you smoke weed and drink/take benzodiazepines then the weed has nothing to do with your stomach problems, although this may work for people suffering that don't take xanax and/or drink. Alchohol and benzos destroy your belly's ability to produce certain digestive enzymes and a form of bacteria called lactobacillus rhamnosus that helps with digestion. Take probiotics with lactobacillus rhamnosus in it and eat papayas for the natural enzymes. This cured me, and six months ago my stomach hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Also obviously quit drinking, eating shitty junk food and popping pills if this is the case as it was with me. Peace!
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