Types of LSD Crystal AND how to lay it-THE TRUE DEADHEAD WAY

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Mind is made up imma buy me a vial of L just for shits and giggles I can do 250-500 mics of nbome and trip out these days so what would be a good dose of l to get the full experience at one time like how many ug or mics any other ways to tell that it's real or just the old florescent trick and tasteless routine
Mind is made up imma buy me a vial of L just for shits and giggles
It's all shits and giggles til some giggles and shits....then it's hilarious :D

so what would be a good dose of l to get the full experience at one time like?
honestly, Owsley used to dose His tabs at least 400 micrograms each. My step father has been a dead head since He was a teenager and now He is in His 60s. Says You could buy one tab that costs $2 or $3 bucks a piece. split 4 ways and share with three other people and all for of Ya would be high for 12 hours....eat one tab to Yourself... that is the sacrament with angel tears....LSD :)

like how many ug or mics any other ways to tell that it's real or just the old florescent trick and tasteless routine?
You can never tell how potent each dose is...
the best way is to get FAMiliar with it, is to test it Yourself from reliable sources.
so I take said single dose of 100 ugs...feel the trip.
take another supposed 100 ugs...and if it feels just as potent...its probably most likely around 100ugs.
Make sense>>> ? :)

single doses now a days are typically 100 micrograms but there is some L floating around RiGHT NOW that could be 150-350 range. If You got connections to this, You know what I am talking about. mop up. wash. or just someone laying it on super thick.
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LSD is back , ladies and gents!!!
This is the most LSD that the world has seen in the 21st century.
and it continues to spread more and more each day...

The family is on the move!!!!

sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle...
try to catch us now~~~ {;(~) LiSTEN to the DEAD
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Monday... The day of the week after Sunday, before Tuesday and since time immemorial it is also the day in which I indulge in LSD... Every monday for over 2 years
Yo quiero màs!!! I think 5 will have to do now. This is the time when I look back and wish I had saved... Nah I eat that LSD anytime I can
The walls were covered in vines ,closing in on me. The relentless tapping was never ending ,I had no way of knowing which way it was coming from the colors were so vibrant as i stepped into the cold air and was finally able to breathe,then the voice in my head telling me to go with him,so i followed,I couldn't remember anything else from that night but those minutes secs are etched into my memory so many years ago.
I've always been curious as to what it's like maybe one day I'll find out, maybe I won't... Only time will tell
I've always wanted to learn how to make it. I asked around online just to see if there way a way that one could do it, someone told me it would be impossible to do and that was dumb etc, but if there is a will to learn and spread the word then I'm sure it will find a way when I am ready.
I wish I could get everyone to take at least 100 mics just to experience life for what it really is and hopefully they would end up seeking more
Making it is actually relatively easy from what I understand. It's getting the precursors that would be a bitch seeing as an attempt to acquire any of the three necessary would land you in prison for the remainder of your life for conspiracy to manufacture LSD.
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