Hey Liberals? Guns work!!

Like, you know what, I personally don't give a fuck about our standing in the fucking world as far as how many people get fucking murdered by firearms. I want to see us at the bottom of the fucking list, and with all these 2nd Amendment cavemen running around, and somehow getting their fucking stupid way, this Nation will never, ever, be close to the being close to the top of the list of a good place to live, (as long as you don't mind being shot). Oh, you want to see me FUCKING SCREAM, just keep saying we don't have a gun problem in this country, that gun's don't kill people, people kill people. Ya Da Ya Da Ya Da. Fuck that bull shit
Go ahead. You keep making claims then admitting you're wrong. Where we fall with per capita homicides actually reflects we are civilized.

If guns and killing are a problem why are you not concerned with the many, many countries that are worse off than us.

You claim that we have a gun problem and what is the answer? More laws to be enforced by whom? That's right. Cops with guns. Lol. Why is it that its OK for cops and government to enforce with guns but not the average citizen?

Hypocrite much? Lol.
As a gun control type liberal... it pisses me off when something like this happens again and again. However I agree with your post, just fuck it. Too many guns out there BUT because I'm a MMJ patient I can't own one legally? Those right wing gun happy nuts (NRA) agree that I can't own a gun due to the meds I use. I'd be a fucking idiot to support a group that WANTS TO RESTRICT MY GUN OWNERSHIP and that is the NRA(A).

That's not true. The NRA doesn't care if you smoke the reefer. The BATF does.

I'm not a fan of the NRA, but in this case I have to defend them. They want everyone man, woman and child to own a gun, that's the point of their existence. They don't care if you're black white, gay or crazy.
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That's not true. The NRA doesn't care if you smoke the reefer. The BATF does.

I'm not a fan of the NRA, but in this case I have to defend them. They want everyone man, woman and child to own a gun, that's the point of their existence. They don't care if you're black white, gay or crazy.
True statement.
That is not a fact. The fact is armed citizens did help. We call them cops. They are still citizens.

Doesn't matter. You guys keep screaming the USA has the worst problem. You know that. You guys hand picks stats that ignore where the USA stands with "per capita homicides."

We are very low on the list.

As an officer, you are para-military and not a citizen.

Their extensive training and periodic qualifiers are proof.
What good are laws or any amount of New laws if the ones on the books now aren't enforced.

Dontray Mills
Sentenced to one year of probation after being charged with 55 federal counts for buying firearms with fake identification and dealing weapons without a license. ZERO JAIL TIME. SMFH
As an officer, you are para-military and not a citizen.

Their extensive training and periodic qualifiers are proof.
Their goof ups and murder you been hollering about states otherwise. The police shouldn't be part military.

I have the same training. If not more. Why should I not be allowed to own an ar15?
Their goof ups and murder you been hollering about states otherwise. The police shouldn't be part military.

I have the same training. If not more. Why should I not be allowed to own an ar15?

1. Because certification.
2. Because shooting for sport, any sport does not require the use of an assault weapon.

The 2A doesn't mean you get to have a missile silo in your backyard.

Compromise or the decision will be made for you.

This is how you end up with laws you really don't like..hold your breath ..stomp your feet and you lose the ability to have a say.
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As a gun control type liberal... it pisses me off when something like this happens again and again. However I agree with your post, just fuck it. Too many guns out there BUT because I'm a MMJ patient I can't own one legally? Those right wing gun happy nuts (NRA) agree that I can't own a gun due to the meds I use. I'd be a fucking idiot to support a group that WANTS TO RESTRICT MY GUN OWNERSHIP and that is the NRA(A).
The NRA legislates nothing. Where have you seen them getting behind your particular restriction?

Your President wants to restrict people who are put on a secret government list without any due process. You behind that?

I assume you signed away your right. No?
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1. Because certification.
2. Because shooting for sport, any sport does not require the use of an assault weapon.

The 2A doesn't mean you get to have a missile silo in your backyard.

Compromise or the decision will be made for you.

This is how you end up with laws you really don't like..hold your breath ..stomp your feet and you lose the ability to have a say.
I was certified. I'm certified now.

Do you allow a retired cop to keep his weapons? Why not ex military?

Assault weapon? No such thing. All weapons can assault. "Assault" weapons are a smaller problem than handguns.

You speak ignorance. Like it or not you are ignorant about guns. Don't create more laws. Enforce the ones there.
The ATF doesn't write federal law. They're part of enforcement; at best interpreters. The NRA is political machine, driven by it's self preservation, think 1986, I dislike the fuckers.
I was certified. I'm certified now.

Do you allow a retired cop to keep his weapons? Why not ex military?

Assault weapon? No such thing. All weapons can assault. "Assault" weapons are a smaller problem than handguns.

You speak ignorance. Like it or not you are ignorant about guns. Don't create more laws. Enforce the ones there.

And you speak rightie who basically doesn't accept facts presented, because it 'might'..yet it never does.

I stand by my post, which is well thought out and cogent.

After we expose the government for what they truly are on that staged moon 'landing'..we 'might' find the moon is really made of cheese..
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And you speak rightie who basically doesn't accept facts presented because it might..yet it never does.

I stand by my post, which is well thought out and cogent.
I'm neither right or left. You are in fact hard left. We are fifth in the world for mass shootings per capita and even lower in per capita homicide.

You cherry pick stats. That is shady.

You are ignorant when it comes to guns. It OK. I'm not calling you stupid.

The truth is that pistols are a bigger problem. Most criminals prefer something they can conceal.


See. Ignorant about guns. They are in fact the same guns. The grips. Ohhhh. Soooo scary.
Does the second amendment mean that every confrontation should include the risk of somebody drawing on me? Example, I'm walking my dog who is not the most friendly to other dogs especially if they are aggressive. An old guy walking his pit bull gets near and our two dogs snarl and pull a their respective leashes. Old guy starts acting like his dog and snarling at me. As I distance myself from him saying things like we don't want any trouble, he keeps staring and snarling. I had to take into consideration that the guy might pull out a gun that I was pretty sure he was carrying. Do I need to pack a gun because somebody might draw on me? Is this what you gun advocates want?
Nobody can come up with legislation that would have stopped the California massacre.

You know what stopped the terrorists? Guns... Over 350 rounds shot to end the rampage. I notice no one is protesting that use of excessive force...

The cops showed up within 4 minutes of the first call for help. That is pretty damn good but it didnt help because the shooters had already killed 14 people and left the scene.

You know what might have helped? An armed citizen or two within 4 minutes of that scene. That is something that could arguably have made a difference as it was demonstrably done in the past.

So, the solution to this problem is more guns, not less guns.

Sorry liberals!!
While clearly you have given much deep and insightful consideration to this matter it seems that you are overly optimistic. If it took heavily armed and highly trained police 350 rounds to kill them, how many armed citizens within 4 minutes of the scene would it take to do the job?
Does the second amendment mean that every confrontation should include the risk of somebody drawing on me? Example, I'm walking my dog who is not the most friendly to other dogs especially if they are aggressive. An old guy walking his pit bull gets near and our two dogs snarl and pull a their respective leashes. Old guy starts acting like his dog and snarling at me. As I distance myself from him saying things like we don't want any trouble, he keeps staring and snarling. I had to take into consideration that the guy might pull out a gun that I was pretty sure he was carrying. Do I need to pack a gun because somebody might draw on me? Is this what you gun advocates want?
No. It doesn't. I hate the fact it seems that way.

Someone here said it best the other day.

I do not and should not have to rely on anyone to protect me or my family.

It is not about being a "cowboy" or "hero". I carry and the last thing I would do is charge in. I would remove myself and family from the situation and try to escape the tragedy.

That's all it is about. My family and I making it home if something were to happen.
No. It doesn't. I hate the fact it seems that way.

Someone here said it best the other day.

I do not and should not have to rely on anyone to protect me or my family.

It is not about being a "cowboy" or "hero". I carry and the last thing I would do is charge in. I would remove myself and family from the situation and try to escape the tragedy.

That's all it is about. My family and I making it home if something were to happen.
Ok, so you say you need to carry because somebody else might. You treat every confrontation as if you might need to draw and this is just the way it is for you and everybody else. Am I correct?
I'm neither right or left. You are in fact hard left. We are fifth in the world for mass shootings per capita and even lower in per capita homicide.

You cherry pick stats. That is shady.

You're referencing a chart that a lot of right wing media has picked up on and is running with. It's a chart that adjusts casualties as adjusted per population between 2009-2013 which puts Norway as #1 for mass shootings because of Anders Breivik. That's the definition of cherry picking stats, because since Anders Breivik there hasn't been a mass shooting in Norway.
The NRA legislates nothing. Where have you seen them getting behind your particular restriction?

That's like saying Exxon and Bank of America legislate nothing. We know that, through lobbyists, this not to be true.

Your President wants to restrict people who are put on a secret government list without any due process. You behind that?

Citation please. [Restrict them from doing what?]

I assume you signed away your right. No?

You're referencing a chart that a lot of right wing media has picked up on and is running with. It's a chart that adjusts casualties as adjusted per population between 2009-2013 which puts Norway as #1 for mass shootings because of Anders Breivik. That's the definition of cherry picking stats, because since Anders Breivik there hasn't been a mass shooting in Norway.

That's a good point. The few countries "ahead" of US as related to mass shootings don't have them very often. But when they do...

The US, without a doubt has more mass shootings than any other country. The per capita death rate is less, but that is a skewed number, taken over a 4 to 5 year period. If we look at a year over year rate, I bet the stats would be quite different. Anyone got one of those?