Armed Robbery

Those are better than nothing but really the attacker is gonna be all up on you with whatever weapon they brought. Also you will need to make contact with bare skin on say a neck. Contact to a wrist may make them drop whats in that hand. I actually have some of those laying around, had an ex girl friend freaking out trying to beat the shit outta me, I shocked her on the tit with it and it just made her madder. I didn't wannt hit her on the neck or face but the way she was acting I should have. The one I used was more like 80 bucks, high grade supposedly.

Also remember when in close quarters combat, your weapon can become their weapon unless you are really good with it. If facing multiple attackers without some sorta ninja skills or a gun you are likely fucked.

Fortify the fuck out of that place, pepper spray could be used through a partially opened door but if they have a gun they can shoot through the door. You could get a un-registered firearm, if they break in, and i mean actually break in then you cap their ass and it was their gun they dropped breaking in. Thats the story and nobody should be alive to contradict it.
Telling him to purchase an unregistered firearm and kill someone with it is stupid as fuck
Yeah it's not a violent offense. Being here in Mich. I would love to get my hunting privileges back again too. Looking into it for sure
Don’t be a pussy. Man up, hit the gym and start eating right. Start walking, talking and living with confidence like an alpha male and this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Dudes were hipster pussies most likely and you make yourself a target.
wait. wait. is that you schuy


it is, isn't it. holy shit.
Lol. Dudes must have really got over on you and hurt your feelings. Keep searching through the forums and perhaps you’ll find them to enact your revenge. Tell em how stupid they are or how bad the bully Trump is. That ought to shatter their entire existance. Lol
Lol. Dudes must have really got over on you and hurt your feelings. Keep searching through the forums and perhaps you’ll find them to enact your revenge. Tell em how stupid they are or how bad the bully Trump is. That ought to shatter their entire existance. Lol
Holy shit, it is you.

Cool to see you after forever. Glad you're well.
Your well right I gave a plant to an old fella that just wouldn't finish I cured it for him... This smeggy girl was round there daily and must of wondered where he got if from... One day in future I gave him a joint.. 4 days later iv got 6 guys armed to the teeth trying to get in...I shouted wtf and one shouts back your getting raised for your weed I shouts back I AM FUCK and started pummel window with a machete saying I can't wait to get you fucks in here commeee onnnn they all ran off '!!! Haha
Your well right I gave a plant to an old fella that just wouldn't finish I cured it for him... This smeggy girl was round there daily and must of wondered where he got if from... One day in future I gave him a joint.. 4 days later iv got 6 guys armed to the teeth trying to get in...I shouted wtf and one shouts back your getting raised for your weed I shouts back I AM FUCK and started pummel window with a machete saying I can't wait to get you fucks in here commeee onnnn they all ran off '!!! Haha
Iv got mental health problems and they wouldn't of done well if came in
Lol. Dudes must have really got over on you and hurt your feelings. Keep searching through the forums and perhaps you’ll find them to enact your revenge. Tell em how stupid they are or how bad the bully Trump is. That ought to shatter their entire existance. Lol

What part about I fought them off by slamming the guy with the guns arm in the door. O ok I should have let all 4 of them in and done battle with them? What the fuck year are you living in? You must have manure for brains. I think it was said best you moron. A response to you is a major waist of time. Wake the fuck up and live in the present. WOW!!!
What part about I fought them off by slamming the guy with the guns arm in the door. O ok I should have let all 4 of them in and done battle with them? What the fuck year are you living in? You must have manure for brains. I think it was said best you moron. A response to you is a major waist of time. Wake the fuck up and live in the present. WOW!!!
The guy is a fucking moron. Not worth the time, I just put him on ignore, not like he will ever contribute anything useful to a conversation.
How about one of these tasers? 10 bucks.

I've had this brand before, and just the sound of it, freaks people out. Nasty. Like the others said though- easiest is to just move. Fast....
The one I used was more like 80 bucks, high grade supposedly.

A good teser can even help some hard fire up bulbs, we do that in factory lol