Armed Robbery

so how are you going to be armed? I'm confused.
Don't press the guy. Obtaining a gun is easy, go to a gun show with cash, buy from a private seller. Done, no paperwork. Easy peasy. Also people buy guns on the street and just say they bought it from a private seller at a gun show. Just hopefully the gun hasn't been used in a homicide or stolen. lol Mine are all legit with ATF background check paperwork because I wouldn't want to be caught in possession of a stolen firearm or one thats been used in a crime.
A extremely loud panic siren, and a personal panic alarm that you carry with you, arlo cameras inside and outside, arlo also has a alarm. People like that hate loud noise. cheap door notification boundary alarm before your door. often thats enough. chain on door so it only opens so far , then use a small fire extinguisher on them through the small gap. I dont know if that any help. a water sprinkler spray system at you door, soak them, without opening the door. maybe silly ideas but something to consider.
A extremely loud panic siren, and a personal panic alarm that you carry with you, arlo cameras inside and outside, arlo also has a alarm. People like that hate loud noise. cheap door notification boundary alarm before your door. often thats enough. chain on door so it only opens so far , then use a small fire extinguisher on them through the small gap. I dont know if that any help. a water sprinkler spray system at you door, soak them, without opening the door. maybe silly ideas but something to consider.
Hopefully the alarm works better than car alarms that everyone ignores.
@Blue back How are you able to grow weed without legal worry, but not own a gun?
That would be simple. Felon off paper in a state that is legal with a medical license is one way. In Colorado you can be a felon and grow recreational but the feds won't let you pass the background check for a gun.
not really, most car thieves know people will ignore the alarm and go about their business of disabling the alarm and stealing the car.
well if they do that there is no stopping them no matter what, without dropping down to their level.

Scum like this work on fear, often they cant and wont back it up.
When I go to walmart I often open carry since it's legal here in Colorado. I have never had anyone say anything negative and I have had people say the feel safer with open carry.
We live in a wild country. Not everyone here lives in a city and yes there is a lot of crime in cities. I have mountain property. I don't go there without a sidearm, usually a 5 inch .500 mag mostly for bears and mountain lions but also two legged predators.
sounds a terrible Place to live , Glad I live in New Zealand.
sounds a terrible Place to live , Glad I live in New Zealand.
Really not that bad, odds are that you will never have to use a gun for self defense but better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. With bears and mountain lions generally a warning shot and they run away. If I was facing a rabid dog id just cap it. Even in the big cities, if you are aware and avoid bad areas then you will generally be just fine. There are safe places for pussies to live lol
Really not that bad, odds are that you will never have to use a gun for self defense but better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. With bears and mountain lions generally a warning shot and they run away. If I was facing a rabid dog id just cap it. Even in the big cities, if you are aware and avoid bad areas then you will generally be just fine. There are safe places for pussies to live lol

I wont be visiting any time soon . :)pussy.jpeg
In Michigan you can grow your own medical with a felony, 12 plants. You just can't be a caregiver. I do have door and window alarms. They are very loud and annouying. Safer places for pussies to live, now that's funny shit right there.lmfao I think your right the element of surprise is gone. I don't think they'll be back anytime soon. They had to of figured I got protection and removed the prize.