Donald Trump

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You didn't disprove a single thing. You took a single source and said it was more valid than every other source because he spent a tour or two in Iraq, which by any means is not as valid of a source. It is a source, I gave you multiple ones, and you dismissed all of them because of one guy. I can't believe you're sticking to that narrative, maybe you are delusional.

What about Robert Doggart? The pastor who got was arrested for a terrorism plot against Muslims?

You gave me the point of view from the Enemy, I gave you an itemized list of recorded deaths from violence in Iraq. What you gave me was hearsay, The IBC site may or not be accurate but those differences in numbers will be called out and yet....haven`t.

IBC screenshot of their own data.IBC.png
You didn't disprove a single thing. You took a single source and said it was more valid than every other source because he spent a tour or two in Iraq, which by any means is not as valid of a source. It is a source, I gave you multiple ones, and you dismissed all of them because of one guy. I can't believe you're sticking to that narrative, maybe you are delusional.

What about Robert Doggart? The pastor who got was arrested for a terrorism plot against Muslims?

Robert is a phony that got what he deserved,...I see no Christians in WA, MI, OK, TX, NY, ME, FL and so on rallying behind him,....Do you ?

I see Muslim in S. Africa, Yemen, Somalia, Egypt, Turkey, Afghan. and on and on supporting ISIS.

See the difference ? That`s what I`m talking about .
No, you put up something relatively unrelated. Having a country which is primarily christian does not immediately mean the law is religious. If you read the context it says against nature, not against god or buddah or allah.

So your example did not suport your argument. Of course you will ignore this and continue to blunder along no matter how many people point out your error because your ideology eclipses your IQ.
Read the history of the "Kill the Gay's" bill yourself, that's why I linked it,_2014

"According to a reporter in Africa, "Africans see homosexuality as being both un-African and un-Christian"."

"From 5 to 8 March 2009, a workshop organised by the Family Life Network, led by Ugandan Stephen Langa, and entitled "Seminar on Exposing the Homosexuals' Agenda" took place in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The workshop featured three US evangelical Christians: Scott Lively, an author who has written several books opposing homosexuality; Caleb Lee Brundidge, a self-professed former gay man who conducts sessions to heal homosexuality; and Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, an organisation devoted to promoting "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ"."

"Kapya Kaoma, an Anglican priest from Zambia, was in attendance and reported on the conference. Lively asserted in his workshops that legalizing homosexuality would be akin to accepting child molestation and bestiality. He also claimed that gays threaten society by causing higher divorce rates, child abuse, and HIV transmission. He said that US homosexuals are out to recruit young people into homosexual lifestyles. According to Kaoma, one of the thousands of Ugandans in attendance announced during the conference, "[The parliament] feels it is necessary to draft a new law that deals comprehensively with the issue of homosexuality and ... takes into account the international gay agenda.... Right now there is a proposal that a new law be drafted.""

So basically what happened is three American Christians went to Uganda - told them a bunch of lies - the Ugandan parliament believed them and drafted legislation against homosexuals based on an extremist interpretation of Christianity.

Now if you want to deny that Christianity had anything to do with it, be my guest, it wouldn't be the first time you've denied reality. The fact is there is no legitimate reason outside religion to hate homosexuals or homosexuality, and certainly no reason to suggest the death penalty for "offenders".
Read the history of the "Kill the Gay's" bill yourself, that's why I linked it,_2014

"According to a reporter in Africa, "Africans see homosexuality as being both un-African and un-Christian"."

"From 5 to 8 March 2009, a workshop organised by the Family Life Network, led by Ugandan Stephen Langa, and entitled "Seminar on Exposing the Homosexuals' Agenda" took place in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. The workshop featured three US evangelical Christians: Scott Lively, an author who has written several books opposing homosexuality; Caleb Lee Brundidge, a self-professed former gay man who conducts sessions to heal homosexuality; and Don Schmierer, a board member of Exodus International, an organisation devoted to promoting "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ"."

"Kapya Kaoma, an Anglican priest from Zambia, was in attendance and reported on the conference. Lively asserted in his workshops that legalizing homosexuality would be akin to accepting child molestation and bestiality. He also claimed that gays threaten society by causing higher divorce rates, child abuse, and HIV transmission. He said that US homosexuals are out to recruit young people into homosexual lifestyles. According to Kaoma, one of the thousands of Ugandans in attendance announced during the conference, "[The parliament] feels it is necessary to draft a new law that deals comprehensively with the issue of homosexuality and ... takes into account the international gay agenda.... Right now there is a proposal that a new law be drafted.""

So basically what happened is three American Christians went to Uganda - told them a bunch of lies - the Ugandan parliament believed them and drafted legislation against homosexuals based on an extremist interpretation of Christianity.

Now if you want to deny that Christianity had anything to do with it, be my guest, it wouldn't be the first time you've denied reality. The fact is there is no legitimate reason outside religion to hate homosexuals or homosexuality, and certainly no reason to suggest the death penalty for "offenders".

Yes there is a reason to shun Homosexuality. It has no value other than sex. Having Rights and protections because you have same sex behaviors, aint right no matter how you look at it.
Yes there is a reason to shun Homosexuality. It has no value other than sex. Having Rights and protections because you have same sex behaviors, aint right no matter how you look at it.
You must think about same sex situations alot to come to that conclusion...Sounds kinda gay :rolleyes:
Yes there is a reason to shun Homosexuality. It has no value other than sex. Having Rights and protections because you have same sex behaviors, aint right no matter how you look at it.
"No legitimate reason"

Of course there is value outside of sex, same as there is value outside of sex for heterosexual couples
What makes it christian based?

We are not allowed to judge muslims based on the barbaric actions of thousands of them yet let some redneck get drunk in kill someone in the name of jeeeeesuhs and we got a christian crusade on our hands!!! The equivalence is sickening.

Glossing over planned parenthood bombings and massacre of kindergarteners again?..just some redneck who got drunk?
I'll say it again, Trump's rhetoric gives religious Christian assholes like you license to spew your bigotry. When you do that, you give license to assholes with another religious perspective such as Islam to spew their own bigotry. Trump is using you dude. Oh, and that video must be factual, after all you pulled it from the internet. You are a fool and a pawn of Trump and his ilk.

I don't need Trump to tell me what the refugees are happy to display on their own.

But maybe you're correct, maybe women are letting refugees rape them in order to give Trump footing in order to give refugees a bad name.
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You must think about same sex situations alot to come to that conclusion...Sounds kinda gay :rolleyes:

I pester a lot of them about why they hate the very description of Gay when said about them or to them. Very strange when your at a meeting and tell a guy he aint special cuz he sticks his cock up male ass and slurps the sausage, and the damn guy takes offense and starts bitching.

Thought into it, and thought about it, are two different things.
I pester a lot of them about why they hate the very description of Gay when said about them or to them. Very strange when your at a meeting and tell a guy he aint special cuz he sticks his cock up male ass and slurps the sausage, and the damn guy takes offense and starts bitching.

Thought into it, and thought about it, are two different things.
Sounds like you have a firm grasp of how that works. Glad you're on top of it. Hopefully they wont be so noisy in the future....tiger
Here's a guy who claims to be a Christian. This person is an extremist, just listen to the things he's advocating for, and yet his entire belief system stems from Christianity. So weird right? Jesus teaches peace and forgiveness.. how could people end up like this guy if they're just following the teachings of Christ.. ?

I wonder..

But hey, Christianity is harmless!...

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