Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
Hey beener... I have really been wanting to order some seeds... im kinda nervous about doing so... What do you recomend? I live in new york.. Im afraid if i order them the police will arive with them... haha Please help


Well-Known Member
very nice bean you should get some seeds from planet skunk the company is T.H seeds.

im currently useing them so i think you should get em


Well-Known Member
seeds are pretty reliable, i have never had one picked up by customs, they stealth ship so it wont get found, seeds don't smell and even if they do find it they apparently just put a note inside saying they confiscated it and send it to you, and thats the end of it, so all in all its pretty safe.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the info.. I will be starting my first grow soon.. Any suggestions? i think i want to grow lowryder because it sounds so simple.... Thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah simple it is, though low potency, like swaag but looks nicer. if your going outdoors i would get mighty mite, from west coast seed company, sort of like lowryder, only it finishes mid august and grows at the most a quarter pound of decent, dark, pine smelling buds. lowryder yeilds just 7 grams on a 16th of what you could get from mity mite and it is similar in price, 40 bucks with shipping i think.


Active Member
Damn beaner your a regular mcgiver! Tgats a good idea I was trying to think of a way to keep the animals around here away! I think I am going to steal your idea lol.


Well-Known Member
Wassup, Beaner.
McGyver meets Daniel Boone meets fukin Johnny Appleseed. (or WeedSeed).
I have several Hindu Kush that I have in soil. Indoor grow. Slightly smaller scale than your grow, like by 100 acres, oh, and no turtles.
Hindu Kush = Big Indica Buds.
Good Luck.



Well-Known Member
what do you know about kush? never grown it but ordered two packs of kc33Xmaster kush. from what i have read most indicas and hybrids heavyily indica dominant will finish late semptember to late october, so i am just going to order some of everything. tomorow i will be ordering 2 packs of aurora indica, the next day northern lights pure indica, and so on...

mighty mite or any mighty mite cross would be my main choice but i have to think bulk, i will be buying one pack at least, so i can breed for seeds next season, and i my next choice will be legends ultamite indica, one of the best outdoor plants ever made in my mind, i will probably make an LUI mother over the winter for clones, that is if this season goes well.....there would be no stopping what i could accomplish with proper planning and prep, this spot just kinda snuck up on me and now i am spending all day long every day, planning and getting supplies and working on my indoor box.

I am fealing a little overwealmed at the moment, sooooo many things to plan and figure out, I want all plants to be germinated by the first of june, and preferably at there final spots, so i can take down the cold frame, the longer its out there the better the plants will do but the riskier it will be. it's a gamble and i am putting a time limit on it before i ever bring a plant out there.

I am in the process of buying gas station style plastic cups, hopefully 32 ounce, but all i could find today were the 16 ounce red plastic keg cups (*shudders* flat beer!!). they would stick out too much being white and bright red, and don't hold enough dirt, but i know for a fact another store carrys them so i will be heading there tomorow.

i have designed small boxes that hold 15 jiffy pots with plants pretty snugly, three boxes can be stacked and fit in a normal backpack. This is how i will be transporting them from the entrence to the greenhouse, about 3 miles in. all in all the best i can figure from google maps, my swamp is about 18-20 square miles total, though much of it is complete carp and catfish infested swamp and 9 foot tall reeds.

Stinging nettles grow everywhere here, as well as abundant mosquitos, and poison ivy and lots of burs and thorns and hidden logs, the grass should reach 7 feet tall in many places, this area is heaven to me, but hell to most, and as hunting and fishing are illegal here i don't see any reason for somone to put themselves through that kind of abuse to get lost in a huge swamp with nothing for them to find. My swamp is truely inhospitable.:-)

I am going to need lots of fence, i have about 250 feet of it stashed from 2 years back at another growspot, i haven't checked to see if its still there, but even if it is, i plan to hide my plants among fallen trees to help cover the bags and give me places to tie the branches if need be (i hope, lol) but any woodchuck worth his weight in salt could climb along the logs and jump in the fence. i don't want a 5 foot high fence but im wondering if i should make an individual cone for each plant that is in an area unsuitible for common fence useage.

There you have it fellas, a tiny fraction of the things i am planning and thinking out, unfortunatly the weed isn't helping and if i wrote out all my problems it would take an entire page.


Well-Known Member
well they will be in the small jiffy pots indoors for another week or two, then transported in those containers(smaller, easier to pack) to the greenhouse where they will go into 32 ounce cups for another couple weeks while i find the best spots in the entire swamp to hide my 40 pound bags of topsoil cut in half, to make cheep grow bags. a few holes will be slashed in the bottom as well. after that i plan to return every week for a few weeks then every 2 weeks till all the males are dead and females start to flower, once that happens they are on there own unless a big storm hits, but they will be hidden best if no trails are left, 6 foot tall grass shows trails easily unless carefully made, by walking along fallen logs and zig zaging a lot, your trail can be very hard to follow. that same grass should hide my plants, there are plenty of spots with full sunlight all day and hopefully ill get a few big ones, i am down to 29 skunks and white rhinoXskunk#1, it was that last day, i should have transplanted them 2 days earlier, but back then i hadn't found this swamp and was just going to throw them in an abandoned squash field.


Well-Known Member
the 30 i have in my box are accidental crosses i made a few years back, but yes they were from nirvana, and i have ordered 4 packs now in the last 2 days from them and tomorow i will be ordering more and some on monday as well.

I went out to my old grow spot to see if my fence was still hidden, it was safe and sound, no rust no nothing, this stuff kicks chicken wires ass! it has much smaller holes, about a 1/4 of an inch and has thinner wires so its only slightly more visible.

still debating on weather to get the cups today, i am fealing lazy and i have to check on my babies, they just spent there first 12 hours sealed in my new grow box, i need to put the thermometer and hydrometer in as well. i should also take a look at my magic mushrooms, the mycilium has nearly taken over a few of the jars and im starting to prepare the coolers for there arival.


Well-Known Member
haha! i have completed my veg room! i now only have another small room for 2 mothers too build and already have most of the work on the flowering box done. the two small rooms will be bolted under the flower box, they are about 10 inches deep 2 feet wide and 2.5 feet tall, and the flower box will be 2 feet wide by 18 inches deep by 3 feet tall. I have a 250 watt hydrofarm cpf for the flowering room and the other two rooms will be each using one 65 watt cpf and one 40 watt cpf. all 3 boxes will be attached to one another and hardwired right into the house wiring, no plugs.


Well-Known Member
what do you know about kush? never grown it but ordered two packs of kc33Xmaster kush.

I don't know shit about kush. I am learning as I grow. I read it fares better indoors rather than outdoors... my indoor grow is now 32 days into flower and the buds look pretty damn good for a noob 1st grow. I Like...

My avatar pic is from today. Kush-a-licious!


Well-Known Member
Custodio-go for it!

Ug this weather is killing me, a have small solice in knowing the rest of you U.S. and Canada growers are dealing with the same, 60's, rain, and tons of wind, unfortunatly me being near the great lakes we are at 45 degrees, rain all day, and 40-60 mph gusts. thats too much for me, so it's looking like another day of watching entire trilogys while smoking from my gandolf pipe by the toasty fireplace...the weather is supposed to be crap till tuesday.

This is giving me a chance to plan a little better, i have come up with a few new ideas, mainly thanks to a trip to my dads house, who has been my growing mentor since i was 14. since the grow bags were nixed by my partner, my dad suggested i use tan "cub foods" plastic bags trippled up. The more i think about it the better it is, they will be just as strong and easy to stand up as regular grow bags, only they will blend in a bit better and will have handles for re arranging. yesterday when i went grocery shopping i reached under the conveyor belt where the bags were and snatched an entire box with around a thousand bags in it. lol they are free to customers right?

Another thing he told me is that deer in mn arent as much of a problem as I seem to have thought (i have NEVER had dear trouble, but attribute that to my always using fences). According to those wiser than me the deer will only eat your plants when there normal food isn't available, and by early summer a fence wont even be necesarry. This is good to hear, because it means i only need to worry about wood chucks, which will be much easier to deal with. maybe ill go to the sportsmans warehouse and get a bunch of steal traps, and string them all around my plots, they even sell bear sized ones, maybe i could catch rippers, lol,jk.

The seedlings are growing very fast, they will be ready for the coldframe by the end of the week, and im mainly worried about how long it will take to get my new seeds, so i can get them out fast. My dad laughed when i asked if he had any clones, all he has right now is kali mist, serious' sativa, and S.S.H. lol, im not that desperate. besides i prefer indica highs like this BOG lifesaver i will be puffin on soon. suuure wish i had kept a clone, bog quit the buisness i recently found out and i have no way of getting another.


Well-Known Member
yeah just wait im gonna smoke a bowl or two then ill probably take a pic of the babies in there little cab!
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