Mr. Bongwater
Well-Known Member
Lol wtf ... Shit actually my experience was for 1 yr. My cousins all fucked with it. But only L's . Snort that shit.
I tried it once cuz my one cuzzin did to want to do the L. So she made me try smoking it. Shit was nasty.
I quit when I accidentally knocked over the cd case that had the L's . When I looked at the case shit was literally melted where the rail had been.
Shit turned me the fuck off.
Looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. Shit was like back in 2003 last tie I did that shit. Fuckin devil man.
I'd rather fuck with A1 Steak Sauce. If u know what I mean. But even that has been a good minute.
melted the cd case? sounds like some heavy shit