My experience with meth

Lol wtf ... Shit actually my experience was for 1 yr. My cousins all fucked with it. But only L's . Snort that shit.

I tried it once cuz my one cuzzin did to want to do the L. So she made me try smoking it. Shit was nasty.

I quit when I accidentally knocked over the cd case that had the L's . When I looked at the case shit was literally melted where the rail had been.
Shit turned me the fuck off.

Looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. Shit was like back in 2003 last tie I did that shit. Fuckin devil man.

I'd rather fuck with A1 Steak Sauce. If u know what I mean. But even that has been a good minute.

melted the cd case? sounds like some heavy shit
Isn't this much like COKE... I dabbled in that tonight. Not that I haven't before... But a little older now and decided tonight WTF. That's what I figured method too be like. Up ... alert..
Isn't this much like COKE... I dabbled in that tonight. Not that I haven't before... But a little older now and decided tonight WTF. That's what I figured method too be like. Up ... alert..

if your saying your thinking about doing meth to stay up all night thats a bad choice of stimulant, worst one out there
Last time I did it I couldn't stop shaking and couldn't line up the I threw it out in disgust...and irritation.
Never again since then...
Cept my medication.:-)
Yeah, crystal meth

By hour 48 I was telling myself to lay down, I had to force myself to go to sleep and I didn't eat much the entire time, which explains why crack/meth heads are usually so goddamn skinny. 0 appetite, again, something I thought was incredibly strange at the time.. My energy levels were normal if not up, 0 food intake, 0 sleep, the rational part of my brain said "go the fuck to sleep!", so I did..
crazy aint it
i hate meth, its like 2 bills for a quarter of quality and lasts forever, i understand why people do it i guess. its just not my flavor, ill take 3 hits and be geekin, feel pretty good matbe 30 min then im just up. ill not eat, wo.t sleep that night nit ear the next day hut maybe dinner, then not sleep that night till 4am.. all the while my dick aint tryin to work right. idk i dont get enjoyment out of it, ive never actually done and purchaseed, only take a few hits if others hound me. and never too bad often,
im on 4 norcos right now while chiefin and drinkin , thats more my style

in general i dont like the people that yiu could consider meth heads. but thats just my experience

didnt read not one post
Never been the slightest bit interested done dexadrine and stayed up 2 days people talking 3 days on meth I'm like fuck no!! I will do most any other drug but fuck meth and amphetamines all together I like my sleep and I love to fuck pop 3 mgs of Xanax and fuck like a zombie roll over and sleep.:hump::sleep: